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The Detroit, Port Hurón and Saginaw valley rplief coiuinittees met in Detroit on the 5th, anti uuited in askiag Uov. Jerome to appoint a central committee to take general charge of the relief work. The new body is to receive all money and supplies tliat the different comniiltees now have and all that may be received hereafter. The old cniumittees go out of work entirely, except that the Fort Huron distributing orgauization ia to be retained. The governor will soon make the appointinents. The total amount of salt manufacture for the ruouth of September was 804,837 barrels. John Sinitu, employed at Burt and Lewis's mili, Hay City, had his left leg cut ofl juet above the ankle by a circular saw on the öth. The liuib wasamputated below the knee. The l'lint and Pere Marquette railway company's depot at Evart was broken into on the night of the 4th and $55 in money and BÜver watch taken. No clue to the perpetrators of the crime. The whole country thereabout Beems to be infeeted witb. burglars and thieves. . ,. Mr. Philip J. D. Van Dyke, a well-known lawyer of Detroit, v,-ae thrown from his buggy yhile driviiig to Grosse Point on the Bth and ïniured so that in a short time he died. He had been having a little race with an acquaintance driving iu the same direction, and his borse becams unmaDageable. ■ In accoruance witli the plan adopten ai tne reoeut conference, Gov. Jerome has issued the f ollowing : f ■ f a 1 1 , 1 1 EXECÜTIVK OFFICE, MICHIGAN, ) Lansinq, October 6th, 1881. f To the Public: In conipliance with a unanimous request presentad to me by the local fire relief coinmittees represeuting Port Huron, Bay City, Sagiuaw, East Raginaw and Detroit, ata meeting held at Detroit on the 5th inst.,1 hereby desígnate the gentlemen nauied below to act as a central commission, to be known as the Fire Relief Couimissinn ol Michigan. All contribu tions for the sufferers by the late fires on the Huron península of this state, should be sent to Uw cliaiitnan at üetroit. Kx-Gov. Henry P. Baldwin, chairman, President Second National Bank, Detroit. Alexander H. Dey, President American National Baok, Detroi'. D. C. Whitwood, of Wayne County Savïngs Bank, Detroit. tíeo. C. Co.lil, Postmaster, Detroit. tíen. Frederick V. Swift, Crm of Swift & Dodds, Detroit. Omar D. Conger, U. S. Senator, Port Huron. Gen. Chas. T. (iorliam, banker, Marehall. All disbursemeQts in this cause will be made under their directionR. (Signed) DAVID H. JEROME, Governor of Michigan. Rev. Joba B. Gilman, a P. i. M., I. 0. 0. 1 ot tliis state, died at Manchester on the 6tb. A dweiling house at Bellevue owned by Henrji Hamlyu, tour miles north of here, was burned on the tith. The loss is estimated at Jit.JUO; insuredfor $100. The fire caught Trom the chimney burning out. The Detroit relief coinmittee had received tothe6thl6,%1.01. Eugene Bobinsou bas heen elected lieutenint-colonel and W. A. Butler major of the DeLroit infautry battalion. It was reported that a resident ot Sand Beach unmercifully whipped bis wife on a re;ent morning, and in the evening he was íangea m emgy on me mam sireeu Diphtheria in Lyons, Ionia county, has caused five deaths, and the public schools have been elosed. Jk I Harry Murphy, Joseph Frank andTheodore Catina broke out of jall at Paw Paw on the night of ihe öth. They made a key fioni a pioce of the iron hoop of a pail. Mies Auuie Stevens was inarried in Bay City on Thureday, Sept. 2th, and died the followiust Sunday in (iladwin county, where the liiidat pair had gone on a visit, after an illness of only a few houre, of dlsease of the lnngs. Judge Evart B. Dyckman, a resident, of Schoolciaft siuce 1841, and for years prominent in politics, business and society of Kalamazoo county, died Tuesday, aged 82. Wm. Murray, one of the attachees of the Pacific circus has been convicted of unirder in the aeeond degree f'-r the inurder of Emory in the Chesanintr riot laBt June. Th boiler in the sawmill of Mr. J. J. Cornish, near Bichmondville, Samlac county, exploded Thursday afteruoon öth, instantly killlug t red. Diehui, who was working as engineer. A. fire in the yard of Bousfield's wooden ware iactory on the 7th destroyed 5,000 pail staves and throe dwelling house adjoining the yard. Loss about $10,000; partially iusured. The Detroit committee has sent out the following notice to their agente: To District Relief Agenta: This coimnittee haviug resigned in favor oí the new commission appointed hy his excelincy Gov. Jeioine for the control ot the irther work of relief, I have to request that m wlll respectively inake jour reporta and idiess all yeur comruunieations hereafter U on. H. P. Baldwin, chairman of the relief immiseiou. With due appreciation and ac lowledgment of your valued co-operation thus far, I remain Yours very truly, We C. Thompson, Chairman Central Relief Committee. The Centennial Commission has decided to invite the followiug classes of persons to ac coropauy theui and the Michigan battalion to Yorktowu: Cnited States Senators, Memhers of Congrees, ex-öoveroors, Judges of the Su prerue Coart, Regenta of the ünivereity, State ollicers, meuibers of the Legislatura, Unitec Staten Judges, Superior Court Judges, ex-inil ary officere above the rank of major, former' meuibers of the Stste military Board, and the various State Boards. Arrangement have been made by the ; more & Ohio Bailroad Company to traneport a limited number of passengers to Yorktown i and return, acconipauying the party, and at i the sanie ratee charged the State. Tickets for the trip can be procured on appiicafion to Gen. N. Clrarch, Q. M. G., at Lansing. F. G. Koundsville, vülage treasurer oL Fowlerville, was knocked down and robbed on the 3ii, oí f 180 of the village funda. Marión Har : has been arrested and lodged in jail in Howell, charged witti being the thiaf. A fire in Kirby's Ship yard, Grand Haven, on the 7th, destroyed $8,000 worth of property. The loss on tools belonging to thirty-five meChanics working in the yard was 84,060 more. no insurance. Those invitad to accompany the Centennial commiesion and Michigan battalion t' Yorktown, inelude the Michigan senators and con(fressmen, ex-governors, judges of the supreine coart, regeHts ot the university, Btate officers, niembtrn of the legislature, United States judgn, superior court judges, ex-military officers ïbovo the rank ot major, former members of the state military board,and tbe various state boards. They can go at the same rates given the state detail, by applying to Gen. N. Church at Lansing. Eight car-loads of cattle and sheep have been shipped from Sand Beach to the Detroit and Bulfalo markets. The farmers of the burnt district have to sell their stock, Uaying no hay to feed during the approaching winter. The Port Huron relief committee have received a letter from M. H. Kibby, of West W1UUBUI, rjilLUIl UUU11LJ, UIIU LMOIU irU 11UU hiin a suitable wife aniong the fire suffereiB. He saya lie is 10 years of age, as good looking a the average, has considerable property, and threo childreu. He wants a woman between 25 and 40 years of age, good lookiag, and who ifsaving and not too cross. Herdi coaches are being put into use at Wraud Rapidsand Jackson. Ao Bay City Saturday two boys, sons of Adolpli Foutaine, were on the doek fishing wbeu the younger, Eulide, aged 8 years, feil off. His btother Iieuuis, aged 13 years, iinmediately juiuped in torescue Min froui drowning, and not only failed to save his brother's life but lost his own. They both drowned. A heavy immigration is uioving to the northorn part of the Iower peainsula. The burnt district and the railroads being built attract attentie!) and promote settlement in the eastern part, wliile preparations foran active lumbering season are being made in the central and northwestern counties. Prof. E. C. Pranklin has tendered his resignatiou as Dean of the Homeopathie departuient of ihe univereity. Coinplaints having been made to (Jovernor Jerome against AVoi. Grace, prosecuting attorney of St. Clair county, Judge Harrís has been commipsioned by the goyernor to take testimony in the case, which is now in progress and will be sent to the governor for his decisión. James McLean of Ked City, a few daysago an eagle which meaBured seven leet two inches froui lip to tip of its wing. The Bteamsliip Elbe trom Breinen to New York broaght $4a),0OO in gold. Heavy failures at Chicago among the grain gauiblers. Tlietíarfield inonumeat cominittee at Cleveland das appointed the governor of each Btate a "general manager" for such state. Tliey eay Una "larger subscriptioos than oae dollar wil be ueeded aud tbanktully acoepted. ïhe dollar subBCiptiou ib only in tended to populariza the movemeat." Duting thft week ending Oetober 8, the followmg postín iBters were appointml; Bowr Btation, Kentcounty, Myron L. Tyler; Carliale Eatou couuty, Edward Silverthorn ; Irelta Katou county, Budd L. Iollinau; Eagle, Clinton county, Kzekiel Niles; Watsou, Allegan county, Fraak L. Kent. The newly sown wheat ís IooMng weil hroughout the State. The rains carne ]ust in me toenable farmers to do their seeding aud ,o brlng up the blade Quickly. C W Fonda, clerk of the Farmsrs' National !ank at Constantine, is aceused of euibezzleuent. The Chicago and Grand Trnnk have avanged with the Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwalkoe railroad to vun au excursión to Chiaso via Durand, Tuesdays ad Thursiiays, and at of Chicago Wednesdays and FrtóW. ' " oundtri rate from Detroit ef 7o. The Michigan bental will, ït is said, meet the rate, nd cheap trael west as well as east will be tsuretl for a while. J 0 Taylor, lately connected with the lorna eatinel, bas received the aPPwntment of lerk by Warden Watkins, at the loma state ouse of correction and reformatory. Miss I-ucy Chapín, formeriy of the auditor general' office at Lausing, bas been appointed ssistant librarían at the university. Ek-Gov. Blair, of Jackson, has been aojjoint d a regent of the university, vice Chime, reigned. Charles Russell, the second member of the ïraud Pacific circus mob on trial at Sagina w or the kilüngof Augustus Emory atChesanue last spring, has been convicted of niurder ngthfsecond degree. There are 10 mo to ollow, 12 having been arrested and two tned ind convicted. The fii-e relief comrnittee at Detroit on Monday turned over to the stete eo"""0"11 hir recordp, accounts and ïunds. The commttee ha" received coutributions in cash ïmountin to 207,294.89. It has paid out for Te r" buUding of milis 42,37,00; lor wpp les, f t!Ö,082.20; for freight, teaming, cleik hire, etc : 2,515.45, and it turned over tothecomnisBion 9(1,819.24. The new coinmission has ooms at 115 örtawold street, where meetings will be held daily. Iïuring the month of September the Muskegon boom company rafted aud delivered b88,Ï20 logs. , Up to and including October öthe vmeuU of iron ore for the season of lï wm . tscanaba 1,141,410 tons, Marquette 6(7,281, 1. Anse 44 522; total 1,763,213, au increase over last year of 219,015 tons. Jerome La.noreaux, turnkey at the Grand Bapids jail and brother to the Bhenff, w ' te.ribly iujured in a struggle wth an insane man, Jrtn ï owder, who recently created a sensation at Marshall by confessmg to having murdeied a uuu in Ionia county, Lowder becomnv very noisy the efficers removed him to an üifperroomwhenhebroke away and started down stairs. Lamoreaux caught him just as he was springing over the railiug. Lowdei, brinTöie nwre powerful, carried Lainoreaux over with him, the latter striking on the floor beïow a distance of 17 feet, breaking both i nl7,n frinDled for life. Lowder jumped thioughawindow,ranto the polio station and surrendered hiuiself. Up to noon of Saturday last 1,370 stndeuts had entered the university. It w Pjobablc that the term will open with about 1,400 m attendaaee. Fish chutes are to be placed in the Grand Biver dam at (irand Rapids. On Saturday afternoon the Chicago & rand Trunk railroad ticket office at Port Huron was robbed of $25. The Port Huron relief committee has reported to the State Comuiimion: The cash received atnounts to H9.526.65; the supphes donated to $80,775.17 more; total 230,301.82. Ihe cash in bank amoanl to 198,428.28, pï whicU 184,778 is held for sums voted supplies to oe bought and cash to be distributed. The Minden Mutual Insurance eoinpany has been able to pay it fice loases, which is a blessed boon to souie of the Sanilac county fire fterere. The farmers of Lake, Osceola and Wexfqrd counties have organized a farmers' mutual msurance eompany. Dr T P Wilson, professor of the principies and practice of medicine, ophthalmoiogy and the Homoeopathic College of the Uuiversitj-, has been choseu dean of that school in the place of Prof. E. C. Franklm, resigued. The latter continúes hiB duties as professor of urgery. The strike of the mili hands at Muskegon for ten hours work only per day is continned. The meetings are attended by from 1,501) to 2,500 men, more determined at every gatnering. Thty inarcli up and down the main street, headed by a band, and carrying tlags and banners. A few of the miils thst staited up Monday stopped as sotm as the stnkers made their appearance. At Wilson's mili and at the box factory some violence was used to make them quit work. The depot at Michigan penter burned Monday night. A daughter of the late Bev. WMliam H. Perrin of Albion, bas been sent to the ipsaue asylum at Kalamazoo. Sbe was a brilliaut scholar, and it is tbought that over study was one cause of the disorder. Tha people of Oscoda county have decided by a vote that the county sat shall be iocated on section 18, township of Atherton. It is said to be a good location, very close to t e exact center of the county; but it is reporteii mat there may besome difficulty about the tiUe, which it is alleged is uot clear.


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