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The Catholic college of St. Thomas at Providence, 25 miles from Montreal, was burned on the 5th. Loss, $350,000; well insured. The MS. of (jov. William Bradford now íq the librar; of the bishops of Loadon is pro posed by Chaniberlam Scott ei London as a gift to the United States governuient at the time of the Yorktowu celebration as a token of Euglish good will. A letter from Durango, Mexico, sys that Thos. Garbiell aud wife, the forinerof Indiana aud the latter of New York, were inuidnrwi at Rio Chico by a servant. The authorities are pursuing hiin. A considerable amount in drafts on the B'irat National bank of Los Vegas, N. M., were taken by the murderer. At the meeting of the associated chaiubers of commerce, uow sitting at Plymuutn, Kng., the most of the delégales have shown a prefereuce for free trade. Parnell says thatthere are two goveriinipnts in Iiaiaud - Uladstone's wliicli uobody ïniuils, aud that of the league wliich peopl obey. He also thiuks that "fair rout" would be two shilliügs wbere ten are now paid. All niovement1) of Britiuh troops ia Soutb África have been stopped, hut yet there a;pearsdanger of serious trouble with the Boera. The receutly signed convention is reported specially unsatisfactory to the Dutch because of lts treatment of the relations with the natires. Tno Mexican government has coutraoted with the Miercles fe Co. for drainaae of the valley and city of Mexico for f ,000,000. Mr. (íladstone received a great ovation at Leeds on the 7th. tëighty-six addresses were presented to him, and in the evening, at which 1,400 people were present, he made a speech on public matters occupying an hour and 40 niinntes. The Socialist congress at Chur, Switzerland closed Thursday. An American delégate said that Bocialistric newspapers in that couutry had diminished one half sicce 1877 and that good times were fast thinninsr the ranks of the party It was resolved to hold a oongress in Paris in 1888. The czir is takïng great pains to protect his favorito palace in St. Petersburg froin the work of assassins. A subterranean pissage has been dug eutirely arouud the building whieb can be patrolled by sentinels or filled with water. He is also negotiating for the purchase of the surrounding houses. A Berlín correspondent says that he has Communications from St. Petersburg annouucing that the headijuarters of the nihilista have heen discovered, and sixty arrests made. Esposito, the alleged brigand, extradited from the United States, on landing at Rotterdam was placed in irons. In a speech at I eeds Gladstone baid that he was firmly convinced that they might as well undertake to ovrthrow trial by jury as to restore protective duties, and tbat so long as America adheres to protection, liritish commercial supremacy will be secure. .. In the Spanish senate yesterday Senor Guell resented an amendment to an nddress in reily to the royal speech demanding a treaty givng absolute freedom of trade between Cuba nd the United States. The French in North África BÚcceeded in ílecting a junction with Al i Bey and the Bey epulsea two attacks by the insuigentb, and nally pursued them. There was a riot at Bally Kaggit, Ireland, unday, in which ons man was killed and anther dangerously wounded. There was also colusión between the pólice and the people ; Athenry in which severa! persons on both ides were seriously injured. There is much sickness in the French army u Tunis and the men are not well cared for. Ali Bey had another fight with insurgents, ná defeated them. Ali Bey coneented to the eccupation of the ity of Tunis, and French troops have entered nd occupied two forts. A uew conspiracy against the Ufe of the czar ia reported from Bussia. Piunell is toning down his bitterness. At Wexford he exliorteil his fellow couutrymen to the earnest exercise of their intelligence and ingeauity and the employmeut of what capital they can command in the business of manufacturing all articles needed for home use. The PortuguésO rourt goes into four days' mourning for President (Jarfield. Sixteeu persons, chietly worknien, are being triéd for treason in Leipzig.


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