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Tho Garfield Monument

Tho Garfield Monument image
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ExiiouxivK Office, Mxchioan, i Lansino, October 13, 1881. I Uüder date of October 8th I roceived from ha eommitteo charged with tlie duty of raisng a f und "ior tha erection or a monument ver the grave of our late President James A. arfie)d''thefollowing: Cleveland, O., QetoUer x, 1881. 3Íov. David il. Jerome. Xiio commlttee baring iu charge the moveiiftiit already begun to secure a fund for the erection of a monument over the grave of onr ata President, Jamca A. UaifieM, at Jike Viw ceraotery, wüich ehall be a worlliy tributo of ,ho American peopleto his name and inemory, are desirous of the co-operation and apnistance of citizons of the different utatus, 'i 10 ciüitii)uti8 being voluntary can only be made recera! ly organized arrangements in every state and couuiy, and wedosire that au opporunity for subscription be extended to all people. We therefore rotpectfully reijuBgt nd antliorize you to aulas "genoral manager' or )his movoment iu tlio state ot Michi&au, witu 'uil power to associate such other person as ?ou inay consider best, and with them to organizo tho work tdrouffliout your stilte as you may deern most advisable. Wo eainestly urge upon you to accept this appointment and to signify your acceptance at an eariy day. The conimittee Uas a beautiful autograph certifícate preparad, -which will be seut to all who contribute ono or more dollars. We meloso you specimen. Larger aubscription than $1 will be received and thankfully accepieii. Tlte dollar Bubscriplion is only intonded to popul.irize t he moyement. Respectfullyrours, J. H. WADE, H. B. PAYNK. JOS. l'ERKINS. Ia eomplüuice with the above request and for the puïposs of afïording all an opportunity to subscribo to thia fuud, I heroby respectfully invite the co-operation of tho treasurers of each cciiniy in the state to act as receiving a" euts of all contributions for tho above object made wilhin their respective counties. Ia orper to have a Btato record of these contribuüons, I horcby designate Gen. Beujamiu D. f ritchard, state treasurer, Lansing, to be the central troasurer, to whoin reraittancos, with lists of the uames of the donors can be made by each coimty treasurer. Gea. Pritchard will lorward free of coat all monevs so donatert, aud wiilbeaulhorized to receipt for secíi reinittauces on behalf of ths Cloveland cominittee to the donors through the proper channels. I bospeak for this commendaDle undertaking geuerous contribulions from the people of Michigan. Local papers are repeotfulJy asked to copy thl8(n1d) ])AVII U. JKaOME, (iovernor. Mr. and Mis. Jones were starting i'or cbuich. "Wait, dear," said the lady, 'Tve forgotten something; won't you be good, now, and go up-stairsand get my goats off the trareau?" "Vour goats!" replied Jones; "what new-fangled thing's thatV" "l'll show you," remarked the wife, and Bhe sailed up staivs, and down again willi a pair of kids on her hands; "there tlü-y are," said she. "Wliy, I caH those things kids," said the Burprised husband. "Oh, do you?" snapped the viLe, "VVell, so did I once, but they are so old now, l'm aöhamed tocall themanything but goats." Then tliey went to church. Tlio next day Jones' wifo had half a dozen pairs of new gloves in a liandsome lacquered box of the latest design. A newspaper in Kentucky is editcd by a man nanied Dittoe, and when he insinuates that the reaponsible man of an esteerned contomporary is by nature fltted to be a Itft-handed regicide, he bas lus name shouted back tohim witb grear-primw emphasis.


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