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Real Estate Transfers

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The following are the transfers of rea estáte for the week ending Wednesday October 2G: WARRANTY DEEDS. Maria W. Morton to Thos. Neab, property in Ypsilanti, $850. Tne Missionary society of the M. E church to Edwin S. Blythe, propertv iu Manchester, $500. ' ■ Juli iette J. Wines to Edward Pardon property in Ypsilanti town, $500. Hunry B. Jones to Harvey J. Rogers lot 3 b 23 Dexter village. $300. Ann E. Osman to Edwin S. Blythe property in Manchester, $250. Nobie Gilmore to Geo. W. Carmikel 20 acres sec 29 Augusta, $800. üJno. O'Hara to Barnrad Keenan, 17 1-2 aerea Ann Arbor town, $2,200. JaneLamb toEflEy K. Smith, land in sec 13 Ann Arbor town, $5,000. Jacob Kalinback to Anna K Worden lot in Ann Arbor, $175. Jno, WiÊdmahri to EVederiek VTiedinann, iand in Bridgewater, $0,600. Thos, Birkett to Shepard Taylor, 50 eres sec 13 Dexter, $2,878.34. E. D. Kinne to Jas. Tolbert, lots 2, 4, aad 8, Orinsby aud Page's add Anu Ai - or, $324.84. Robt. L. Stevensoa to John aud David Gorcion, 80 acres sec. 22, Saline, $4,000. Dewitt Freeman et al to Oscar B. Peers, 60 acres sec. 30 Saline, $3,G00. Christian Schumacher to Curistiar. Qauss, lot in Ann Arbor, $550. Chas. H. Wines to Juo. Strehlc, 5 acres sec. 26 Sylvan, $200. Geo. Lutz to Chas. W. Woods, 3 acres cc. 20 Bridgewater, $725. Amanda G. Buik to Heury Richards, 2 acres sec. 5 Ypsilanti, $400. Jas. W. Bradmer to Jas. Hogan, land n Bridgewater, $4,600.