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Thirty-two horses ran In the Camuridijeshiro. Foxhall won by a head and neck after a most treinendous and exciting race. Sir William Harcourt states public!y that tbe Britieh government. refraiued from tbs supprcssion of tbe land league wbile It pretended to be a constitutlonal ferm ol agitation, and H was only after Hlegal views were avowed that action against tho league waa takeu. The Catholic bishop of Roes condamns tbe "no rent" manifestó. The raüBcation of the convenüon between Eogland and the Transvaal causes general eatislaction in South África. The bujiuRand selliogoí Confedérate bonds continúes in London. Tbe dissoiution of the land league in the Bouth of Ireiand proceeds steadüy and peacefully. Eisewhero the league holds meetings in chapsl3 aud private houees. Furnish6d homes are beiug prepared lor evicted tenaat?. Additional arrei-ts under the coerción act are reporíed. A number oí dynauiite cartrirtgt hava bcn found m cotíon bales in Liverpool. Tbe díscovery creates grest excitement. The British Parliamcnt. is prorogued nntil December 17 Ib. Xbe British channel Equadron has goite to the Irieh coast. í'cecch of deputies reopeneil on Ihe 28tb. ttambstta was chosen provisional president of Uio chatnher hy ar. alcnoat unanimous voto. Aceording to tbe National ZeiLuug oí Berlín, the elections íor inembers of the reichstag have resultad in "a vlctory of constitutional principies over tha dictatorship mii persecuting spirit oL clericalism." Tbo river Neva and all the navigable cauals in northern Eussia are blockaded with ice and oteainbuat eervice is suspended. BeBults oL tlie election in Germany íhow that the urban coastitueacies aro hoslilo to Bismarck's economie policy, wbüe a inora friendly feeling; thereto prevails in rural distriets. thfe Social Democracy gains iu voting strenetb. The Freneh troops havlng occupied Kairwan. a Xunisian colontl bas baen apptlated governor of the city. Incendiary lires aud attacka on goverainent pólice occur La counties Waterford and Mayo Ireland.- Parneil wrïtes a etter f rom Ktlinainham Jall depreciatmg the forma'ion of tenante' defense asaociations to place the land leagues. Secret meetings of the land league are held In Dublin. Applicants keep flocking to the land courts to have fair rents fixtfd. Bismarck'a friends in the Germán reichstag will be about one-third of the entire membersaip. It is prodictei that the great leader will eitUer have to adopt the "dberal" policy or abandon all effarte at domestic legislation. Beinforcemants are goinu to tbe Rid of the government eoldiery in Ireland. First decisión under the land act rendered at Mnnaghan reduced rent by 50 Bhilliugs for next 15 yearB. Lord Granville and the Frencli minister of foroign afiairs have conferred about Blaine's note on the Pauama canal, bnt no Joint reply is expected. Aa infernal machine operated by jclock work, so a8 to discharge the largo amount of dyuamite (with whieh it is filled) at a certain hour, was discoverej jiwt a moment before the time arranged for its discharge on the roof of ma3onic hall at D'mgeville, Scotland, whilu 509 paople wero aBsembled there. Parnell ia reportcl lo have ua;l a eeveve attaok of fever and convulsioas. In it9 endeavor to suppross socialisin the Qerinan government employs a foren of 10,000 eples. __________


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