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HENRY MATTHEWS, Hasj the pleasure to informtho public that ha - reaoy to receiva them In hianeíT briofc MEAT MARKET! OSE BOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his lino wiïl be flrst-class, ar..l At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nía slncene thanks to all h3 oíd ragtomers f or their genereus patronage, and cordl ally invites them, and all new cuatomers to his neW quarters, where he hopea by fair dealing t" nlarge his alreadv growing business ïBiir „H&k 8end for ouï Hlfck j&k. New Illustrafei ■ tedPrice-List BB MFTfk, JSf so' for H t$JmP' Fall and Winter of 1881. Frec to any address. Contains full dcscription of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, and sell all lads in any quantity at wholesale prices. Yon can buy better and cheaper than at 'f iOHERY WABD & CO. .V,-!:ash AvcnmCjChicagoJll "FRED SORG, Dealer in PAUS, OILSJAIIIES BKUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, AitI all Painters" Bupplies of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Cst. ANN AEBOB. - MICHIGAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington st., Hare on band a complete stock of everything m tbe Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coffees, and Sugars ín large amounts, and at Oasli Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, Ís good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. TheyEoast their own Coffees everyweek, Míe none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see tbem. JACKSON F1RE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND lOK-A-IHST TILEAll our Drain Tile are made of Flro Clay, arf oí tinus-iíci! strenpth and light weight, whieh ma torially reduce3 the breaUago and expenee of transportation. The ditching Lor thisclass of tilingislessexpeir Bive, as they do not require to be laid below irost but only deep enough to escape the plow. Whilethisis more eoonomical ït also alus m obtainingiabetter -fall" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale in smati quantities, or car load lotE, at the PERDÓN LME1 YAÏfl JAS. TOLBEET, Agent. N. H. DOWNS' VEGETABLE BALSAEAitt ELIXIR Is a sure cure for Coughi, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseases, when taken eason. People die of simpy because of neglect, when the I timely use of this renied would have cured them at once. Fefttj'one years ot constant use proves the fact that no cough remedy hab stood the test like Dotvtta' L.ltxir. Price 86c. Out. Sl.dC pei bottlo. Fur Snit Fvorj wherc. Dr.Baxter's Mandrake JSlTTËllS Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestión, and all diöcases arising from Biliousne6s. Pnce 25 ets. perbottle. ', For Salü Everywliere. HESRÏ & JOHH8OB1 ÁRNICA AND OÏL LINIMENTI Tor Wan and Beast. The mosl perfect Hniment everB compounded. Price -:5c. and 50c. B For Sulo Evcrywhero. Chicago & Western Ia the OLDEST! BEST CONSTRTTCTEDi B EQÜIPPEC ! and henee the LEASING RAILWAY, OP THE- - WEST AND NORTHWEST! It s tho short and best routo botween Cbieago all pointe In Kortten lllhols, ïowa, Dakoti, Wyoahj, lTutrari, California, Orogoa, Ari::s:, Utah, CsísaSs, MaS?. Masten Narala, asi fM OOUNGÏI. SLÜFFS, OW]SA DBNVEB, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Osdar BpidJ, BelHoine!, Columïus, and all tdnts ia Iba lorritsriea, and tho West. Mío, ftr Wlwaulteo, Orsen Biy. CsUnk, She'oorean, Marasetts, "oncl du tu, Witenowr.. BoaeUsn, Nocsih, Honasta, 3t. Eiul, MIsneipolis, Hare Vol'a, Farm. Bismaici, Winona, LaCrosse, Owitcanj, an: cllpolakls aisacsoUi Dalsota, Wíjcobeíí and tho KcrtbWAtCouncil Bluffs the trainsofthe ChiogoíNorth- Western and thc Ü. P. K'ys depart írom, ,-u-rive at aud use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close conne ;tlons are maae w i tu t ■-. - Lake Shore, Michisan Central, Baltimorc & 't Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago Graud Trunk E'ye, and tha Kankatee aud Tai. Handlo Koutes. ..._... Close connections mado at Junction Poinls. I is the only line ruiraig Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BEIWEF.N CHICAGO AND COÜNCIL BLUFFS. PULLMAN SLEErEES ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Insistupon Ticket Agents selling you Ticket ria this road. Examino your ticisets, and reí u ■- ti buy if they do not read ver the Cliic:1, Knrth-Westem Roilway. If youwishthe B st Traveling Accommoaatio:i= T8u will buy your tickets by this route, an'l w.' 1 ' takenoneother. All Sicket Agents sell Tickets by thls Iinc, ÍÍAKVIÍÍ Hl'GHITT, Sal 7. F. & Oís'1 Hang'r, Chiog".


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Ann Arbor Democrat