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LEONARD HOUSE, rp F. LEONARD, Propiietor, JL . Ann Arbor, Mieh. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of PI In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the IVEW COUBT HOUSE. OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSE, SIGN, AND Fren Pitiiï, ALSO PAPER HANGINO. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY SL, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. wTrs. o. o. ball, [Formerly Mrs. O. O. Beach] has returned to the city and opened a Dress and Cloak Making Shop ! OverQrinnell Bros.' Sewing Machine rooms. Garments cut in all the l.atest Styles. 1 am prepared to Cut, Baste anti DrapeJ! Af ter the latest designs, and execute all orders nromptly. ïhankful for past liberal patronage f would most respeetfully solicit a cor.tinuance of the same. ■M DO0 OW TH H Jg OU) HAT. _. g" o HAT8 51? AN ABBOB, g" jjaoH, Dr. Merwin's EIectroMagnelc Belt. Cures all snffering f rom Ncrvous Weaknesses, General Debility, Loss of Nerve Forcé or Vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Other Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Dirnculties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, and other Diseases oL the Vital Organs. Also, Women troubled with Diseases peculiar to their sex. Send Ht once for book giving all informationtree. Adrtrcss W. R. HERWIN, M. D„ Detroit, Mich. ËBERBACH&SON, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list priecs. STTTIDIEnsrTS Are cordially invited to examine our stock as to quality and prices. eberbach;&son. EAILROADS. TIT1CHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. MAY 22, 1880, OPINO WK8T. i U it si $i 6TXT.OSS. = &S.&t5aïS.S es ?s U sa 5=i. A.M. A.M. T. M. r. M. P.M. P.M. Detroit Lv 7.00 9.35 5.55 4.05 8.30 9.50 UT June 7.15 9.55 6.1U 4.20 8.45 10.10 Wavne Jnnc'" 7.52 10.29 6.42 4.46 9.20 10 40 ïnsiWmi ' 80 10 48 7.05 5.05 9.43 11.' 2 lLn Arbor M0 11.00 7.24 5.22 9.5H 11.17 DÏxter 9.04 7 48 5.39 10.88 "Lk 9.33 8.05 5.531 10.88 ÜTukil" a.5O 8.33 6 13 11.01 „..„. Battle Crcek.... [Tg 1.55 $% 8.41 1.08 2.03 -- A. M. nalpahnr? 1253 k. M. 9.15 K?lSSÏÏ5i": Ú3 2.36 450 9.35 1.53 2.45 Lawton.. 1.52 5.3o 2.36 Decatni 807 5.42 2.50 Dowagiac 2.29 ....... b-07 8.13 ....... Niiea 2.55 4.04 6.50 3.40 4.15 BDdWÏÏÏS..: 3.08 7.02 3.53 ThreeOaks.... 3.38 ....... 7.27 420 New Bnffalo... 3.53 4.52 7.40 IJ ....... Mich OitV . 4.23 5.18 8.08 5.03 5.28 lake 5 13 6.0-2 8.54 5.51 6.18 KV-nViiVitön"" 6 00 .50 9.45 6.40 7. IC Cbta'go. . Ar 6.50 7.40 10.35 7.30 B.CO UO1NÜ KAB'i. 1 ,i rfjj II g! STATIONS. b_ .5 JH 5 5. S l_U, ÜiiÜiü AM AM P. r p M -hioago Lv. 7.0Ó 9 00 3.40 JU ÈSt"öB= S5 11"." _ ■-"" f}-S New Baffalo... 9.50 U.33 6. 11.55 Three Oaks 10.03 .4O i ::::::: g E = 3 SSzz SS -ia 1 A ücs ".■e BÖES?SS5e: fffl "üï 'S aa ï Marshall 'i'f 3.0;_ 8 06 11.33 8. KoS:::v.u: !: 4.05 L a 5.00 SrassLake 4.10 7.40 8.50 Jhelae 4.40 8.03 10.0. mArüör"-" S" "L5Í SM UM T "OS rt'nyno Jm.c... 6.08 5.46 9.17 11.08 2.44 7.05 3 T June 8.8Í Ö.15 9.45 11 35 3.20 7.45 Detroit .... Ar. 8JW 6.80 10.00 n____3_j______; The New Tortt Express, a fast train leaves Chijago at 3.30 in the afternoon and makes the f oliiwing stops, Michigan City, 5,30; Niles, 6.37;; ISattle Creek, 8.20: Jackson, .9....: Ypsilanti, 10.50; Q. T. Junctlon, 11.35; amvingin Detroit at 10.50 P. M. Sunday excepted. tSaturday & Sunday excepted llKNBT C. WKKTWORTH, H. B. LEDYARD, 0. 1'. t 'f. A., Chicago. Oen'l Manager, Detroit rOLEDO, ANN ARBOR & GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD, Taking effect Sunday, Oct. 16, 1881. Trains run by Columbus time. 3oing North. Qolng South. Èxp'ss'l Mail. I STATIONS. jMaU. Exp's të'b WW Toledo...... tj.M +9.35 6.12 8..M NorthToledo +i._ _ 6.25 8.43 Detroit Junetion. B. -g 6.85 8.58 Hawthorn .__ ■'; 6.45 9.02 Samaría i. __ 7.01 9.17 Lulu _?_. _■_; 7.06 9.23 Monroe Junction 5.00 .41 7 11 9.33 Dundee f48 . 7.28 9.44 Azalia 4.35 8.25 7.4S 9.57 Milan j.iO b.10 7.48 10.04 Nora _!_ 7.55 10.11 Urania 4.0 Í..55 8.05 10.23 tpnilantt Juncti'n 4.01 7.45 8.30 10.85 Ann Arbor . . .. t8O 8.50 11.0S Wordens _ '''0 t9.05 tll.20 I South Lyon I +3.10 1 +6.45 H. W. ASHLEY Qen'l Superintendent. LEG ALS. Commissioners Notice. liTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O The undersigued having been appointed by the Probate court for sakl County, Comniissiimers to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demande of all persons against the estáte cf JosephD. Irish.lateof saidoonnty deceased.nereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims aamst the estáte of saiddeceased.and that theywill meet at the late residence of said deceased in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Wednesday the 18th day of January and on Tuesday the 18th day of April next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. DatedOctober 18, 1881. RobertP. Leonard, Calvin Bliss, Elihu H. Pond, Commissioners Estáte of Thomas Earl Wall, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Washtenaw as. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of flce ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 34th day of October in the year one thousond eiglit lmndred and eighty-one. Present, WUliam D. Harriman, judge of proIn ' the matter of the estáte of Thomas Earl Wall minor. On reading and flling the petition duly venfled of Patrick Wall prayine that he may be licensed to sell certain real estáte belonging to said minor. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Saturday, the 19th dav of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the heirmg of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appearata session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause.if any there be,why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is f urther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition,and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Ardor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARHIMAN, A true copy. Judge of Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Kegister. Estáte of Harriet N. Himes. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss At a session of the probate court tor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 25th day of üctober in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, William 1). Harriman, Judge of Proln ' the matter of the estáte of Harriet N. Himes, deeeased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifiedof Nancy J. Wheeler, prayingthat admimstratlon of said estáte may be granted to Orville W. Sage or some other suiuble person. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the 21s( day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing cf said petition, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, the. to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause.if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not begranted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and the hearing causing a copy of tliis order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democuat, a newspaper printed and clrculatedln said county, three successive weeks provious to said dayheanng HARRTMANi (A true copy) Judge of Probate. Wm. U. Uoty, I'robate Register. Estáte of John Thompson. ST VTE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty of Washtenaw ss Ata session of the probate eourt tor the eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of fice iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the flrst day of November, in the year one thousand eighthundredand eighty-one. Pieient, WiUiam D. Harriman, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte of John Thompson, deceased. , , „_ _ On readinj; and fllling the petition duly venfled of Henry S. Burnett praying that administration of said estáte may be granted to Noah W Cheever or some other suitable peison. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 28thdayof November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appearat a session ot said court then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause íf any there be, wliy the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is f urther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of thependency óf said petition, and the hearing causing acopy of this order tobe published in the Ann Arbor Demockat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County. three successive weeks previous to said da omring. HARRmAN A true copy . Judge of Probate. William Q. Doty. Probate Recister. Real Estáte for Sale. OÍATE OF MICHIGAN, County ot Washtenaw Oss.- In the matter of the estáte of Charles Kitson, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that, in pursuance of an order granted to the Admimstratorg of the Estáte of said Charles Kitson by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw on the ilfth day of November, A. d 1881, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the courthouse in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw in said state, on Friday the ütlrd day oL December a. d., 1881, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased,) the following described real estáte to-wit: The following described parcelof land, sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw. state of Michigan, the south one-third part of lot seven in block two north of Hurón iitreet, m range numberthree east; also lot number numbernina 191 of Pettibone's addition to of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, state ot Michiean- alao lot number nine [9] in block number six 161 south ot Hurou Street in range number one east also the undivided three-f ourtha of the following to-wit: Commencing at the north-east corner of lot numter six [6] bloek number two [2] north of Huron street, range three east, and running west on the north line of said lot sixty-six feei thence south twenty-eight and one half f eet, thence east parallel with flrst line sixty-six f eet, thence north twenty-eight and one-half feet to the place of beginning; alsi the following described piece orparcel of land: Commencing on the west line of lot six [6] block two [2] north range three [81 east in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan six inches south of the north-west corner of said lot and running thence south on said west line twents -eight feet, thence east parallel with the north line of said lot flfty-eight feet, thence north twenty-eight feet, thence west parallel with the north line of said lot flf ty-eight feet to the place of beginning; also, commencing at the south east corner of lot flve in block two 12] north of Huron street, range three [3] east, in the Tillage, now city of Ann Arbor running thence west on the outh line of said lot sixty-six feet, thnce north forty-ight feet, thenee east sixtr-slx feet parallel with flrst line, thenc south forty eight feet to place of beginning, Dat.d Noveuiber5, Igl. Admnjstrator. Morte;aeeSale. WHEREAS.William H. Wells and Diona Wells, his wiie.of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, on the fourteenth day of August in the }ear one thousand eight hundred and eighty, executed a mortgage to Thomas Braman, of the township of York, Washtenaw county, and state aforesaid, to secure the paynient of certain principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the register of deeds for the county of V ashtenaw aforesaid, on the sixteenth day of August, A D., 1880, in liber flfty-eight, of niortgages on page 595, and whereas def ault has been made in the payment of an installment of interest which became due on the fourteenth day of August, A. D 1881 by reason whereof and pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, and whereas there is now claimed to be due and payable upon the said mortgage, and the note aceompanying the same at the date of this notice the sum of seventy-seven dollars and fitty-eight cents (i. 58). in addition to all the other legal costs of this f oreclosure provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings having been instituted at law or m eouity to recover the aforesaid sum or any part thereof, notice is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed on the tourteenth day of January A. D., 1888 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in the state of Michigan, (said court house being the place of holuing the circuit court for said county,) the mortgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so mueh thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of principal and interest remainmg unpaid upon said mortgage with the charges ot sale aforesaid which premises are, said mortgage as follows to-wit: Being premises known as the -Washtenaw HouseJ' property lots one, and three in block seven, of Brown and Fuller's addition to the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, commencing at the south-west corner of the Washtenaw House and running thenee north fif ty six (661 degrees, east seventy-two feet to the corner of the store lot, thenee north thirty-four (34) degrees, west sixty-seven feet, thence north gftv-six degrees, east ten feet, thenee north thirtv-four desrees, west sixty-four feet, thenee south fifty-six degrefs, west eighty -two feet, and thenee south thirty-four degrees, east one. hundred and thirty-one feet to the place of beginning; also the rightand privilege of continuing a shèd on the north end of the alley adjoining the Washtenaw House. Dated October 12, L BR Alex. W. Hamilton, Mortgagee. Attornev for mortgagee jacob'haller& son, TEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Specra1 ) és Plated Ware. Gold Pens and Fine Jewel'rV "special attention given to repairing Watches and Jewelry. Wl Suuth Main Street. Ann Arbor. föêTsaloITrent The present residence of Mrs. F. A.HÍ11, with Tho JLancl A-djoiniiiST, Consisting of about 40 acres, 30 of which can be cultivatei. Kent, $800, or the House and 8 acres will be rented seperate. Rent $h00. The above property is also for sale by the lot or by the acre, or in larger quantities. TITLE PügFECT. For further particulars enqiure of H. R. Hill, office No. 3 Opera House Block, or Wm. 31. White, Canaseraga, New York & c c wek in yur own „ Terms ini5 $0 Doutfits f ree. Address. H. Hallett & Col Portland, Maine Gooiyear's New DrnL Store The Old GrenvilleStand, No. 5, South MainSt. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH ! Prc&criptions Compounded Day and Nlght. The Penmanship & Business Institute ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN Offers special advantages to those wishing to teach the art of writing, or those who would become free, rapid, and graceful wnters or ready, accurate and thorough accountants. Lectures on Commercial Law, by Judge N. W. Cheever, willbe given during the winter months free to all studente. For terms, and I other Information cali at the room over Wines & Worden s, or address I. S.ame T"Cards w ritten to order. - C. E. Holmes, proprietor of the City Drug store has the choicest lot of perfumes and the LARGEST STOCK of PURE DRUGS in the city. Also everything in the Toilet and Fancy goods line, at prices lower than anywhere else. Prescriptions carenmy compounded. No. 12 Cook Hotel Block, Ann Arbor, Miehigan. Genuine Milwaukee Lager Beer Depot.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat