Real Estate Transfers
The followiug are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday, November 9: WAMANTY DEKDS. Roderick Campbell to Hugh Nogink, 40 a3res sec 21 Augusta, $1,700. Juo. Allen to II. Kitreiige, lot iu Aun Arbor, $900. Jno. Ferdon;to Samantha W. Andrews, lot n Aun Arbor, $1,000. Wui. Bueile to 'lheo. Ulrich, 40 acres sec 21 Freedorn, $3,200. Watson Snyder to Sarah M. Joslin and Elvira J. Whitinan, proporty in Ypsilanti $3,500. (Jatlianne Cramer to J. Henry Binder, property Iu Ann Arbor, $1,400.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Roderick Campbell
Hugh Nogink
John Allen
Hiram Kittredge
John Ferdon
Samantha W. Andrews
William Buerle
Theodore Ulrich
Watson Snyder
Sarah M. Joslin
Elvira J. Whitman
Catharine Cramer
J. Henry Binder