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Council Proceedings

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The council met Monday eveuing. A petition was received f rom A. Moore anc others, for a Street lamp on the corner o Catherine and Thayer streets; also for lamp on South Thayer, between Sout Uuiversity avenue, and Mouroe street. Paul Schall was appoiuted special deputy marshal at the Toledo depot without expunso to the city. l'olicemau Millman reported that he had examined the cisterns belonging to the city and with only two exceptions found them ali f o 11. A uommuuication] wns read from A. S. Solomons, of Washington, chairman of the committee of ways and means, asking the city of Ana Arbor to organize aco-opera tive committee to assist in raising funds for the ercctiou of a national Garfiek memorial hospital. A special committee consisting of Aid. Besimer, Keech anc Dow was appointed to present the matter to the citizeus. Policeman Porter reported seven arrests in December, fees $19 .82. The general street committee re ported that the iron for the bridge ovei the Huron river at Bwift'a mili had ar rived and wouid be placed in position at once. Sidewalks were ordered construct ed as follows: Ia front of E. A. Colkins residence on Eust Uuiversity avenue; il front of Darrow's resideuue, same street and in front of the resideuce of D. J Ross in the same block. The recorder submitted his report of the condition o sums iu the different fuuds: General, ovtidraft, $1,884.94; street, overdraft $2,338.29; first ward, on haud, $55.45 secuud, on hand, $145.87; third, over diuft, $714.73; fourlh, overdraft, $226.88 fifth, on hand, $99.13; sixth, overdraft $434.20; contingent, on hand, $4,845.37 cemotery fund, $2.72; dog tax fuud, over draft, $2.20. The chiel of pólice was aulhuricd to draw the orders awardec ly the board of supervisors to the depim marshal lor fees, and turn the same over to the city tmusurer. Duriug the mouth of üetober, the Ireusurer reponed the folowiiig dlsburssments: General street, 48; contingent faad, $148.59; general, $204.80; second ward, $53.25; fourlh ward, $7.30: fifth ward, $15; sixtli ward, $7.50; city cemetery fuud, $5.75; geueral street, $á40.01. Aid. Wright stated that the streets in the fiflh ward through which the Toledo road crosses, had never been put in shape, and he thouht ït high time the company was compelled to do so. It was proposed to contract for the use of a telephone for fire purposes in the manufactury of the Keek furmture company in the secoud ward, but majority of the aldermen didn't take kindly lo tlic proposition aud the resolution was laid upou the table. The recorder and Aid. Besimer were appointed to eee about leasing the grounds in the rear of the opera hous for a market. A balance of $395.88 due the Walker Bros. for work ouabutmen'j to the uew bridges, was ordered paid. The sum of $800 was transferred from the conlingeut fund to the general street fuud to meet sundry unpaid bilis against the city. Aid. Fleming was appointed chairmau of the geueral fund comniittee in place of ex-alderman Hutzel, and Aid. Thompson was ndded to the cotnmittee in place of Aid. McOmber who is at present in Iowa.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat