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Ashburnham, Mass., Jan. 14, 1880. I have been very sick over two 3'ears. They all gave me up as past cure. I tried the most skillful pbysiciaus, but they did iiot reach tüe worst part. The lungs and heart would tiü up every night and distress me, and my throat was very bad . I told my chlldren I never should die in peace until Í bad tried Hop Bitters. I have taken two boules. They have helped me very much indeed. I am now well. There was a lot of sick folks here who have seen how they helped me, and they uted them and are cured, and feel as thanklul as I do that there is so valuable a medicine made. MRS. JULIA G. CUSIIING. THE PO WEU OF THE PREtSS. In no way is the power of the press more surely shown than in the universal know ledge that has injless than a year, been diffused throughout fifty millions of people of the wonderful curative proper ties of that splendid remedy KidneyWort. And the people f rom the Atlantic to the Pacific have shown their iutelligence and tlieir knowledge of what is in the papers, by already making KidneyWort their household remedy for all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bowels. - Herald WOMAN'S TIIUE FRIEND. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with disease, more particularly those complaints and weaknesses so common to our female population. Every woraan should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies faii. A single trial always prove our assertion. They are pleasaut to the taste and ouly cost fifty cent-s a bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Son. "When a cough sounds like Croup - that is,dry and hard- do notdelay an in. stant! Give Downs' Elixir often enough to keep the cough loose, and the danger will soou be over. As a remedy to purify the blood, nothingcanbe found equal to Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Piice 25 ets. per bottle. In Ilenry & Joliuson's Árnica and Oil Liniment we furnish you a large bottle for 50 cents. HOP BITTERS?! (A Medicine, not a Drink.) OONTAra HOPS, BITCIIU, MANDRAKE, DANDEI.ION, Aktj thu Puurst aitd Bkst MiniOii I TIK8 OF AU OTUKK BlTTSUB. THEY CTJXtE Al) Dlse&sesof theStomacb, Bowels, Blood. I Liver, Kidneys, and UrlnaryOrgans, NerTousness, SleepleaenesB and especially Female Complaints. $1000 IN COLD. -H Will be paid for a case they will not cnre oH belp, or f ur anythlng Impure or lujurlous found In them. Ast jrour drugglst for Hop Bitten nd try I them before you lleep. Take no other. I D I. C. Is an absolute and Irresistible cure for I Drunkeunew, use of opium, tobáceo ana narcotica. ■■■■MM SXND FOB ClKCt'LAB. ■■■■■ AU boT. lold k; druniiU. Hop Billen Mfg. Co., RocImUr, N. ï., A Toronlo, Onl. I FOH SALÍ! A Largo ITanclsomi; Carnaje Horse ! One of the best driving horses in the city, Also carriage, harnees, robes, &c. Inquire at 35 S. Main St. , or 43 Washington street. A. L. NOBLE. DOES WlfVrtP ■WONDERFUL f j CURES! ni E ■ Beeansejt acts on the LITES, ItOWELsH auil KIDNËÏS at tlie same time. I Beeauseitcleanses the sya tem of H 5 ous numors that develope in Kidney and Hj ■■naryDiseases, Biliouanesii, Jaundice, H Mpation, Piles, or in Kheumatiam, Neuralgia, H QNervoiu Disorders and Femalo Complainta. B SEE WHAT PEOPLE SAT : EJ Enhene B. Stork, of Junetlon City, Kansas, W ■ eays, Kidney-Wort cured Iiim after regular M ■■sidans liad been trylng for four yearB. J Mrs. John Arnall, of Washington, Ohio, eaysí ■ herboywasgiven unto die by four prominent LJ ■ physlcians and Üiat he was aftorwarda cured by ■ n Kidney-Wort. ■■ WM M. M. TI. GoodwJn, nn Pdltor lit Chardon, Oblo Em Hsays he wrs iiot expected to live, beititf bloateJ WÊ neyond belief, bat Kiduey-Wort cured Iiim. BS ■ Anna L. Jarrett of South Salem, N. Y., nayeJ ■ that se ven years HufTeving f rom kidney troublesH Pand other complieutiond was ended by tho uso of H U Kidney-Wort. I John B. lAwrenre of Jflckson, Tenn., nfferedH ■■for yeara f rom livor and lcídney troubles andHB Jaft&r takinff "barrels of other medicines."!! ■ Kidney-Wort mado him well. I Michael Coto of Montgomery Center, Vt.,H Sjsulföred eíglit yeara with kldney dilllculty and El Hwas unable to work. Kídncy-WorC made uiniH H " well a OTr." PERMANENTLY CURES Qkidney diseases, 3 liver complaints.h HConstipation and Piles. ■ t3"It Isput un in Iry Veffetiiblo Fornt InM ■I tin cans, onc pacuasre of whicli inakea six quorts M Q of medicine. Alsoin Uqutd Forni, Tpry Con-P Hfcentrated, for those ihaC cunnut reuuily d ■ pareit. PI ty It acts loith equal efllcitncv in either form. H J GET 1T ATTHE DItUGGISTS. PR1CE, $1.00 Q I WELLS, IU('lUlLI)SON.t Co.. I'rop', I EjfWiU iend the dry pont-pald.) iii'nuüSToa, TT. Q REAL ESTÁTE BXCHÁNGE. o MANLY & HAMILTON'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First floor, Opera House block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnrnished on short notice on any parcel of land in Washtenaw county, from French Claims of Ypsiïanti, to the most complicated titles in the Village of Manchester. Money to Loan on Real Estáte secureties. For Sale I - o - I 2O Acres at $50 per acre in the township of Webster, good buildings. Terms to suit purchaser. N ew StO re on west side of Main street, terms easy. I OO Acres wittrin l 1-2 miles of court house with flrst-class building, perfect title and very cheap. HOUSe and LotS 1,2. 3, block 4 south range 2 west, situated on South side of Liberty St. House and four LotS, on corner of Forest avenue and Orleans street. Entire Block NR13 e, except2 lots. Good building sites. Terms to suit purchaser. A Good Farm, 200 acres, well improved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $65 per acre. HOUSe and Lot on Catherine street for sale, or exehange for lot near the Methodist church. Terms easy. A House and doublé Lot at Whitmore Lake, $700. House and Lot, onIngalls street, north of University, $3,000. House and Lot, on Lawrence street, $!,- 000. House and Lot, on north side of West Huron street; also 6 1-3 acres situated on south side of Jackson road, about one mile from court-house, $2,600 for both pareéis. Terms to suit purchaser. One HOUSe and two acres of land sitúate in Iugalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Riley property, good barn and well . HOUSe and Lot, on ElizabethSt., $2,000. A HOUSe and 1-2 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and throe Lots, i the Ftfth ward, Kood locality, $1,000. House and five LotSonMiller avenue. Will be sold at a bargain. Good barn on the premises. (O Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road, within 3-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exchange for city property. OtS 77 . 78, 90, and part of lot 89 and a large brick house with 12 rooms, R. S. Smith's addition. A Fine Brick House, Barnes, Orchard, with nice well and spring, and six acres of land, on West Huron and Jewett streets, known ustlir Jewett property. Price $15.000, or two lots off said property on Huron St., price $700 each. MONEY TO LOAN n sums from $100 to $5,000, amount and terms to snit applicants. i


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat