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Tho comptvoller of the curreney has appointed Hon. Frederick Theodore Frelinghuisen ot Newark, receiver of the broken Mechanica' National bank of Newnrk, N. J., and Lmus M. Pnce assistant receiver. It appears that the bank examiner was deceived by a forged etter purporting to be from the New York bank and acknowledgiug a deposit of $2,000,000; wheieaa the K'enuine letter gave no such credit. JuOge Thouiae M. has been offsred S 000,000 ciiBh for his recently dipcovered gold mine in the Summit district. Colorado the ore from whicb assny 20,000 to the ton. The Dominion governuient hasappvovcdthe action ol the Toronto collector iu seizing an invoice of Torn PaineV aurt Voltaire's works on the erouud of their being blasphcmouB. A ilbpatch Irom Charleston, S. C, saya confedérate bonds aro eolüng rt 1O on the $1,000. Confedérate boads ure Belliug readlly m southem eitiea at 10 per f 1,000. Eider Morgan ha a oompany ofl26oonvertsto Mormonlsm whtoh he wlllesoort to their new Uom In Colorado. TUey are uearly all from West Va. aaA Tennessee. Heuiy B. MarcUbank, correspondiDg clexk o ihe broken Medíanles' bank at Newark, N. J. I iias been mreBted. He ie charged liy the Dnit ei States district attorney with haviug robb t.h bank oL 50,000. Oashier Baldwiu kuew o the crime an-ldrove Marehbank out of the bank, Uut wasalraW to make tho matter kuowu lest bis own villainy shonld be discovered. Bail In Marohbantt caso lias been fixed at 10,000. The postal autUuriuH aie üyiug to ferret out tiie poBtuiaster whu sU stampa outoide oí tli Irterritory tomoreaso ttieir t-alaiies. The reuignaüon ui ihe Huu. Johu W. Foster, Uuited Status mimsler to liuaeia, lia beeu aceepttii. Thumlaj-, November 24, is deslRnated by the President aa ThunkBgiring day. Partita wlio etaiiip adverüsemenU on iíoveniment coiu are to be proeculed. ïbe bank exaoiiaer regorta tUat ttie loeees iu the Newark, N. J., bank case aggresate 2,411,045, wib. assets whieh tuay enable the paymeut oí 60 per cent. to depositora. The stockholders win lose all their stock. Tha directora are willlnft ii the reoeiver eau sattli up everythlug aud delermine ail tbe obligaUoas ol the bRük3 within 80 days. to niake gooii all Iübsös and save all expenses of litigation. An investigation of the reportad uiiseouduet of the 9th Masaachiisetta regiment at Yorktown is a progrese, b8Íore a coihiuIbsíoq of army oüicers. A biil grauting suftrago to wouieu haa passed ono branch of the legtolature "I Washington territoij', and, it is bülieveil, sill pasa the otiier and fcecome a law. The indicatioBs are tliat the bottoin has dropped out of th Confedérate boud speculaüon. Ihero are no more orders to bunkers trom New York, atid few are purchasing at as low as $1.60 per $1,000. Bcott, ex-goveruor of South Carolina, now living Bear Toledo, whose trial a homiuide committed last Chmtmas day bas aroueed intenno interest in nortu western Oblo, has been acqmtted ou the grounti ol eelt defense. A fire t Hoboken docks dcstrojed property to the amoiiiit (if 3(5UÜ,0OO. The Illinois fat stock Bhow.-patterned after the Smiihfield show in Kngland, is Deiug held in Chicago, with a fme ahow of aniinals. The bark RosinR was wrecked in mid-oceaa Oct, 21st. Eleven Iívcb were lost and one man was plcked up. (i. tí. Uobbs of tüicago, uas Dougai .mu sold sixty mUIioD bushels of corn iu ono lot. Thoveesel meiireíused81-2 oto. per bushei lor carrying it to Buffalo, and the ruilways took the job at seven cents hom Chicago to New York. There has baen eotuo criticism regariliüt; a ealute to Filz Hugh Lee, ordered by Geaeral Hancock at Yorktown. J)on Henderson saje it was given to General Lee acd bis Virginia state tioops, just as it would have been to Goveraor Jeroine and our state tioops ander like circumstances. Virginia Bent 14 regímenes to Yorktown, and it waa uot to the rebel general and rebel troops but to the now loyal aud patiiotic uieu who piesented theinselves on this national occasion. General Sherman, iu bis annual report to the eecretary of war, suggests the repeal of the law llmitlnfï the cnlisted forcé oL the army to 25,000 men, Rnd eays thatthe military aoademy at West Point f ulfils the purpose for which it was establihed. Tbe whisky manufacturéis are askiüg Tor a reduction of the tax on whisky irom 00 to 50 ets. per gallon, and wlll urge their view of the matter upon Congres?. The revenue bureau does not favor the reduction. First election returns are as follows: The World and Sun claim a Democratie uujority. The Tribune says the general ieBue ia in doubt. The Times claims a Kopublicau majority of 0,000 to 8,000. rennsylvania, Republicana claim a plurality of from ,000 to 12,000 tor Biiley as state Ireasurer, which figures the Demócrata we roluctant to concede. Massachusetts, Bepublicau majoiity on state ticket 80,000 to 85,000, present cfficers belng re-elected. Senate 37 Republicana and 3 Dernocrats, uouse.184 Republicana and 52 Demócrata and four uudecided. Counectlcut, both branches of tho legislatura carried by Republicana, senate 14 to 10, house 149 to 98. Virginia, Readjusters claim the election of their candidatos by a decided inajority, tho Demócrata denying thin and assertiug the victory to be thelr owu. New Jersey, Republicau iegislatuve, rilh an Increased inajority in both branches. Wisconsin, state ticket in doubt, logielature Republicau. Minuesotr, entire Republicau atate ticket triumpliaut by a majority somewhat redueed from last year. Mississippl, sweeping Democratie succeiss throuhout the state. The damat;e liy the brettkage of the Suz levee on the Mississippi is estimated at $3,000,000. Víctor Ohristiaucy, wituteB, concedas that lettera submitted by Giro asrecelved f roía Mrs. ChrMlancy are in tiie lattei'd aandwrittng. Mr. Howe, fue wotnan bau'ner, who npcued aii office iu Boeton tiome tium ago, aud píii! 7 per centa uiouth for uionpy (iepoB'its, is Ín julli awnitiug seatau'je for íWlodllBg. Her victims uumber nearly 1,00(1, and their Ios6e9 amount to f390,890. An extra sessioii ol tli Louliiaoa leglslatuve ís called for December C. Denver ib seleeted hb the permanwt capita' of Colorado. Fieuro-pneumonia exiat aruoug cattlo east of the AUnghen'tes, Imt (iominissioner Farringtoj reyorts that he has bond none wesl of the AUeghanies.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat