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ï'ntlier (Jonway, of Skreeu, couut.y tíllgo Ireland, is suspended Uy tbe b6hop for advaneed land league views. Parishioners theroiipnü build u(i the duots and wimlowa oí tlic citliedral, doclaring tliey will tavo no priest but Conway. The disturlianco at lleüraullet, where the farmers resisted the pólice and jectuient proceEB sei'VMs nud drove theui frora tho scène aftermuch firiup; on both sides, still tinues. Four ot the peasantry then shot have since dled, and slx more will die irom their woands. The road ha been blockaded by the populace to resist the return of the soldiery The bridge haa been desiroyed, and at convenient places for the mob great piles of paviag stones have been collected. The report that there is tnoaey in Engli9h banks to the credit of the late confedérate g.-.vernment is denied. The Times denies the report by authority. A novel feature of the lord mayor's procession wlll be a banner of the üaited States escorted by a guard of honor. WUen the lord mayor's procession reaches WeBtmlnister the American flag will be borne t the palace yard and massed bands wiil play an American national anthem. The Castle-Blayney sub-cominission has reached deciaiona fixing renta below the poer law rates, and thus aflording a geauine and aulffltantial decroaae in renti. This haa cauaed a inuch lesa iiugry feeling towards England in he aurrouuding local diatilcts. Mr. Seatou hae been released from Kilmainiam jail on condition that he ahall k t i'rauce. The Chiliana effected the oocuyatiou of Lima aud departinent by unexpectedly landiujj a body of troopa at Payta, who marcheJ inland nt once, aad took poaseaaion of the city without firiug a ehot. The inhabitanta are uotified Ihat they will bü relieved of the heavy t;ix iraposed liy Ooi. Negranand his asgoctatee. Colombia: The caual employeB are stilt snffering Irom yellow fever, and sickneas genrally along the line of the caua!, especially at Aepiuwa'l. Heavy uow storme and galos al'a repörted throuttUout Bngland, Ia several parts of the midland counties two ht of snow ia reported. The Bcitish parllament wlll mwton theioth of January uext. The Londou Tiiues aul News joiu in deuouncint; the Confedérate bood tmsiuess as a swindle. Tbe Belfast cominissioneis of the land court have reduced the rents of tunauts on Archdeacon Crawford's estatts 30 per ceul. A reconciliatioü has taUeu place between tbe marquis of Waterford and his tenaats, the lat ter paying the rent decided upon. According to cnstom Guy Fawkes eeleüra tions were held Saturday night in England Auioug the efBgies burned in Londou ;im Lewes were those of Uladstoae, Parnell and Guiteau. The statue ot Lord Byrou, made and deiiicated ly tbe Ureek natiou to bis meinory as a natloaal tributa oí gratitude lor bis service to Greew, baa beenunveiled at Missolougbi. An oiatiou ÖD tbe life of Byrou was delrrered and tbe ceremocy was particlpated In by an immeBsecoucourse of enthuslaBÜc Greeks. A terrible typboon is reported trom Houg Kong, Cbina, wliereby deatruotiOQ caine upon 200 churches. Si parsouages and colleges and 20,000 houBes la western Toupim. Six tboi sand Clhri8tiau3 are left boineless aud witbou resources. Lefróy has been fouud guilty ol tbe charg of having umrderod Mr. Gold In a coinpartmeut of a railway coach on the Brighton railway last June, and bus been genteneed to deatb. Atter sentsnee uad been paesed the pri8ouer stood up, and in a calm and gelf-possessed mauner began to addtess the jury. He concluded Ly sayinsí: "You wlll fiad when it is too late that you have murdercd me." This stateuieat causei a profoaud sensatiou ín tbe court. .__________


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