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HENRY MATTHEWS, Hasl the pleasure to inform the pubilc that he 5 ready to receiTe them In hisnewbrick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR KAST OF LEONAED HOUSE. Everything in his line wiU be flrst-class, and At Reasonabie Rates. Ha returns nis sincere thaTiks to all his old customers for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites tliem, and all new customers to his uew quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing tn nlarge hls already growing business. Send for oui BjHfcSK Hfe. New IllustraPL No. 30, for SÜF 5 FallandWinterofl881. Free to any address. Contains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal ilircctly with the consunier, and sell all rroods in any quantity at wholesale prices. Yon can buy befter and cheaper than at 10. ■í 0MEHY WARD&CO. ' !: li AvenKChieago,Ill. FRED SORG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, VAENISHES BRUSHES, "WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Lt. AUN ARBOE. ■ MICMIQAS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 anti 8 Washington t., Have on hand a complete stock of everythlnginthe Grocery Line. Thsy buy thelr Teas, CofTee, and. Swjara-rs In Iarge amounts, and at Ceisii. Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, , good proof that ín Quaiity and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast thelr own Coffees every week, anv iione but prime articles are used. Their Bikeryturns out excellent Bread, Caket and Crackers. Cali and see them. J ACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-TDTUTJX TILE. Ml our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of inmxual strength and llght welght, which mterially reduces the breakage and expense of transportación. The dltchine for thisclass oí tihngislessexpen sive, as they do not require to be lafd below f rost but only deep enough to escape the plow. Whiléthisis more economical it also aids m obtainingiabetter 'fall" or grade to the drain. A full assortmsnt of all sizes, for ale in small quantities, or car load lots, at the mm wm tm JAS. TOLBERT, AKent. IN. H. DOWNS VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Is a sure cure for Cought, Colds, ja Whooping-Cough, and all Lung B Dlseases, when taken in beason. I People die of consumpticm simpQ y becausc Of neglect, when the ■ ., úmely use of this remedj would Ihave cured them ai once. Ftfty-one years ot constant use proveo Uta fact that no cough remed ha stood the tesl like JOotvtt' M.lixir. Fries a5o. 6uo. ud üi.'jC peí bottle. For bule Fverwhere. Dr, Baxter's Mandrake Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestión, and all diñases arising frorn K iousnes. Pnce 5 ets. per bottle. fS Foi Síi!( F:fiyhiMC HË9IRY &, JOHJISON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl Vor Jflan and JBca&t. fiThe mo6t perfect liniment ever H Hcompounded. Pricc -:5c. and 50c. ■ For Snlf Jïverywhere. LiiKjOin 1 q Í ICHICAÓO & NOSTH-w t&Tf Wn KfLwA Chicago & Western Is the OLDEST! T . ■ EQUIPPED ! anü henee the LEADING RAILWAY, OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST! It Is the short and best routo between Chicngo end all points in Northern lilinois, iowa, Dikoti, Wmhus. Hetoarta. feraia, Orsgoa, Arizona, Utah, CoiWfllc, Hho KtttMt, Hívaia, ana f er COTmCÏL BLUFFS, 0MÜK4 DENVER, LEADVUiLE. Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOB, SIOUX CITY, CMu Eipids, It Holnes, flolumbui, snel U Polnis h e Tsrrttorlo, aai tha West. Also, for BUwjuto, Orson S57, Ojïïiih, Sheïoygaa, llaraaetto, fon du Lac, Wtcrto--ra, Hoaghtos, L'oesih, SSenainc, "t. Saúl, K'.sníapolia, Huren, Volga, Fargo, BlsmircS, Winona, LaCrosss, Owatoana, Ett-i all polnt: In Uianesota, Cj'sita, Wlscoasia ná tbc : " At Council Bluffs the trains of the Chicago & Western and the O. P. R'ys depart from, r 1rive at and use the Bame joint Union Depot. At Chicago, closeconne2tionsaremadewith1'-.e Lake Shore, JlichiEan Central, Baltimore & Oh . 1. Ft Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago A O rand Trirak R'ys, and the Kankakeo and Pan Handle Routes. . Close connectlons made at Junction Points, -ït is the only line runnig Pullman Hotel Dining Caí s MTWSBB OHICAGO AND COÜNCIL BLUFFS. riLLjrAN SLEt;PEES ON ALL KIGHT TKAINS. Insistupon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets vïalhisroad. Examino your tickets, and refus.' 1 bfty if they do not raad verthe Chicago A; Western Ralhvay. lf youwishthe Best TravelingAecommoclatiors iouwill buy your tickets bythis route, an'1 will iatac none o t lier. Ali Ticket Agente sell Tickets by this Line. MAKTI.V 1I1TOHITT, 2nSV.P.O8B'laag'r,CSIegi).


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