Real Estate Transfers

The following are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday, November 16: WAKRANTY DEEDS. Barnard Keenan to Jacob F. Braun, 20 acres sec 13 Northfield, $1,200. Olive A. Johnson to Jno. Devine Jr., lot in Dexter 200. Lelvina S. Cowles to Henry Matthews property in Ann Arbor, $1,55O. Jesse W. Badford to Horace Booth, 137 acres sec 15 and 22 Scio, $8,230. Milo A. Rowe to Ernst G. Haarer, 160 acres sec 24 and 26 Sharon, $10,480. Mary Aun Sanders to Frederick A. Maier, 2 acres sec 4 Pittsfield, $410. Adelaide C. Leonard to Mary Ann San ders, one-half acre Aun Arbor, $400. Wm. R. Geer to Lizzie M. Tuttle, property in Ypsilanti, $2,000. Jas. Conaty to Dick Clark, 70 acres sec 30Lynlon, $1,500. Jas. Conaty to Chas. L. Canfield, 33 acres sec 34 Lyndon, $800. Thos. H. Bradly to Albert Warren, land in sec 31 York, $300. QUIT-CLAIM DEEDS. Jno. Gifbert to the Ypsilanti Paper Co. property in Ypsilanti, $200. Sarah F. Huetin to Elizabeth Proadfit, property in Ann Arbor, $300.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Ypsilanti Paper Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Barnard Keenan
Jacob F. Braun
Olive A. Johnson
John Devine Jr.
Lelvina S. Cowles
Henry Matthews
Jesse W. Badford
Horace Booth
Milo A. Rowe
Ernst G. Haarer
Mary Ann Sanders
Frederick A. Maier
Adelaide C. Leonard
William R. Geer
Lizzie M. Tuttle
James Conaty
Dick Clark
Charles L. Canfield
Thomas H. Bradly
Albert Warren
John Gilbert
Sarah F. Hustin
Elizabeth Proadfit