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CITY ITEMS. Musical! Musical!! Musical !!! Special bargsios on Pianos and Organs. GdoJ, new patent Head Guitars, ?.j.00. Good Violin and bow, $5.00. Gdod Acordeons, $3 to $10. Finest Mouth or;ans ever shown in Aim Arbor. Finest Banjos ever on sale in Ann Arbor. Splcnlid 8 keyed Flutcs witli case, only f 10. 3iano Stools, Piano Covers, Instruction Jooks, Sheet Music, &c. , &c. No wliere lse can you buy so cheap. Opposite the OUrt house, east side. ALVIN WILSEY. N. B. - Pianos to rent, and sola on easy monthly or quarterly payments. Leave orders for tuning. "Bach & Abel are selling flrgt quality Jlack Kid Gloves, 4 button, at $1.00. Largo assortment of Gents' hand and machine sewed shoes, at John Burg's. Hosiery of every description, at Bach & Abel's. D. KlEltSTUAü's WINDOW SHADE FACtory. - The neatest styles of Window Jurtains for Stores, Schools, Churches, 3ublic Buildings and Private Houses made to fit windows of any size. For durability, clieapness and beauty these curtains are not surpassed. Weather strips for doors and windows of every tind and description put on at reasonable rates. For particulars enquire at thefacory, No. 'do Nort.1i Fifth streef, Ann Aror Blankets! Blankets! If you are in need of any, go at once to Bach & Abel's, where you can find all qualities from $2 o $25 .00 per pair. Musical instruments of all kinds reaired at the Ann Arbor Oigan Works. Jairing violin bows a specialty. D. F. Almendinger, propnetor. Ann Arbor, Mich. If you are in need of Dry Goods, mako our purchases at Back & Abel's, where ,'ou can find the largest stock, and lowest mees . For Sale - Twocarriage horses. Ap )ly to J. 8. Earl, proprietorof the 10 cent )iis, Aun Arbor, Mich. You ought to see Bach & Abel's Plushes, they are very handsome. Important to travelers: Special Inducements are offered you by the Burlington ioute. It will pay you to read their advertisemeut to be found elsewhere in this ssue Great bargains in Underwear, at Bach & Abel's. you will find a largar assortnent and lower prices, than at any other store in the city. Cali at John l!urj;'s for Gents' kid or jatent leather dancing pumps. Surah Silks and S:Uins. You will find cheaper at Bach & Abel's, as they carry the largest assortmeut, and make the lowest pi ices. John Burg bas just opened an immense stock of Boots, Shoes and Rübbebs. For haudsome Dress Goods step into he Cash Drj' Goods house of Bach & Abel. Cady's catarrh i'emedy, a sure cure for catarrh, is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. Studcnts will find it to their ad vantage to look through Kearney's stock of lamps. ST. JAMES HOTEL, T7ORMERLY GREGORT HOUSE, Eveiythtng JU new. Wm. H. Lewis, Prop. MRS, LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DI8C0VEKER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positivo Cnre For all Female Complaints. This preparation, aa lts name signifles, consista of Vegetable Properties that are harmless to the most delicate lnvalid. Upon one trial the merïts of this Compound will be recognlzed, as relief is iramediate ; and when lts use is contlnued( ín ninety-nine cases in a hun. dred, a permanent cure is effeeted,asthousandR will tostlfy. On account of its proven raerits, it is to-day recommended and prescri.bed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrhoea, irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarían Troubles, Inflammation and ülceration, Floodingw, all Displacements and the consequent spinal weaknees, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors f rom the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors thjre Is cliecked very gpeedlly by its uso. In fr.ct it has proved to be the (rreatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and givea new lifeand vigor. It remores faintness.flatulency, destroys all era ving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach It cures Bloating, Tleadachcs, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indigestión. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backaehe, 1b always permanently cured by its use. It wil 1 at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governa the female syatem. For Kidney Complaint3 of eitbor sex tbis compound is unsurpasscd. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 2.13 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mass. Price $1.00. Six bottles ior $5.00. Sent t)y mail in th form of pills, also in the f orín of Ijozenges, on receipt of price, $1.00. per box, for elther. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all lfttcpsof inquiry. Send for painphlet. Address as alxve Mention ifa.i$ paper. No f amilv should e without LYDIA E. PINKHAM UYEÏt PILLS. They cure Constipation, Büiousnesi anüTorpi 'y of the Liver. 25 cents Der box. Soldby C. E. Holmes [Cook hotel blocki


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