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FOH SALíTT A Large Handsome Carrap Horse ! One of the best driving horses in the city, Also carriage, harnees, robes, &c. Inquire at 35 8. Main St., or 43 Washington street. A.. L. NOBLE. ; THE GREAT CURE FOB RHEUMATISM Aa it ia for all diseases of the KIONEYS, LIVER AND 8OWELS. It oleanass the system of the aorid poison that oauaea the dreadful eufferinff which orüy the viotima of Bheumatiam oan realiM. THOUSANDS OF CASES of tho worst forma of thia terrible dlsease ' hT been quiokly relieved, ta a Bhort Urne PERFECTLY CURED. ' h had wonderful sucoeB, and an immense , lo in every part of the Country. In hun ' dredaofcaaemithasourod wheroall else had ' ,' fklled. It is mild, but effloient, CEItT AIN , , llf IT8AOTION, butharmlessinalloase. t Vit oleansea, StrensthenH and clresNew ' I Hfe to all the important organs of the body. , The natural aotionof theKidneys is reatored. ' 1 The Iiiver is oleansed of all diaeoee, and the ■ ! Bowela move freely and healthfully. In thia , waythe worat diaeaaes are eradioated from ' ' theayatem. I Aa it has been proved by thousands that 1 U the moBt effeotual remedy for cleansing the ■ aystem of all morbid seoretions. 1 1 should be uxed in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. I Alwayi cures BILIOÜSNESS, oONSTTPA' TION, FLLES and all FEMALÏ Diaeaooa. , I put u p i n Ir r Vr cr ( ahl F or m, i n t n cans, i one package of whichmakea 6quarta medicine. Mnoin Llquld Form, very Concentratedfor i I the convenience of tboae who cannotreadüyprei pareit. ItaoUvsithequal efficiency in eitherform. OBT ITOFYOÜR DRÜGGIST. PMOE, 1.00 , WELLS, KICH1RDS0N A Co., Prop's, (Wüi gend the dry post-paid. bvrmngton, tt. EEAL ESTÁTE EÏCHAN6E. o MANLY & HAMILTON'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First floor, Opera House block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnrnished on short notice on any parcel of land in Washtenaw county, from Frenen Claimsof Ypsilanti, to the most complicated titles in the Village of Manchester. Money to Loan on Real Estáte secureties. IFoir? Sale I I2O AC ros at $50 per acre in the township of Webster, good buildings. Terms to suit purchaser. New Store on west side of Main street, terms easy. Vhomas Colliar Farm,being the west half of the west half of the northwesc quar ter- forty acres- on eection eight, Ann Ar bor. This farm is only three miles from the city, has good title, laniwell watered, good orchard, fair buildings, ten acres good wheat I OO Acres within l 1-2 miles of court house with first-class building, perfect title and very cheap. HOUSe and LotS 1,2. 3, block4south range 2 west, situated on South side of Liberty St. HOUSe and fOUr LotS, on corner of Forest avenue and Orleans street. Entire BIOCk2NR13E, except2Iots. Giood building sites. Terms to suit purchaser. ACOOd Farm, 200 acres, well improved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $65 per acre. HOUSe and Lot on Catherine street for sale, or exchange for lot near the Methodist church. Terms easy. A House and doublé L Ot at Whitmore Lake, $700. HOUSe and Lot, oitfngalls street, north of üniversity, $3,000. HOUSe and Lot, on Lawrence street, $2.000. HOUSe and Lot, on north side of West Huron street; also 6 1-2 acres situated on south side of Jackson road, about one mile from court-house, $2,600 for both pareéis. Terms to suit purchaser. One House and two acres of land sitúate in Ingalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Riley property, good barn and wel). HOUSe and Lot, on ElizabethSt., $3,000. A HOUSe and 1-2 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, in the Fiftii ward, Rood locality, $1,000. House and five Lots on Miller avenue. Wül be sold at a bargain. Good barn on the premises. 3O Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road, within 8-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exchange for city property. Lots 77. 78, 90, and part of lot 89 and a large briek house with 12 rooms, R. S. Smith's addition. A Fine BriCk HOUSe, Barnes, Orchard, with nice well and spring, and six acres of land, on West Huron and Jewett streets, known as the Jewett property. Price $15.000, or two lote off said property on Huroh 8t., price $700 each. MONEY TO LOAN In sums from $100 to $5,000, amount and terms tosuit applicants.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat