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A fire ia the Texas Btate capital did damage to the amount of 220,000. Ths archives oí theoldrepublicof TtíxaB and many historie j battle flags were deatroyed. The sum of f 836,638 due to bonded Pacific railroads lor military tranaportation ib withheld by the government officials, to be applied o the payment of the roads' indebtedness to th United States. Mrs. Garfiald writea from Mentor to the Hon. Cyrua W. Field, accepüng and expressing thanks for the large f und raised for tho benefit of bereelf and children. She hopea to uae Ihe generous gift ina way to honor her husband'a memory and to satiafy thoea by whom it was bestowed. Commissioner Baum promises to examine the ïnaterials !r .ui which beer is ïnanufactured, to prevent adulterations. Disbureeite ita of the last fiscal year ia the quartermasLer-üfineral's department were #12,151,891, being C1.7U6.296 Ie3s than the approPIA tement building in New York iel! at the corner of south flrth avenuo and Grand street, burjing the occupants in the ruin. Ten bodies have been founrt and a number of pereonB roacued who receivod injuries. Later new3 froin the Nw York election in dlcates that the R-pubÜcana have probably carried the state by a small uiajnrity. The aasemtily will probtb:y be iepublican aid the senate democratie . The jlahonit8 feel sure of a nctory in Virgmia. Judge Cox of the Washington criminal cour having found the crime charged against th nffenders in the star route cases to be "in famouB," requiring procsdure by indictmen ratherthan by inforina'.ion, granted the motlo so ably argued before him, both pro and con aud di6Chaiitei tho defenddnts. After the de cisioD, Mr. Cook, leading counsel for the gov trnment, explained in court the einbafrassments and difficulties under whlch the prosecutien was prepared, aud gave notice that other measures would be takan to secure a justBettlement with the government and to punisti ths oflpnders. The New York produce exchaBfe is goiog to erect a f2,000,000 butl-llng. George Chrisdancy, the youngest son of the ex-ministór, wao was bis Btep-mother's longtime companion, swears positively that the mnch uiooted letters to Giro were actually written by Mrs. Christiancy. Judge Christiancy also testifies to the same efleot There Is talk of reauming the coinage of five ceut nickel coíds. Thetown ot Woodstock, New .Brunswick was set on fire in several places Friday morning,and almost entlrely deetroyed. Surgen General Barnes asks for f250,000 for expenses of the medical departnient of the U. S. army, fer the year ending June, 1883. Attorney General McYeagh denies all stories of a "scène" at a cabinot meeting, and says bis relations with President Aithur are most dial. The province of Ontario lost by bush fires laat season batween f 10,000,000 and $15,000,. 000. tien. Patrick. on Friday, took the oath as administrator of the affairs of tho governmen of Canada during; the absence of the marquis of Lorne. Col. Cook, government counsel, says Judge Cox's decisión does aot end the star route prosecution. Tbe matter will now be broutfht before the grand jury in regular form. öolomon, president of Hayti, has been presented by the national legislativo body with a gold medal of honor, a valuable estáte and $ 50,000 in cash as a reward for his successful and satlsfactory adininistration. The ühio river has been so low at Pitteburgh that fifteen miliion bushels of coal have accumulated. It can now be shipped. Great deetitution existo among the hundreds of people rendered homeless by the conflagration at Woodstock, New Brunswick. The schooner Carlingford with wheat from Duluth for Buflalo and steam barge Brunswick bound up the lakes with lö.OOO bushela ol coal Irom Buffalo collided when off Port Colborne, both sinking soon after. The crew of the Carlingford consUticg of Capt. Holmes and six men eBcayed after a pull of 20 miles ia a rough sea with the exception of one saiior named Edward Conway, who ran back aftr something while the vessel was sinking. Three ot the crew of the Brun9wick were aiso lost_ The Biunswick is valued at $100,090, insured for $70,000. The Carlingtord was insuMd for $20,000 and ber cirgo of wheat for $25,000. Severesi o o:ins are obtructing trave in western K, Colorado and New Mexico. The swaiui I .ü of a skiff ferry boat oii the Hudaon river at Troy resalted in the loss of ten human Uves. Commissioner of customs reports receipts last year from all sources controüed by him amounting to 200,10,93ö, and total expendí tures of his departmeut amounting to $18,4H9,412. Penueylvania i nthorities have conimencec quo warraulo proceedius in the couris ugaiusi a nuinber of mutual Ineurance compaoios, j whose suppression is sought for on account of non compliance wita the terms of their charters. The crede ïtials of the Hon. Lionel Sackville West, British minister te the United States I have beon forinally presentad and received at Washington. Secrotary Blaine was gummoned as the fitst and principal witness for the proseeution in he Gitteau trial. Small-pox is prevailing in New York to puch an extent that the hospitals are erowded. Capt. H 'WKato neain made sutijct to indictmeut by the discovery of another $40,000 "di-creiancy" in h;s accounts. Suoietary of the Interior Kirkwood recom mends liberal pn.Tision by congress for teach. lag the Indiana the 'Cuglish langutge, the reduction of reservatious both in number and area,the indbidualizing of Indian titl.B, and the eBtal)li8hmnt of exiriinpntal forma of local govern ment, somewhat after the fashlon ot county governmentB, to allure the red m.n f roui their tribal relations. The agricultural depaitment report cbroni cíes a decroaee this year as compared with the laBt of 80 or 40 per cent. in the cotton erop, 20 per cent, ia wheat and 26 per cent. in corn.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat