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Lord mayor's day in London was celebrated with hecustomary public display. The flag of the üaited States was carried In the grand procession, and bands played "ïanfcee Doodle," "Siar Spangled Banner" and "HaU Columbia." Gladstone again declares publicly at London that the laws wUl be enforced with Crm„Pa nnrt decisión in Ireland, and the Times approvBB the sentiment aDd discusses the propriety of taking the cotiDtieü ose by one and cruahing out resistinee to rent with the whole power oí the executive. Reporte from the second elections in Gei many cause the imperia] government continued annoyance and indícate an increased oppoition majority in the reichstag. Premier Ferry and his colleagues in the French cabinet have reeigned tiieir offices, 'resident örevy has called upon Gambetta to form a now cabinet, and the incomiog premier is now chooBing his fellow mini. ters. The king of Ashantee it is r iported killed 200 young girls for the purpose of using their blood for mixing a mortor for the repair of one of the state buUdinga. It is a matter of boast in the Spanish cham ber of deputies that no European country eow enjoya greater liberty or better order in nal affaire ttaan Spain. Capt. Kennedy of the steamship Qrmanlc having brought to Liverpool Irom New Tork three cases ol cartridges, in defiance of the prohibition, must pay L10 fine. Rent reductions in Ireland made by cominissioners undor the land act cali íorth loud complaints from landlords who now ask for compansation from the government. .„_„ A dispatch Irom Oiessa sys thatthe railway trafile in Central Russia ís greatly impeded by m which has also preveated the sowing ot winter wheat especially in the government ol Kharikoff. . A duel between Paul de Casssgnac and Adrien Mosteballo, occasioned by an article publishedinLe Pays, has taken place near Paris MontebeUo was slightly wounded. Announcement is made of the new Frenen abinet with Gambetta as premier. There is a total oí over 40,000 applications or rent reductions now before the Irish land commission. InLondonmuch signifioance isattachedto the arrest of Tobin, the Fenian leader, and the d:scovery of documenta relatinfc to the es.iblishment ol an Irish repubUc. Ia theee papprsisrevealed the exifitence of the "Irish lepublican Society." The policy of the new French cabinet as announced by premier Gambetta contemplates )ace at home and abroad, with a gradual developnwnt of internal reforms, particularl i edacational, jodicial and mUitary systems. Snveral shocks of eaithauake oocured in the cantón of Vand last weck. The TurkB evacuatrd volo Sunday and the Greeks entered the town Tuesday. The poüe has been Bitting in conncll with a select congrigaüon of cardlnals to coniider the Irish Questioik


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Ann Arbor Democrat