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HENRY MATTHEWS, %&LL5LL%LL he is MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONAHD HOUSE. Everything in his lino wiil bo flrst-class, and At Reasonab!O Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all hia old CïBtomers tor thuir generoua patronage, and cordi. allv invites tliem, and ail imw cuatoraors to üia I now quarters, v.-liero lie hopea by fair dealing: ta ánlarue his already growing business _-_- . Scnd fOr 0U BHk rBk New IUustraB uM 13 tedPrice-List M JÈÈ JÊ No. 30, for JfëjBBr gjpP IVllandWinter of 1881. 'Frec to any eddrcss. Contains full description of all kinds of goods , for personal and faraily v;3e. We deal dircclly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. -ÍONTGOMERT WARD & CO. I 2'" ■ ■ '■1 Avcnse.Cliicago.IlL FRED SORG, Dealer in PAUS, 0ILSJAIIS15 BRUSIIES,. WINDOW OLASS, And all Paintora' SuppBei of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 23 East Washington Est. ANN ARHOB. " - MICMIGAK. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Have on hand a complete stoet of everythiiig in the Grocery Line They buy their Teas, Coöbcs, andSugars In largo amounts, and at Osbsix Prioes And can sell at Low Figures. Tho large invoiee of Teas they Buy and Sell, Is good prouf tliat in Ouaüty and Price they Give Bargains. TheyEoaat their o-n Coffeeg everyweek, anc none but prime articles are uaed. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes und Crackers. Cail and see them. JÁCKSON fIRE" CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-DIEl-A-IIST TILEAU our Drain Tile ara made of Fire Cflay. are oí untMHOl Btrengtb and liuht vxight, which matorially reduces the breakage and expense ot trTtePditehinsfor thtocliUM rtWMJMUagg Bive as they de not require to be laid below frost, but ónlv deep onough to escape the plow. Whilothisis more economical ít also aids Ín obtainingfabetter -fall" or grado to the drain. A full assorlincnt of all sizes, for sale Ín small quantities, or car load lot, at tha PERBON ïffiBI TIBE JAS. TOLBERT, Agen. lal lis %8 fe Y 110 JU I VEGETABLE BALSAMIC 1 N Is a sure cure for Coughs, Colcis, ■ Whooping-Cough, aad all LungB Diseases, when taken in beason. ■ People die of consumtioi. H ïfe ly becaase oí neglect, when the H timely use of tnu remed wouldH g have cured them at nce. sTuftiJ-oitl tjtlirs ot con-B SS sfant use prive Uu. fact that no j congh remed [a stood the tesl ■ Blike JDotvna' A X i r . Price 35c. "ut a in) 1101 bottle. Foi J. Kvon wliore. Kg . i. -..i, .i ■■■■ i in - r BS iDr.Baxter's Mandrake 1 ■ SBiTTERSI Will curt Jaundice, Dispepsia, j Liver Complaints, Indigestión, K Hand all dieases arising from g M iousnes. Pnce 5 ets. per bottle. Rj Fi Salí Eierywliera. M BBaggsaBn- 1 1 ' ' ''""-' E HKNIi-i &. JOHSSOSi'S ÁRNICA AND OIL linimeiít S JFor JTIan and Beast. gThe most perfect liniment everB 'Ú compounded. Prïce -5c. and 50c. H For $k Evpr.vwhere. WK Chicago & Western Is the OLDBSTI BEST CONSTRTTCTEDI BE3T EQUIPPED I and heme tlia LBADIÜTGRAILWAT, WEST AíIDFN0kTHWEST! It ts the short and best route betweea Chicago ana aU points in f:raia. Ore roa, irtzeaa, ütah, Colora Jo, liaho, Montáis, tícvada, asa is: GOÜSTOÏL BLUFFS, QMMZ& DENVER,, LEADVIKLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEABWOCÏ, SICÏTX CITY, "csSsr Sap'.ds, Dos Ko!ne3, Oolumtua, f.nd all Poiata tz tts Territorios, ss4tia West. Also, fcr Kilwauïee, OroenBs-, OAkoA, iShshoysaa, HíMiUtt, Tona au Lao, Walertowa, Ho-ghton, tTtnw, UtnmSi "t. Eiul, Kisaespolis, Haron. Vol'a, ïawo, Eisa;::i, Wiaoaa, LaCrossa, Owitoaoi, aal aUMintoS Waaitett, Dakots, Wiiccnsia aai tho Hcrti"itCouncIl Blufft the trains of th3 Chicago & Western and the V. V. K'ys depart from, a rive at and uae the saine jointUnion Depot. At Chicago, close conne itions are mado with ihe Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Balhmore &Ohn l't. Wayno and For.r.sylvauia, and Clncago .'. Grand Trani R'ys, and tho Kankakso and Pan Handle Routes. ., _. , , Close connections macie at Junctlon Points. I'. is the only lino runnig Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BSTWEFN CHICAGO AKD COUNCIL BLÜFFS. PriI.IANSI.KEPEESON ALI. NIGHT TKA1NS Insistupon Ticket Agento ielling you Ticket via thto road. Examine your ticliots, and reiuso 1 1 iniy if they do not read ver tho Chicago & Western Eaüway. If youwishthe I! ft TraTClmgAccommooaüon you will buy your tickets by this routa, aul WiU ïalicnoiieotlior. All ïieket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. lUKVisuniinn, 2ü& V. ï. & acB'lHiag'r, CSiOigO.


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Ann Arbor Democrat