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The Body Of The Late A. T. Stewart Has

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been reeovered on payment of f37,000 and a pledge tbat the robbers shall not be prosecuted. Thebodj was missing about three years. i - i - i The greatest iving siuger, Adelina l'alti : is now in New York, and recently gafe a concert in that city for the beueflt of the Michigan fire sufferers which netted $10,000. The relief fund, however, will not reccive more than half of that sura, $.j,000 of it Röing for expenses. Genett's Hberty has been secured by bis TéTaTivus paylng liis fine, some $9,600. Genett had no friends who would.interest themselves in bis release for be was regarded too mean and contemptible fox them to care whether be ended liis days ín the penitentiary on Blackwell's island ur not, and bis relatives had hard work to make upthe araouut between tbcm. We thought the postoflice questioa had been posilively decided, and tliis is what cverybody believed, but it bas been again opened and now the war seeras to have bcgun in earnest. It is rumorcd tbat some tempting offers have been made tbe government, also that work has been suspended on Manly& Hainilton's building until the question is settled This is not so, and we are at a loss to know how sucli a report was circulated. A daily newspaper should, above all things, furnish correct information on tbe subjects uppermost in the popular mind, as concisely as possible and without regard to political, sectarian or pcrsoual relations. It should be intelligible as well as intelligent, and even ita original comments should be more in the way of explainiDg its news thau in enforcingfavorite doctrines. This is the aitu of the Detroit Evening News, and it seems to hit the bull's-eye most of the time. According to the census Michigan is ninth amongsl the states and territoriea of the union in point of populalion, having gained this place from thirteenth, whicb she occupied ín 18T0. There are now within her borders 1,986,987 persous, an increase of 452,876 in ten years. New York lias the Rreatest population, 5,082, 871 and New Mexico the least, 11,965. The total population of the United States is 50,155,783 persons, an increase of twelve millions in ten years. At this rate we shall have sixty-five mili ion population in 1890. ■ -- 1 The most reniarkable speclacle which has ever occurred in this country is nuw ia progress at Washington. ïhe trial of Guiteau for the assassination of president Garfield is watched by the whole civilized world. The smallest details are read with the liveliest interest. For the honor of the nation the trial should be eonducted honorably and fairly by the prosecution, and the court should insist upon the prisonei having every point the law allowshim. The prejudiceagainst Guiteau is so increased by his remarkablc conduct in court, that ït is most difiicult for honest rainds to maintain the equipoise which honor and justice demand, and the world would be pretty apt to overlook any disposition on the part of the governraeut to push the trial to completiou and hang the prisouer with mulo haste. Still this should not be done. Guiteau is a miser able coward, and death is horrible for hirn to contémplate ; still he would prefer 'lying on the gallows to being finished after lus own style. Henee his attempted assassination on Saturday by anunknown horsetnan bas thrown him into the utmost consternation. The thought of being shot down in his tracks without an opportunity to make a bravado display on the scaffolding is positive torture to him. Therefore, when duly convicted, he should be quietly executed in the jail, in the presence merely of the sheriff and his assistanls, and possibly a priest, should the damned scoundrei ask for one. But the publ c should be rigidly excluded. Id the next political campaigu the qnestions of protection and free trade will be the most important ones before the people. The two political parties must make it the only issue, in fact, as there is now no other issue. The war has long been fought and won, slavery is abolished and a sound financial basis has been reached. The hot bed of partisan strife is cold, and in all other respect exctpt the tariff the two political parties are rnuch alike. Tne tariff, then, is the only probable issue of the succeeding campaign, and voters should be prepared to meet it. The protective nysteni of this country should no longer be tolerated. It isa burden on the tax-payer who consumes a pound of any article on the revenue. It is argued that protection has made us prosperous, protection has made us great. But there never was a worse error in the world, nor one calculated to do so much iajury. lf we have prospered it has been despite our protective system, and not because of it. A tariff isalways eventually paid by the consumer, and it is not required for the support of the government, as many imagine. The system is intended to shut out foreign coinpetition, consequenlly our home tnanufacturers raise the price of their own producís, foreign cumpetuion being shut out, and thus rob the farmer and all others who have to buy of them or go without. Thus the system instead of cheapening the cost of iron, increases the cost of articles which are made ol ron; and in so doing cheapens the price of wheat and every other articlc, as it takes more wheat etc. to buy a pound oi iron, than it would otherwise. In other words protection increase; the cost o1 everything the farmer has lo buy, anc cueapens the cost of everytbing he has to sell.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat