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A New Organization

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A special meeting of Ihe WaslHenaw county agricultural aud horticultural society was held on 8aturday at the court house, uliout twenty iuenibers being preeent, and a new organization of the same name and for tlie same objacts was formed The articles of associatiou state that it was supposed that the VVashteuaw county agricultural and horticultural society was duly iucoi poraled, in 1859, but the articles of association which should have been filed in the office of the couuty clerk and with the secretary of the State ariculturul society, were lost and no where to be found. And, therefore, lor the pur pose of holding and controtling the real estáte and other propaity now bulonging to the original society, aud for ihe pur pose of carrying on the business and sffairs of the society, new articles of association were adopte J and signed bytwelve of those present, wuose uaines appear below as directora. The anieles adopted for the new society the same name as 'hal held by the old society and declare the purposes of the new orgauizatioii to be, to bod and maiutain the land belongiun to the old society aud such other propflrty as it may hereafler acquire; lo holü sm-.h anuuul fair as the society shall deern proper; and lo carry on any project ar measures iippiopnate to the objects oí said society. The artick-a provide for the election of twelve directors, four for oue yesr, tour for lwo yeurt-, and tour tor three years; and also ot a president, iecretary, and treasurer wlioshal; be ex oillcio directora, Followiug directora werechosen: J. D. Baldwin, Daniel Hiacoek, Win. McUreery, John C. Bird, IS. T. Walker, Daniel Sntberlaad, W. B. Suiith, J. V. N. Gregory, E. S. Walker, J. N. Baily, W. B. Thompson, C. L. Tuomey. ïliere is soine opposition manifested, by souie of the members of the old 3ociety, to this new arrangement and some of the original shareholders secra to be in doubt as to wliat effect the new urgauization will huve on their rights. There was also soine discusaion as to refunding the debt of the society, $3,ÜÜO, al a lower rate of interest, and ihe proper measure will be taken at the auuuul meetiDg on the third 'i uesday in December looking to the accomplishment of this end. - [Register. The grouud about Niágara Falls is to be turued into a great National Park. If the Goveruuieut will take possession of the hacks and continue the present price, the natioual debt can be paid off in a year. Winston, Forsylh Co., N. C. Gents: -1 desne to expresa to y uu my tbiiuk for your wondeiful Hop Bitters, I was trouuled with dyspepsia for tive years previous to cuiniueuciug the use of your Hop Bitters sonie six aioulhs ago. My cure has been wonderíul. I am pastor of tlie First Methodist (Jhurch of this place and ui y whole congregation can tesliiy to tlie great virlues of your Bitters, REV. H. FEKEBEE. Things are not exactly right. A sarei'ul politicai economist closely calculates ihat women in -his country might annually save $14,550,000, in ribbons which the men might spend in cigars. LIQUiD OR URY. Some people prefer to purchase medicines in the dry state so that they can see for themselves that they are purely vegetable. Others have not the time or desire to prepare the medicine, and wish it already to use. To accommodate each class the proprietors of Kidney-Wort now offer that wellknown remedy in both liquid and diy forma. Sold by druggista everywhere. - Truth. :' Cleanliness," we are told, " is next to godliness." Under these circumstances we raay assume that soap is next to charity; at all events, let's soap so. A GENEHAL STAMPEDE. Never was sucb. a rush made for any drug store as is now at Eberbach & Son 's for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption,coughs and colds. A.U persons afHicled with astlima, bron chitis, hoarseness, severe coughs, or any affection of tüe tbroat and luugs, eau get a trial bottle of tbis great remedy tree, by calliug at the above drug store. " Why dost thou soar, love?" sings a poet. Probably ït is because he has been trying to mouut the fiery, untamed bicysle. It will make any mau sore. For the delicate and complicated difHculties peculiar to the feuiale constilulion Lydia E. Piukham'ií Vegelable compound is the sovereign reuiedy. It aiuis at the cure, aud produces lastiug resulta. Send to Airs. Ljdia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Aveuue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlels. "So she refused you, did she?" asked Pingry; " why didn't you press her, my boy?" "Press hei!" exclaimed Brown; " she wouldn't let me get nearenough for that." Mr. James A. Weatherford, of Spring - field, Obiu, says: "Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of the worst case of dyepepsia man-ever had . The muscles of my stomach, liver and bowels now seem so stronir. I believe I could aluiost digest petrifled cheese! I recommend it to all who suffer as did I." "Now do teil me, Charlie," said Miss Gigglegush, who is spending the suramer in the country, " which cow is it that gives the ice creatu? I am juut dying to see her." When a cough sounds like Croup - that ís.dry and hard - do notdelay an instant! Give Downs' Elixir ot'teii enough to keep the cough loóse, and the danger will soon be over. As a remedy to purify the blood, nothingcan be found equaí to Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Price 25 cts. per bottle. ín Henry & Johnson's Árnica and Oil Liniment we furnish you a large bottle for 50 cents.


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Ann Arbor Democrat