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The resolution of the Detroit Common CouncU aUowini the Brush Electric Light Coinpany to orect poles ia the streeis has been vetoeu by Mayor Thompson. Hls reasons for the sanie are,fir8tthatthe couneil had not the nght to grant such permission and cites the opinión of City Counselor Dnffltld as authority; eecond that the conditions of the reeolution were not compüed with; third that the poles are a disfigurement to the city with their "cheap red metallic paint and would disgrace a well topt i nnt-h." The mayor recommends that ie ranal direct the Board of Public Works to order tho removal of those already erected rasteadof erecting more. He also recommends that in case the legislature at ita coming session should grant the city government authorty to grant a franchise to the Brush Company, the said Company shou'.d be reqoired to pay Bomerevenue to the city and to lay üswires through tubes beneath the surface of the ütreets as is customary in other cities. The Maple Rapids Gazette recently contained ffieToïïbwiin{: One of our merchante recognized clothing he had given t9 the committee to raieeiuuu for the fire sufferers, upon tho person of one of our citizene. Thoaccused claims to have traded and got the c'.othing froin other par" ües The indignation of our cUizens is great]y aroused at finding donations given to the fire suflerers, upon the backs of our citizens ti, m.tter should not be auieUy overlooksd by the officers of the committee, or by lts donator. Hon. Frank Kendrick, member oí the present leeislature tor the second district of Lapeer eounty.diedathisresidence in the towiwhip of Dryden, lflth inst, aged 38 yeare. Mr. Kendrick was a member of company A, Filiü Michigan cavalry, and went through the war, participating in 40 battlee. His health was impaired by tuis Eeivice, and doubtless basten bis deatb. ., Edwud B Slawson, a gradúate of the literaryandlaw departinents of Michigan Univereity,diedin Bay City on the 17tb. For nver25year9 he was a resident of A frightful accident occurrea to a thhhu on a Bix story brick building Detroit lut Thursday While raisinz a metal cornicethe ngging of the pulley gave way and a timber swmging around knockod one man down and another off the building. The bitter feil the entire diatancefromthe roof alighting on a pile of brick audEtone. Theinjured man recovered nis sensee, but lived only four houre. Georgië Hanahan, a four-yeare oíd boy wno had a chicken bone cui out ui u „y.St Mary's hoBpital, Detroit, about a week ago, isnewrecoTering. The tube inserttd in bis tiiroat has been removed. Ex-chanceller Tappan oíMichiean UmverBity died in Vevay, Switzerland, on the lötb, in the 77th year of bis age. Thursday while the wife of Hon. W. A. McConnell was waiting in her buggy near the de pot at Puntiac, the'hoiBe was f rightened at the whistle of a locomotive, and, becommg unmanageable, ranaway. Mrs. McConnell was thrown from the vehicle and receivcd very eerious injuries on her head and limbe. The buggy eollided with a load of wood on the mam etreet and was wrecked. Constantine Advertiser and Mereury Btates that Samuel Stears November 15, broeght to their office a boquet of apple blossoms, which he had thatday picked from a tree grewing uponhisfarraia Florence. There were more than a do branchee, all bearing buds and bloesoms, as f ragrant as tnose oorne uy tu apple trees in May and June The tree is a Beedi'ig which yielded a fair erop of fruit the past season. At camp 12, Schoolcraft eounly, they bavo already got over 1,030,000 feet of logs ready for hauling. Henry Crump, a farmer frem Hullet Lake, near Cheboygan, shot himself. The ball entered the left breast and lodged in the iung. He cannotliTe. He hal been having a sproe for Borne days. Hon. JoBeph Lomax of Grand Rapios, late ef Sturgie, the first President of the Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad, iaseriously ill f rom tbe effect of an operaüon for rupture. It ia thoueht hp cannot recover. The express messeneer on Michigan Central train from Grayling, 18th inst., reporta being robbed of an expresa package contaming$8,000. The monBy was sent from LanBing to tho county treasurer at Grayling. The exprees messenger delivered it to the station agent, ■who laid it on the platform with other exprees matter. A few minutes later the money package could not be f ound. JoseDh E. of the heroeB sf the lebellion 20 years ago, died at Harper'B Hospital on Friday last, When Capt. Witherspoon of Dbtroit, was raising nis company for the Twenty-fourt h Michigan infantry, Joe, then a boy not quite 17 years of age,insisted on being mustered in as a 6oldier. Ho went, partakiug of the fortunes of the Twenty-fourth regiment until teforo Petersburg, June 18,18G4,his right leg was shattered by a rebel bullet and he feil on the field of battle, lyingtherethe estire day. At nightfall he was rescued by nis comrades, when itwas found that during tha day his other leg had been shattered by an additional rebel bullet, which had struck the sliin bone. He was placed in the field hospital, and the right leg amputated below the knee. After a few daye he was removed to Washington, where he lay in hospital some two monthe, and ra9 then broughtto his home in Detroit. Here he was bedridden for over a year, during which time several pieces of bone were removed trom his rema ning leg. Finally he was able to get about with the aid ol two crutches, and lor a time fcd a email printing prtss until the increaee of pensions for total disability, ue manaeed to support himself, since which timo his pension had kept him comfortably. He Buffered terribly during many yeare, and his final illness lasted Eome six or eight months. In September at the last reunión of the Twenty fourth Michigan, at Sugar Island, the Bhattered veteran was carried to the place, and ing on his back on the graes greatly enjoyed the scène and the meeting with his old coinrades. Port Huron Times states that a man giving his name as James Miller, but whose real name in Mackey, made his appearance at the relief committee rooms and made affidavit that he had loBt $3,750 worth of property by the Cres near Minden, and that he had 10 children burned to death. He also forged the name of the supervisor of Minden. The falsity of the story was soon diecovered, and Sheriff Hilton took him into custody, when he confessed the wholething. Petoskey is to have a $60,000 hotel, to eb ready tor use July 1 next A white deer was recently killed near Mendon. Dr. O. Guiteau of Battlo Creek, a veterinary Burgeon has been eubpoenaed to attend the trial in Washington and testify as to his cousin's sanity. E. O. Dewey, son of the editor of the Hastins8 Banner, assumes control of the üwosbo Times. GofE Paul of East Saginaw, has been eentenced three years in Jackson tor setting fire to the salt factory. There are now in the booms at Grand Eapids 16,000,000 feet of logs. It is expected to reduce this stock before it freezes up to about 12,000,000 feet, which will have to be stored above the raüroad bridge till spring. Eugene A. Davis was convicted, Saturday, in Saginaw City of complicity in the railroad ticket-scalping conspiracy with J.F. Lamín of Detroit. Thieves enterei Rev. W. W. Macomber's (Presbyterian) residence, Monroo, last Saturday night stealing a valuable gold watch, money, etc The circuit court, Charlotte, is in sesnion and ha taken up the Barnard- Curtiss case. The time thus Lar has beeu occupied trying to eet a Jai?. Afterrejecting about 80 candidates the judge adjaurned court. Wm. Hovcy, manager and tiwwurer of the Grand Rapids piaster Bompany, was taken with a congestivo chili in his office on Mondsy of Ibis week and died there at a late hour the saine afternoon. He has been a resident of Grand RapidB 30 years and was a niember of the board of public works at the time of his death.


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