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COOK HOUSE, ï, H. HUDSON, Proprietor, 11. Newly Furnished. Ann Arbor. H. R. HILL TTORNET AT LAW. office No. Í, Opera House Block. Ann Arbor. Michigan. " WILL1AM CASPARY, AKERY ANP CONFKCTIONEEY. 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchant Tailor. ehop over Wjn . AUaby 's boot and shoe store, AH irork guaranteed or no 'nargo. JOHN F. LAWRENCB, A TTORNEY AT LAW. 1 AoiBce, Nos. 2 and 3 HlU's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. J. R. SAGE'S MUSIC STORE is the cheapest ulace to buv Pianos, Estey Organs, Violins. Guitars. Banjos, Tambourines, Drums, Fif, Flageolets, Zithers, Accordeons, Piano Stools, Violin Boxes, instruction Books for all kinds of instruments, Sheet Mnsic(new), Strings.Dest quality, all kinds: MouthOrgana, Bridges, Bow, Keya and Rosin. Ererythingin the music line f rom a Chickering Piano ro a Jew's Harp can be found al J. K. SAGE'S Music Store. No.4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. WHJLIAM HEBZ, HOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco Paiuter. GUding, Calcimining, Glazingand Paper Hanging All work dons in the best style and warranted to eivo satisf action. Shop, No. 4 West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Pareons, OFFICE AND DISPEN8AEY, Corner Huron and Flfth Streete, Ann Arbor. Mich. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Cloth-' {ng store. Ann Arbor, Mich. "O. C. JENKINS, SURÜEON BENTIST. Rooms No. 19' South Main Street, oppoaits the First National Bank Ann Arbor, Jlich. THOS DALE, tue Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner.thlrd door south of the Opera House. Samples of work can beseeuat the shop. Satisfaction guaran teed. TOBACCO STORE. IT WILL BE FOUNDthat F. 8. Buck keeps the best assortment of CIOARS AND TOBACCO In the city. Best brands ef eigarettes a specialt y. So 7 East Huron St. AÑTOÑ BISELE, DEALER IN MONUM'vKTS and Gravestones, manufactured trom 'i ennessee and Itallan Marble and Scotch and American Granite Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine ets., Ann Arbor., Mich. PATRICK McKERNAN, TTORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real XX Estáte agent, Money to Loan and Records earched. Conveyancing and all legal documente drawn on reasonable terins. Office in the courthouae, Ann Arbor, Mich. E C. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof. of SURGERT, HOMEOPATHIC! DEPARTMENT, University of Michigan. Residence and office 41 Liberty strett. Dr. Franklin will attend surgical caaes here, by consultation indifferent parts of the : iate. SP] NAL CURVAIURES AND V.ÏFORMITIES CUBED by bis improved method. EMANUEL MANN, nEALEfu.v Drugs and Mcdioines Toilet Articles, Dye 8tuffa, &c. Prescrip tions oarefully propared at auy hour of th day or night by flrst-olass chemfsts. Kmanuei. JIann. No. S9 South Main streel . Ann Arbnr, - - - - Michigan. _ WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSTC, IntórucSon Books, VloUns, Guitars, Flutes. &c, cheap at Wilsey'E Music Rooms, east side Public Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largeet and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into VVaghtenaw County. Violin and Guitar Strlngs a sipeclalty. N. B.- It wUl be to your interost to cali betore purcbasing anythlnfc ir the Musio line; ■ fOR INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY GO TO C. H. MILLEN, Í3VSXJRA3VCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, m4N AKBOR, - - MICHIGAN. rhe oldegt agency in the oity. Established a ,iarterof acentury ao. Representing thefol"ins flrt clasa companles: -oma Insurance Co..ofN. Y.,A69etaover86,000.iW .'-xitlnental Ins. Co.,cf N. Y.,Assetsover83,000,f'on ■'agara Fire Ins. Co., N. Y Assets 81.442.4IIC rfrdcfPa, Asets over $1.000,000 lentofHartfotó _..Asset8 $700,000 R A. T L- S JL: O W. iJosse3 llberally adjusted anu jromptly paid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Oreanized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this state) has now. inoludlng capital Stock, oto., etc., OVER 82ÖO,OOO ASSETS. Business men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons willflndthls Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at whlchtomake Deposita and do businesf. Interest s Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of 1.00 and upward, acoording to the rules of the bank, and interest eompounded eemi-annu Jly. - Money to Loan in Sums of $28 to $6,000. ecured by Unlnoumbered Real Estáte nnrt other nood securitien. DIRBUTORï- ChrHtian Mack, w. W. Wtnes W. D. Harrlman, WUllam Denble, R. A. Bel Daniel niscock nn W. B. Smlth OrPICEBS- Chrtstlan Mack, President; W. Vf. Wlne, Vice-PresidPnt; Cha. K. Hlscock, ■Oashler. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a J ivery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new oarriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts andhandUng track horses a specialty ; good nierences gi ven. P. Irwin, Ann Arbei .


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