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CITY ITEMS. I) :: ■ iorget to metnelarge and rell uaorted stock al Patent Hoekers, Camp Uuur?. Kuttan Koekers, etc., before yon huy your Christmas present. For sale at . CochA Hiiller's. Nn 5S South Main St., Aun Ai'.ior. i.Ds-r.- om Baturday, Nov. VMh. 1881, a rad leather porte eonteiniog kmim bob ej mid rece ipH. Retara to tbc Begtatn (i'ili.i.' and teoeiTe rowaitL Musical inslriimcnts of UL IUM repaired at tbc Ann Arbor Orgau Works. Hairiiif; violin bows a specialty. I). F. AJmendinger, propnetor. Aun Arhor, Mieh. To Hkst. - A good Imrn cheap. Inqviire of John Mátthews. Important to travelers: Special Inilucc rmrats are offered you by the Burlington Route. lt will pay you'to read their advcrtisemenl to M fouod elsewhere in this issue Cady's cntarrh remedy, a siirc cure for catarrfi. Ia tor siile at lfolmes' drug stort-, (.'ook hotel 'jloek. Sttulents wilt rlnd it to tlieir advantage to look througb Kearney's stock of laraps. W. E. DEPEW, f9 TUKNBULL Jt UEMW, ttorney at law. l_J Room 3 Opera House BlocVt, Ann Arbor, Wch. ST. JAMES HOTEL, FLBwim.T natflOOT HOUSE, Evervfhing „ew. Wi. 11. Lkwis, Prop. LEONARD HOUSE, TT LEONARD, Proprietor. . Ann Arbor, Mich. OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSF., SWX, AND Fresco Paiili, rwKr EAjranra. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANN AUBOH, MICHIGAN. CHRISTMAT " PRËSBNTS We invite our Frionds and Patrons to cali at our New Store and examine our large nd well Selected Stock OT Gold and Silver Watohes, Jewelry, Si.ver int) Plttted ':n suitable for Holiflay Presents Whkfa -vo olTcr :it tlie vcry lowcst prin 8 .T. Maller & Soii, M BOOtil MainSt Ann Arbor, Mioh. o ra 2 a S Hl J H H o 3 M - & H 1 o I S D O ■ - a P-a fi -' 5 A' M = w S o hl l CO Ttn' Mifhican IVntnil Rnilnwil, ilti ts oonDectlona at ('hk'aKO, affonls tlif most direct and desirabta route to travel frmn MliillMll to all potnts In Kansas. NVhrasUa, Ookmuta, Tt'ias, MtniMWOta, Dakota, Manitoha. etc MifliiRftn ('ïit rul traiHS inake sure anl eloae OTMinnctfona at rlui-ao wil h throUCb exoress trains on al! Western lines. Rates will ihiui ba as low as thelowest. l'artit's 0(S West will flnd it to their interest to eorwpond witli Henrv C Wentworth. General Passender and Ticket Atfent oi tli Line. at l'hioaKo. wno will elieerfully imiMlrt any information relative to routes, time of trains. map and low (?st rotes. DoBOt pun'hase raurookett nor oontemct your fn-icht until you haveheard frora the Michigan l'entral. Subscribe for ft Democrat ! Only $1.50 until Jan. 1,1883. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATOHKS. CI.OCKS. Speotaoles. IMated Ware. (oíd Pens anti Fine Jewelry. Bpeotal attention ven to Jrepairing Watohrs aiul Jewelry. 46 South Main Str.-et. nn Arbor. The Penmanship & Business Institute AXX AKBO1S. UCHfQaJ) Offers IMObÜ ailvantages t. ÜMM wishine to teach the art of writinR. OT those who wouw become trae, rapid. and graceful rilers or ready. aocnraie umi thorouifh arcountams. LsetVuret ll'i rnimnercitil LftW, hy -Tuue R. W. Chaevar, wffl ba rlvea luring the winter montha free to all students. ÏVw terms.and otherinfiirmation eallat the roomovcr Wines A Worden'a, oraddress I.S.riaines, Cotí Bos ft, Ann Arbor. PCards written (o ordar. C'. E. Holmes, proprietor nf thel'ity Drug store has the ohok'est lot of perfumes and the LAKOKST STOCK of PUBS DKUOS in the dty. Alsn ever thing in the Toilet and Faiu-y lïoods line. at prioai lowerthan anywhere abw. Presoriptions oarefullj ooiupounded. Xo. 12 Cook Hotel Blook, Ann Arbor, Michigan. IRON BITTERS BROWVS IRON BITTERS arO a certain cure for all diseases ri'niiiriiip a completo tonic; especially Indigestión, Jyspepsia, Intermittent Fevers, "Want of Appetito, Loss of Strength, ï.nck of Energy, Mc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the musclcs, and gives ncw life to the nerres. Acts like a charm 'on the digestive organs, removing all dyspcptlc symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drugists at $1.OO a bottle. BROWX CHEMICAL CO. Baltimore, Md. üeethtt til Iron Bittert arf mde bT Biok Cwwiieii Ofc u-i have trMNd red linei tnd tradfl mark on "iil'l1"'BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THE CREAT BVJRLTXGTOy ROUTE. JTSn other lino runs Threc Throufrh Pas Benift'r Tralns Daily bi-twoen Ctairagn, Def Moines, Council Bluffs, Ornaba. Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atc-hisnn, Topeka and Kpnsaa City. Direct connpetions for all jwinta Ai Kansas Nebraska, ('olorniio, WyominR. Montana, Nevada. New Mexico, Arizona, ltlaho, Oregon aiic California. The Shortest, Spepliost and Most Corafortat'.e Kouti' via Hannibüi to Fort Scott. Denison Diilliis. Rouston, .Wistin. San Antonio, Galves ton and alt points In Texas. The uneQU&lfld itulurenionta offered by thU Line to Travelers amt Tourlsts, ar as follows. The (■leliratiMi Pullman (lfi-whcel) Palacc SIpppliiK Ciirs. run onlv on this Line, C, B. y. I'nhioe Dnwiac-Room Om with Horton't Kpclininir i'hairs. No ixtra ohanre for Seatf in Kecllnlnc Chatn. Ttic famons C B. & Q. Palaoe Dinint' ('itrs. (ïorireona Smoking Cari nttoii wit h Biennt Mitth-Bm-kpd Hattan Revolvitiif i'hnirsfor the exclusive use of flrstolaM passonjrers. Stnl Track an.l Superior Enuipment, coni' hined with their Cresit Thnniirh l ar Arranirement. niakes this, ntmve allothers, thefavorite Uonte to tbe South, 8outh-We.t, mul the Kar West. Try it, and ymi will flnd traveling a luiurj Instead of a dlsoomfort. Througrh Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sale at all offices in the l'nited States HM Canada. All information about Rates of Faro. Pleepinír Car Aceommodations, Time Tables, Ac., will be ehecrfullv Riven. and will senil ÍVM to any address au t-iPRiuit dmntv Map of Unitcc' Stïtes, iu colora, by applying to. VKUCKVM, LOWEL (loneral riMnnrnr Atrent t'hicapo iT. .! POTTER. (.neral Manager, Cicago rOLEDO, ANN ARBOR & GRAND TRUNK RAII.RO AP. Takins cfT.'et Snndny. Oc. 1B. 1881. Trains run liv Ootombol time. 3oinK Xorth. Going South Eip'ss Mail. STATIONS. ■ ! "Mail. Exp'i P.M. 1. M I I ■ A. Y. t.0 Toledo + S.r.R S.H! & Xnrth Toledo .r..Vi ♦. C fi.'-'.i A2 Detroit Junetion. S.l M.,-3 Tfl 3R S.v; Hawthom.. . S.M 9.1i i. 15! H.OS Samaría ■"." , 7.011 0.1: Lulu 8. K-4 Z 7.06 I 9.2:1 Monroe Jtinction 8.00 H. 11 ,.V H.! Duntlee 4. 8. I ■ [A Azalia 74i 9.57 Mllan 4.-11 8.10 7 W 10.04 Xora 4.15 8.( 10.11 Urania 4.09 Í7..W (i.tfi Ki.'JS YpsiUntt JuDOÜ'a 4.01 7.45 8.80 10.35 Ann Arbor . . . . t8,50 +7.30 8.50 11.05 Worden I '3.23 ♦7Oo t9.O5 tll.20 South Lyon t3.10 t.4.1 H. W. A8HLEY Gen'l Superintendent.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat