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Sii.vki! CiiuicK, N. Y , Feb. G, 1880. Gents - J have been very ]ov, and have tried cverything i no advantage. I heard your Hop Bitters recommetided by ao niiui3' I concluded v sive them i trial. 1 did, and now am aiound, and conatantly mproving, and am nearly as Btrong as ever. W. II. WELLEÚ. A.]firi!;(! iiiiinhor of counterfeit $6 national bank bilis are ia oirculation ttiioughout the state. Look uut for (hem. The celebrated remody Kidney-Wort can now be obtaiued in tue usual dry vegetabie form, or in liquid form. It is put up in the latter way tor the especial convenience of those who cannot readily prepare it, li will bc found vciy concentrated and will act wil 1 1 equal eíBciency iu either case. Be Bure and read the new advertiscinent for pnrticulars. - South and West. Cliiklrcn, in some schoot districts, are not permitted to altend school unless it can be shown that they bave been du.13 vuccioated. It is impossible for a woman afler i faithful course of treatment with Lydii E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, t continue o suffer with a weakuess of the uterus Enclose ,-i stamp to Airs. Lvdil E. Piukham, 'S,')'l Western Avenue, Lynn „Uass., for pampblels. In Albion butler sells for 20 cents a pouinl. Enough. Mulions oiven away. - Millions of bottiea of Dr. Kin's iSew Discovery foi consumption, coughs, and coids, have been givc-n away as trial boules of the large size. This enormous outlay would be disast rous to the proprietors, were il not for tlie rare merils poseessed by lliis wonderful medicine. Cali at Eberbach iV öon's dnig store, and get a trial bottle tree, and try for yourself. It never fails to cure. They hare smal! pox in Albion. ïiio patiënt is a ch.ld 8 years old. A TIMBLY WABNDStG, OR TUK BXPERiknch OP a M1NISTBB. - If you suffer from general debility, brought on by too close application to business and excessive brain-work; or from increasing prostratiou and sinking spells, that even a rest or removal of tlie cause wlll not relieve, make luiste to do as did a reverend friend of ours. He secured from liis druggist a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters, baving heard of its merits from a physician, who told bim not to take iny other Bitters or Tonic, lor witli Uie exoeption of Hrown's [ron Bitters, they all contained alcohol, ind had failed to 2iv bis patients last ing elief; nor sbould be take any othnr prearation of Iron, for with the exeeption : Brown'a Iron Bitters, they all blacken he teeth, and often gSve headache, wbicb ïrown'a Iron Bitters nevejr did, but in 'act cured headache. The effect was nost satisfactory. he immediattly reazcd wonderful results. flia old energy eturned, bis natural forcé carne back, ind be feit himaelf altogetber a new man, 'uil of health, strengtb and vigor, and be tas continued to remain so ever since. liow lic recommends Brown's Iron Biters to all bis frieads,wbich we unhesitatngly do to all our readers. - Globe. Au outsider thinks tbis generation is a gieat deal more honest tiian the last. Anyhow, he explains, there are not half is many ladies' dresses "booked" bebind beir backs. The best strengthenerof mind and body s Brown's Iron Bitters. It is verv sootbng and refreshing in its effect. Rochcster street cirs are to be driven by compressed air. They compress tbe ir, probably, by jamming tbe car full of tassengers. When a, cough sounds like Croup - bat is,dry and hard - do not delay an in. tan tl Give Downs' Elixir often enough o keep the cough loose, and the daoger vill soúii be over. As a remedy to purify the blood, notliogcanbe found efjual to Dr. Baxter's landrake Bitters. Frice 25 ets. per botle. In Ilenry & Johnson's Arnioa and Oil jiniment we furoish yon a large bottle or 50 cents. E5uïuuau)iïVi?ïa?3aqao H f '-oo 'Sjh uoiini don aultiJJio joj ■■K # pnas -sspíanjn A'q pioR íty -(jotjoojiiu RJ Spin? oodwio} 'mniüo 30 esn 'ssaunaiiuma-ioj pjy uno 9iq;3S]saxii pim jniosqB mi sï'O'rO BV VBHSHBBi -tnnqi }noq}IAV aq ppioqfl EBPr ílitntj jo GOiï.Md ou jüiu ..lOH PUB I a!3raíh9lT4„ oqi ■ opera jsab anpipsn I ïsaïl p u tï69-1!1 J Qqi 3níi 'tniuísou uaijunjp I pnaanjp 'etjiLou si eMia H '.laqniauiaH ö t)OH osn mrai"II oajn pmt asn inq'jasns I i!ptre!jjjnoí3,IoJ9Stls 1a a "disujoajua I 4ou [i.ví Aaq j oeï'BO v aoj piml oq [[ui OOfiS 9 spojpmuj pt)AÏBl8mui-aj!i-"i0-iaAWXmiui I -anuo %v maqi osn 'oiqn-iaaun jo pïq laaj iiuo I no.f ji jnq jjois iwlMimim)ï.a 's-n I -lig don asn sj' anouir8 -io asasip eqi %vt{m. 9j I Buio+diuAö ao tóunaJ JnoXïBHAl Jwi9iu ojl ! -XO)U nOlJlÍA'9iqTinJí'AnTarew9MiatIfH ■ '}nuinuins Plimpuï oiuolJaaddy raaanib ! .9.1 ot(Al JO 'ntiajo ximiunVloiiiaMoqaiHjo I .tjinaajJï 9smB3 maauioldail o 9soqAinTlox I -mJBB! pui poSï eq; 0} ío3ja ptre ej!I"s 33 OU TffilgH"'TT'Tln min I JTOtjl o.m)J8 jjad pnu p3T.rnA os'paVsn 9J fuaijia I dOH 9Jdqji aspia auoi Xiqjssod tre esnasjp on ] tfnr.ioisaïT TilTaa pmi 9}yj pire 'JOel n 3eu I 'ajajiía jatijo i[u jo gaij-IiílIojd aAT5TiJn%o sora I pmnsaq9n}iroqit'UÓ!9puea pumemuBJP -UI3M 'nyona 'SdOH o uoiiTunqrai o o y MBS. LYDfA E. flMUM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVEREIt OP LYDIA E. PINKHAEVTS VE5ETABLE COMPOÜND. Thn PoaUivf Cnre For all Female Complaints. TMs preparation, ns lts name signiflea, consista of Vegetable Proporties that are hamiless to the most dei icate invalld. Upon ono trial the merits of this Compound will be recognized, os relief is iramedlate ; and when its uso ia continued, in ninety-nine cases in a hun, dred, anermnnentcureiaefïected.aathousandR will testïfy. On account of its proven merits, it Ís to-day re■ .inm?n(p;l and prescribed by the best phyeicians in tho country. It will pure entlrely tho worst form of falling of tho utenw, iA'uoorrhoi'a, Irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarían Troublen, Inflammatlon and Ulceration, Floodings, allDlffplacemcnta and the consequent spinal weakni'ss, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors f rom tho utonisin nn oarly stage of development. Tho teiulency to cancerous huinors thore is checked very speedily by its use. In fsot it has proved to be the fcreafce.t and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeatos every poition of the system, and glvea new life and vigor. It removes faintnes3,flatuleney, destroys alï craving for stimulants, and relieves weaknesa of tho storaaeh It cures Bloatlnp, TTcadaches, Tfervous Prostratlon, General Debility, Slcepleesnesa, Depression and Indigestión. That feeling of bearing down, cauaing pain, "weight and backache, is always jermanently cured by its use. It wlllat all times, and underall circumstances, act in hannony withthe law that guverns the y stem. For KulncyComplaints of elther pex this compound Ia unsuipassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lr prepared at SM and 2% Western Avenue, Lynn. Mans. PrioefLOa Rix bfttloH for $5.00. Sent by mail in the formof pillH, alsoin tlio form of Iozengoa, on receipi ofprice, 91.00, per box, for elthor. ICn, PINKHAM f reely aaswars all letten of inquiry. Send for pampalet. Addresa om abova 3f ent ion tfiis paper. No famüy should ■ without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LTVERPILLS. Thty cure Consïipation, Uitíousneni and Tori" !y of the Livcr. U cents ïier box. Wol(lby O. F. Holmes .Cook hotel block ij TH E O NL Y ME D I CINE ii il UI EITIIEK LKJl'IDOUDEYJOEH H Thn t Act nt the samo time oni 3 TSE LIVSR, TÏÏS BO WSZS, fl AÏÏD TÏÏS SIDSSTS.'C R HWHY ARE WE SICK? ■ 1 Because we allow ffuse great organt toWk taibecome clogged or torpid, and poisonmiswM Qhumorsare therefore forced into tlit bloodtm mA tfiat thouldbe expelled naturally. Q ■ WILL SURELY CURE I Ukidney oiseases, n PI LIVER COMPLAINTS., COJÍSTIPATION, I'RIXART R r IHSEAHE8, FEM ALE WEAKNES8ES, I mi AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, wLbycautlngfree adlon of these organt andWu R9 restoring their power to throw off disease. LJ snlTer Bllions pitins and nrlics! PI mm WI17 tormented irith Piles, f 'onst patlon! M Wj Why frightened orer disordered Kldneyst W 1 Wlij enduro nerrons or sirk hendachcii? ■ II UseKlDJiEY-WORTandrejoiceinhealth, j BB Itisputupln Tccetnble Farm, In tin U MM cnns om package of which makes six quarta offj ■ 1 medicine. Also in LI1111 ld Form, ve ry KM y tratcd, f or those that cannot readily prepare it. f ■ Ê tylt acts wlth equal efficiency in either form. IH LJ QET IT OP TOUR DKUGOIST. PRICE, 1.00 PI M WELLS, 1ÏICII Altnsox & Co., Frop'i, M 1 i (WU1 Bend the dry post-paid.) BC11LRGT0S, TT. H Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of notognita In the City at Prices to Suit the Times. , Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOGK, East Side of the NEW COURT MOU.SE. EBERBAGH&SON, Dealers in ' Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes, We cal 1 special attention to our stoet of Chemical Giass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own mportation. A f uil line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricos. STTTZDZEHSrT.S Are cordially invited to examine our stock as to qualitv and prices. EBERBACH-&SON. REAL ESTÁTE EXGHÁNGE. MANLY & HARULTON'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First floor, Opera House bloek, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnrnishecl onshort notice on any parcel of land in Washtenaw county, from Frenen Claimsof Ypsilanti, to the most com plicated titles in the Village of Manchester. Money tO Loan on RealTCstate secureties. For Sale I I 2O Acres t $50 per acre in the township of Webster, good buildings. Tenns to snit purchaser. New Store on west side of Main street, terms easy. Thomas Colliar Farm,heing the west half of the west half of the northwest quar ter - forty acres- on eeetion eight, Ann Ar bor. This farm is only three miles from the city, hasgood title, lani well watered, good orchard, fair buildings, ten acres good wheat I OO Acres within l 1-2 miles of court house with flrst-class building, perfect title and very cheap. House and LotS 12. 3, bloek4southrange 2 west, situated on South side of Liberty St. House and four LotS, on corner of Forest avenue and Orleans street. ü n t i re B I OC k 2 N R 13 E, except 2 lots. Good building sites. Terms to suit purehaser. A CoOd Farm, 20O acres, well improved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $65 per acre. House and Lot on Catherine street for sale, or exchange for lot near the Methodist church. Terms easy. A House and doublé L Ot at Whitmore Lake, $700. House and Lot, oiOngalls street, north of University, $3,000. House and Lot, on Lawrenee street, $2,000. House and Lot, on north side of West Hurón street; also 6 1-2 acres situated on south side of Jackson road, about one mile from court-house, $2,600 for both pareéis. Terms to suit purchaser. 3ne House and two acres of land sitúate in Ingalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Riley property, good barn and well. House and Lot, on ElizabethSt., $2,000. A House and 1-2 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, in the Fifth ward, good locality, $1,000. House and five LotS on Miller avenue. Will be sold at a bargain. Good barn on the premises. 30 Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road. within 3-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exehange for city property. .OtS 77, 78, 9O, nd part of lot 89 and a large briek house with 12 rooms, R. S. Smith's addition. A Fine BriCk House, Barnes, Orchard, with niee well and springend six acres of land, on West Huron and Jewett streWs, known as the Jewett property. Priee $15.000, or two lots off Raid property on Huron St., price $700 each. MONEY TO LOAN n sums from $100 to $5,000, amount and terma to suit applicants.


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