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COOK HOUSE, EH. HUDSON, Proprietor, . Newly Furnished. Ann Arbor. H. R. HILL A TTORNEY AT LAW. odice No. 3, Opera A Houso Block. Ann Arbor, Michigan. WILLIAM CASPARY, DAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerchantTailor. shop over Win. Allaby's boot and shoe store, Ali work guaranteed or no charge. joiinfTlawrence, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Vofflce, Nos. 8-and 3 Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. J. R. SAGE'S MUSIC STORE is the eheapest place to buy Pianos, Estey Organs, Violins. Guitars. Banjos, Tambourines, Drums, Fifes, Flageolets, Zithers, Accordeons. Piano Stools, Violin Boxes, Instruetion Books lor all kinds of instruments, Sheet fllnsic(new), Strings,Dest quality, all kinds; Mouth Organs, Bridges, Bows, Keys and Rosin. Ererythiugin the music line from a Chickering Piano co a Jew's Harp can be found at J. E. SAGE'S Music Store, No. 4 Washington 8t, Ann Arbor. WILLIAM ïlERZ, HOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. Gilding, Calcimining, Glazing and Paper Hanging. AU work done in the best style and warranted to crivesatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DISPENSARY, Corner Huron and Fif th Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Cloth'ag store. Ann Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKIXS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South Main Street, nppuiite the l"irst National Bank Añil Arbor, Mich. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner.third door south of the Opera House. Samples of work an be seen at the shop . Saüsfaction guaran teed. TOBACCO STORE. IT WILL BE FOUND that F. S. Buck keeps the best assortment of CIUAKS AND TOBACCO in the city. Best brands of cigarettes a specialty. No 7 East Huron St. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN M0NUM-5KTS and Grarestones, manufactured from '1 nnessee and Italian Marble and Scotch and American Granite Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Arbor., Jlich. PATRICK McKERNAN, AÏTORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real Estáte ageut, ïloney to Loau and Kecords searched. Conveyancing and all legal documents drawn on reasonable terms. Olïice in the courthouse, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. 0. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof. of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHK! DKPARTMENT, University of Michigan. Residenee and office 41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklin will attend Burgical cases here, or by consultation in different parts of the state. SPJNAL CURVA'IURES ASD DEb'OIiytlTlES CUBED by his improved metliod. EMANUEL MANN, Qealerin Drugs and Medicines U Toilet Articles, Dye Stufïs, &e. Prescrip tions carefully prepared at any hour of the day or night by flrst-class chemists. Emanuel IIann. No. 39 South Main street. Ann Arbor, - MicMyan. WILSEY'S MÜSIC STORE PIANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruction Bqoks, Violins, Quitara, Fiutes, &e. , cheap at Wilsey's Music Rooms, east side Public Square, Ann Arbor, Micliigan . The largest and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into Washtenaw County. Violin and Guitar Strlngs a specialty. N. B.- It wfll be to your interest to cali berore purcliasing anything in the Musíg ?OR INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY - a o to - C. H. MILLEN, No. 4, South Main Street, iSN ARBOK, - - MICHIGAN. The oldest agency in the city. Established a i larter of a contury ago. Reprccenting thofolnving flrst class companies; ,iome Insurance Co.. of N.Y.,Assetsover$6,000, 000 :ontinental Ins. Co., of N. Y.,Assetsover$3.000,nno l-üagara. Fire Ins. Co., N. Y Assets 1,443,400 irardcf Pa., Acset3 over $1,000,000 ent of Hartford Assets $700,000 KATE.S LO W. .osees liberally adjusted and .romptly paid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organized 1969, under the General Banking Law of tnis state) has now, including capital Stock, etc., etc., OVER $250,000 ASSETS. Business men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will flnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at which to make Deposita and do businesf . .Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits "Of $1.00 and upward, according to the rules of ithe bank, and interest compounded semi-annu Uy. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to 5,000, Sccnred uy Unlncumbered lloal Estáte and other Kood securities. DIREUTOHï- rhristian Mck, W. W. Wines W. I). Harrlman, Wlllinm Dcnble, U. A. Keal .Oaniel ITlBCOck und W. B. Bmith. OFPICEES- Chrietian Mnck, Prosidont; W. 1W. Wlneu, Vice President; Chas. E. Iliscock, Jashler. Livery5 Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a Iivery, Sale, and öoarding Stable opposite the Courtfiouse on Fourth street, where livery ïigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasoncble rates. Broaking colts andhandüng track horses a specialty ; good reierences given. P.Irwin, Ann Arber,


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