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Additional local on second page. Maggie Mitchell to-night. Maggie Mitchell in "Fanchon" tonigbt. Deputy constables are getting numerous. The circuit court bas adjourned until Dec. 27. The Maggie Mitchell 2ompany is ál' the St. James. Deputy county olerk Wade is rusticating in Boston. B, McAuley at the opera house next Tuesday evening. Rev. Fr. Joe, of Northfield.had a stroke of paralysis Snoday. Daniel Tilden has purchased the cbeese factory in Pittsfield., Five persons were arrested by policeman Millman in Nov. The juvenile temperance union are to have a Chnstmas tree. The pews in the Presbyterian cburch were re-rented yesterday. The Methodist cburch in Dexter bas been undergoing repairs. Annie Louise Cary and company stopped at the Cook house. Joe. T. Jacobs, the great clothier, has another cbange of ad to-day. Ed Hiscock did not make a long stay in the west. He is home again. The jail is rilling up again - twelve prisoners uow take their hash there. A large amount of coal and lumber now comes over the Toledo road. The new boiler for Manly & Hamilton's block has been placed in position. Prof. Stanley bas opened aoother dancing school - tbis time in Ypsilanti. Wm. Riley has been appointed deputy sheriff to serve at the 11. C. depot. Fred Rettich was the first person in the city to pay his taxes Monday- $305. The Bay City Eveninc; Press of Nov. 1, gives Prof. Stanley quite a "racket." A gas o'r gasoline lamp is wanted at the junction üf Page aud Detroit streets. Jas. Toras had a fine displiy of flowers ut the poinological meeting Saturday. The fair for the benefit of the Presbyteriau church will open nxt Tuesday. Abby Y., daughter of Fred and Flora Allison, oí Superior was buried Sunday. Deputy marshal Schall had his head amputated by the council Monday eveninjr. There was a good attendance of pioneers at the meeting in Manchester yesterday. II. R. Hill and wife celebrated the first anniversary of their marriage last 'fhursday. Z. P. iCing aud justice Clark have fine offices over J. Huiler & Son's jewelry store. The committee on fire department has been authorized to sell the old protection engine. M. D. Baker has been appointed master of transportation of the T. A. A. & G. T. R. R. Wm. Murray of Salem has completed this fall one of ihe nuest farm residences in the state. Policeman Porter's fees for the month of December for making seven arrests, were $26.25. Wm. II. Bailey, of Freedonia township died in this city Saturday, of diabetes aged 24 years. Elizabeth Youngloor is happy for she has been divorced frpm ner husband, Bdward Youngloor. Daniel Buntley, so many years a resident of the third ward. has moved tis family to Detroit. Russell Wheeler lias received a jutlgment in the circuit court against John Slaterfor$198.8ü. Jno. Loney, who was on trial Monday for drawing a knife on a man at the depot, was acquitted . Koch & Ilaller furniöhed the furniture for the pulpit, besides 12 dozen chaire for the Baptist church. Jas. R. Patton, Jeremiuh B. Larimer, and Chas. G. Lawrend, were admitted to to the bar Thursday. Judge Harriman is in Manchester SakIng testimony in the case of Henry Gardner, an insane person. The personal property of the late Gotlob Schaible will be sold at auctiou Dec. 19 in Sharon township. Peter Gibney of Northfield has quit claimed to Patrick Gibney for $35, land ia the above township. The sum of $500 has been ordered transferred from Ihe contingent fund to the general street fund. H. H. Horton has been appointed special policeman for the court house grounds without expense to the city. Dr. Flynn, olass of '81, has gom: to White Feather in the norlhern part of the state to practice medicine. Jno. Nanry in the town of Superior, is spending several huudred dollars in improyements about bis premises. The annual meeting of the Washtenaw county insurance company will be held the 2d Wednesday in January. A poor man named Thos. Godden living in the town of Ann Arbor, had 17 turkeys stolen one night last week. The windows of the old rat trap, belter knowfl as the county jail.have been strengthened by a nurnber of iron bars. R. A. Beal beinghe lowest biddtr, the contract for doiug the university printiug Eor another year was .giveu to him. The voung peopie of Dexter have organized a daacine club, electedjofficers, and will give a social hopduriug the holidays. The Ann Arbor musical society met Monday evening, elected a secretary and tnvusacted considerable important business. The ground in the rear of the opera ïouse has beec rented for a market for he coming year for wliich the city pays $100. Fred Felton, better known as Adolph Covert, forruerly of this city, is manager of a comedy company now playing in owa. The K. of M. held an informal meetin? Vlonday evening and decided to seud for he grand recorder before revivihg the odge. Next Sunday evening Col. Copeland will speak in university hall. He is said o be equal to Bain as a temperance lecurer. It remains to be seen whether the board of regents are to be run by one man. The peopie of the state are looking on wtth interest. J. Sprague is in the burnt district distnbuting $2,000 which was given by the odd fellows of Michigan to relieve their brethren. Judge Campbell delivered a discourse in university hall Sunday afternooa on "The Life and Services of the Late Prof. AVilliams." A week from to-day the annual meeting of the south-easiern Michigan beekeepers' association will be held al the court house. The Stewart concert company which comes highly recommeuded, will give an entertainment as the opera house Saturday evening. Persons who go to the postoffice for staraps don't like to be kapt waiting more tliau ten minutes before tüey a.e aitencled to. A word - Alex, Ewing, youmrest son of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Ewing, died in New York city Thursday, of maliguant scarlet fever aged six years. There is to be a social and oyster sup per this evening for the benefit of the Webster Congregational church, at the residence of V. Blodgett. Mr9. LouiseL. Hinman, only cbild of John S. andMatilda MoDowell, died Saturday at the age of 27 years, 9 uionths, aud 23 days, of erysipelas. Hackmen and hotel runners have no business in the M. C. passenger house and they wiü be bounced if they undertake to remain there during train time. Ex -county treasurer Gensley has gone to Oraugeville township, Barry county, to visit lus sister. He will take a trip through Indiana before his return. Mrs. E. Drake, her daughter Ella and son Frank are going to Tyler, Texas, to live. A son of Mrs. Drake is paymaster on the Bt. Louis and Texas railroad. A large buil dog was shipped to J . J . Walker last Thursday by express. While taking him home the dog made a juinp for Walker and he was obliged to lei hiin goDuring the examination of Sophie Lyons Tuesday she interrupted a wituess by asking him how much Dan Hibbaid of Jackson, paid him for testifying against her. Saturday afternoon David B Ellis,; an öld citizen of Ypsilanti was run over by the Grand Rapids express. He had a foot cut off, an arm broken, and was badly used up. Mack & Scbmid are out to-day with a mammoth advertisemenl, and they invite particular attention to many articles suitable for a Christmas or New Year's present. Dr. F. A. Scott, son of J. Austin Scott of this city, who has been visiting here for the past two raonths will resume his duties at Johns Hopkins university as lecturer, Jan. 1. The eloquent Col. Copeland will addresa thh reform club in the opera house, Sunday afternoon on temperance. In the evening he will attempt to tear "Bob" Ingersoll all to pieces. There was a fair audience present in the law lecture room idaturday evening to hear Prof. Adams' opening lecture before the civil service association. Prof. Cooley also made a few remarks. H. J. Brown and nine other citizens would like a little more light on dark niglits on Huron Street, and have petitioned for a lamp to be ereeted half way between Fifth and División streets. A. great event of the theatrical seasou will be the appearance of Maggie Mitchell at the opera house to-night for the first time. She is supported by a powerful company in the play of "Fanchon." Geo. Collins has asked permission of the council to erect a woodeu building 8 x 12 feet to be used for an office adjoining Freer's market: the matter was referred to the coinmittee on fire department. Qeo. W. Heartley, some years ago the proprietor of a little blacksniilh shop on wourth Street, but now oue of the solid business men of Toledo, was in the city the last of the week visiting oíd f rienda. The following iusurance losses have been paid the past week: Jas. McMahon, on books, papers and furniture, $134; Daily News, $25; 11. J. Brown & Co., drugs, $150; P. Bach, on building, $162,50. Jas. McMahon, who was arrested on the charge of stealing vegetables from Geo. Marsden, will have his examination tomorrow before justiee Freuauff The defendant is in the employ of the Toledo railroad. The Germán mutual insurauce company of this county held their annual meeting Monday, and elected the following officers: President, Simon Hirth, Lodi; secretary, Wm. Buss, Scio; treasurer, Henry Paul, Pittsfield. Offlcers elected by Golden Rule lodge, F. & A. M., Thursday evening: W. M., Dewitt C. Fall; 8, W., C. H Stowell; J. W., .1. B. Gott; treasurer, I?. F. AVatts; secretary, N. G. Gates; S. G., J. A. Gates; J. I)., Gilbert Monroe, Chief Olarken dktributed $108.75 in five wards last month ns follows: First, $10.00; second, $20. ö(); third, $20.21; fourth, $30.90; fifth, $27.43. Nol a person in tlie sixth ward lias asked for any relief in the past tliree months. Wed n Detroit, Wednesílny, Novemler 80th at 10:50 p. m., Mrs. Mftrgarel Elizabeth Srniley, eldest dAugnter of TüOs. H. Taylor, Esq. , of this city. Tüe funeral was held Baturday from 'her late residence,127 Columbia street east, John Loney for violating the city ordinanees wherein he is charged with using :ibusive lansuage.will have his exiunination to raorrow. Other suits are liable to grow out of the war which has been going on at the depot for sorae days. Complaiut is made that Miller avenue is blockaded every day with trains which are left on the track of the Toledo ruad, sometióles for 15 minutes, mucta to the aunoyance of pedestrians and teamsters. lt is time the authorities took the matter in hand. The latest connundrum. The following was handecl to a ciergyman of this city' to be read as a nolice from the pulpit: "No. 9, page 153, and pages 89, 83, 1)0 and 15; No. 33, pages 150 and 01; No. 13, page 153; No. 24, page 155 and No. 30, page 155." Lansing Republican: Judge HuntingtOü is holding his last term of court at Mason. Lovers of justice in Inifham county have had but ,ittle fault to find with his decisions and flr.dings, an:l he has had Ilie cordial frieudship and respect o( the legal tïaternity. At a meeting of the Fraternity lodge. No. 203 F. & A. il., the folio w ing offieers werc electei for theensuing six months: W. D. Harriman, W. M. ; C. B. Davison, senior worden; W. B. Bmith, treasurer; J. D. Stimson, secretary: C. J. Durhiem, senior deacon; Samuel McLaren, junior deacon. Probate Judge Harriman received a let,er JMondii}' from Mertztown, Long Swamp towoship, Berks couuty, Pa,, relative to an estáte left by one Abram Stef'ey. On the envelope were the following directions: Alishengen, County, Anorber Po to the Court House, ofice iieacesters of Wal se. The holida}' number of St. Nieholas is idorued with a cover which is a marvel of beauty. Six fleet reindeer are flying over thesnow carrying Kris Kringle who jrings a "meny Christmas" for all. "Recollection of a Drummer boy," ''Fun at Grandma's" and '"An Angel in an Ulster" are all "just splendid." The first of a series of twelve public recitations by rnenibers of the junior and senior classes, in the high school, under the direction of Mr. Douglas, instructor in elocution, will be giveu in the chapel at half past two o'clock to-morrow. The fiïends of the scliool and others interested ire COrdially invited to be present. The lust Hahnemannian entertainment was a success. Prof. Franklin delivered a lacture on "The Press" which was very ioteresting and delivered in fine style. The piano playiqg by the Miases Fntuk lin and Pettibone was highly appreciated, also the siuging of Mts. Vowles. The r.ext entertainment, will be given December 21. An exchange remarks that "vvhen jTou see a youug, uble-bodied fellow with enough bone and muscle to make an honest livelihood, loafing about the city, living on the "old folks" and free lunches, you may rest assured there isn't enough saleralus in lm make-up to permit his nsiugeven to the position of a íirst-class nuisance." At the annual meeting of the Ann Ar)or agricultural company Monday, the following otlicers were elected ; President, J. Austin Scott; vice president and manager, Jno. Finuegan; treasurer, J. W . inigbl; secretary, Earl Knigtit; d rectors, J. A. Scott, Austin A. "YVood. Jno. Finuegan, Fiank lloward, E. W. iloore, Moses öeaboll,!. W. Knight. Thursday last Ilenry Gardner a "crank" was brought here in charge of deputy sheriff Vreeland and put in jail, He carne trom Ölinron wliere he has been living tor sometiuie. Qardner is laboring under a halluciuation that he is the ruler of this country; thathe is iu the service of Blaine, but that Blaine's sucuess as secretary, depends on his, Q-arduer's iufluence. Washtenavv Chapter, No. ö R. A. M., elected the oflicers iMonday night:H. P., ffm, U. Doty; King, I. V. Hatidy; scribe, T. P. Wilson; V. of II., B. F. Waits; P. 8., U. E. Hiscock; K. A. C. C. G. Wilson; M. of Ud V., E. H. Eberbach; M. of 2d V,, Jno. A. Gates; M. of lst V., SumB. Kbveuaugh; secretary, Albert Sorg; treasurer, Fred Sorg; sentinel, Thos. Thayler. Seventeen bids were receivod by trensurer Gruner, frora different persons for Eurnishing wood for the high and ward school buildings. The coutract will probably be awarded as follows: F. Markliarn, 15 cords soft wood, $2,1)5; O. W. Sage, 75 cords of oak, $3.90; Christian Klaeger, 25 cords of oak, $3.95; G. F. Kouse. 15 cords of oak, $4. All bids for f urnishing hickory wood $(i per cord, and maple f rom $5 to $5.50. The Van West, Uhio Times says the concert by the Stewart company is one of the finest entertainments of the kind we have ever listened to. Mr. Frank Stewart, who ior many years was idtmtified with the Tenuesseeans, now manages the new company. His voice is of exceptional purity and sweetness. and entitles him to the rank of the greatest singors in the country. His company is talented and aesürving of great praise. An article in the Lansing Republican of December 1, entitled "A Judicial Outrage" sets it up lively to offlcers in this city for arresting men and then hurryiug them to Ionia because Ibe poor fellows' only crime was asking for sometüing to eat. In a majority of cases the trampa have üeserved their fate, but we know of a few instances where persons have been arrested without just cause and genteneed to Ionia. As we have before intimated, some one is making a fat thing, and perhaps it would be a good thing to show them up. Monday afternoon Eugene Arnold and Fred Gerstner were obliged to wait the pleasure of those m charge of a freiftht train on the Toledo road, and it was sometime before they were able to drive across the track on Miller avenue:. Just as they were driving by au engine only a short distance away oomrueuced to blow off steam, which frightened Gerstner's horse, and with one bound he cleaied the track, and started on a dead run up Miller avenue, alter throwing the driver out. Arnold's horse also eame near running away. 1 his eveuing comes the first strong star oí ;he season, Maggie Mitchell, vvith William Harris and a uew dramatic combination. Une never tires of Maggie Jttitchell. Her plays are as Standard favorites as are classic tragedies presented by Booth and Barretf. öeen ouce :t only adds to the desirc to see them again. Her methods are unlike those of any oth er actrees. She is thoroughly original in everytbing she does. Although she hab many imitators, tliey all have a vast dis. tance lo co before they can equal her We anticípate she will play to the larges house of the season. Between 12 and 1 o'clock Sunday morn iug, Wm. Donegan of Northfield was walking quietly along on the east side o Main slieet, and when opposite Hall' bakery, he was set upon by two mokes named Jas. Demsey and üeo. Black üonegau was eut ou the head and knockec down. Policeman Millman and Porte were on the opposite side of tbc street and saw the racket. They started for th darkies and run them down. lt isthough they interided to commit robbery,but th pohce spoiled their little game. Thei examination camu off before justice Wm egar Monday afteruoon and was coutinued until tu-day. The university musical society will re peat the great master piece of Hadyn "TheCreation" to-morrow evening at urn versity hall. Many additious and in provements have been made in the choru und the soloists tbat have been engagec stand liigh. Those who take part in the concert are Misb Emma Heckle, soprano, of central music hall, Chicago; Mr. liechot Toudy, of 15uiïalo;IIerr Franz Kemmertz, of New York. No pains are boingspared to rnake the presentation of this work the most artistic possible and the ïnusic-loving people will be well repaid lo attcnd. Únele Dn'l is a boldly-sketched char acter of simple goodness aud faith in liuinun nature, but great shrewduess and cool management when business calis upon liis intellect and energy. Mr. McAuley takes this part and p!ays it with force and effect. His dialect is broad; his manner countrifled, without rudeness, and perfectly natural ; his affection hearly, sympathetic with all sorrow and distress, and indlgnant at all meanness and corruption. When he gets into the hands of the gang wiio threatun him with death his conduct lakes on an aspect of heroism, but in the simplicity of perfect honesty. The annual meeting of the pomological society was held Saturday, and the folowiag olücers elected: President, J. Lustiu Seott, Ann Arbor; vice-presidents, . ü. Baldwin, Ann Arbor, Dr. A. Conkin, Manchester, P. L. Page, Ann Arbor; ecretary, Jacob Ganzborn, Anu Arbor; orrespouding secretary, Prof. Einil Baur, Ann Arbor; treasurer, Evart H. Scott, Ann Arbor; couimittee, Wm, IcCreery, J. J. Parshall, C. II. Wooduiï, John Allmand, Ann Arbor; botanist, V. M. Spalding; entomologist, D. J. lligey; chmatologist, Prof. Alex. Winchell; rnithologist, Prof. J. B. Steere; hygieugt, Prof. A. 15. Prescott. The following jurors werc drawn Monay for the next term of court whichoonenes on the 8th of January: Stewart 'itzgerald, Manchester; Timytuy Donoau, Northtield; Milton H. Begole, Pittsield; David L. Perkin, Salem; Jus. '.oyt, Saline; Madison Davis, Shüron; Jas. üsborn, Scio; Geo. McDougal, Jr., Suerior; Michael Sa vage, Sylvan; Jas. Luías, Webster; Üeo. K Richards, York; tephen V. Yates, Ypsilanti town; Hersjell Gooispeed, Uliver E. Thompson, 'psilanti village; E. H. Scott, Anu Ar)or town; Jno. B. Allen, Tho3. Kearns, uy Beckley, Ann Arbor city; Martin reining, Augusta; Christopher Lavey, exter; Peter Wise, Freedom; Jno. M. Vedmeyer, Lima; Krederick Laubengayr, Lodi, Everett Allen, Bridgewater. Ex-cnsul-General Murphy bas writ,en a private letter to Wm. A Moore. of )etroit, relative to the la'.e Cliancellor n whieh lie says: He had been suiïering om . indigestión, that caused Irouble ith his hcart which caused his.dcath. e was surrounded by his family, and one of us dreamed of his dying so soon or did he anticípate the event himself. e appeared to thiuk he was better nly a few minutes before his death nd asked his wite if she thought lus olor did not look better. He was burd at Clos, a cemetery half way up the mountains. The doctor was 76 yeara old n April 18, 1881, and was bom at Khineeck, N. Y. Up to the last. moment of lis life he retained his memory aud his onsciousness. lie liad been all along acvu and vigorous, able to walk aliuost very day to town, a distance of over a lile, uiiül Thursday beforo his deatli. The examination of Sopliie Lyous was xnmenced Tuesday belore justice Freuulï. liis office was too sinall to accom lúdale those wlio wislied to attend, and i tüb aiternoon the justice held Cülirt in ie circuit court room. A number of ituesses were present lroin Jacksou and etroit. Oue iiogau, who had charge of ie balloon ascensión on the fair grounds eslüied that he saw tüe delendant in comany with auother woman. She bad hanged the color of her hair to a briglit uburn, but he easily recognized her face. Jailey, who had canied on soniething of a ntauou witb Mrs Lyons on the cars, üought he could ideutify her, but on oss examuiaUon iie didn t seein to kuow hether he could or not - in tact lie iün't kuovv whetlier he knevV anything, nd the lookers on weie satisned Ihat he iüu't know much anyhow. After the xaunuatiou ol otüer wilnesses, the case as conliuued uatil yeslerclay, when the irisoner was held f or tiial uutil tüel4ih QBt. Thcre are to be found in every couinuuity souie miserable Specimens of huïanity, unu these creaiures are not couned tu men alone. Occaaionally a olan v, ith herslauderous longue will do 101e harm in one hour than it will take 'ears lo overeóme. Üuch a one we have n muid. That she takesdelight in cryng olher pcople down is weü known, ud to her it is food and drink. On more lian oue occasion she has aüempted to lacken the character of young gnis. She as viülied and denounced in unuieasured erms, many of our best citizens, and the uly reaoou she has not received a liorse vhippiug long ago is beeause she is a voman. There is nothing too vile, nothïg too low, nothing too mean, nothing oo couteiiiptible lor her to undertake. Host women have üne sunsibihties, but ie subject of this notice is devoid of verythiugwhich tends to elévate and enoble womankind.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat