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HENRY MATTHEWS, I HasJthe pleasure to inform the public that he i. ready to reoeiTe them In bisnewbnck MEAT MARKET! I ONE DOOR EA8T OF LEONAED HOUSE. I Everything in hia line wiil be flrst-clasa, ana At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanka to all h!a old cusI tomers f or their generous patronado, and coral I ally invites them, and all nuw customers to ni3 1 [ïew quarters, where he hopea by fair dealing ti 1 -ilarge hia alroady growing business. - Send for oui tek fl New UlustraH ftfl S tedPricc-List H JBF Tffih mF 30' for H Q FallandWintcrofl881. 'Frcc to any addresa. Contains full dcscription of oiZ imds of goods for I(crsonal and family use. We deal direcüy with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholcsale prioes. 1 You can buy better and cheaper than at I heme. ■"■ TCïOHERY WARD & CO. j i-, Avenc.Chicago,m, FRED SORG, Dealer in PAUS, OILS.VffllSM BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, l And all Painters' Supplies of the Bost Qaality I SHOP AND STORE I 26 and 23 East Washington Tot, I ANX AEBOR. - MOMMAH. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t, Have on hand a complete stock of everythiïig in the GroeeryLine They buy tlielr Teas, OoíFeeas, and Sugars la large amounts, and at Oetslx Prices And can sell at Low Figures. i Tho large invoice of Teas they Bvy and Solí, ís -- good proof that ín Ouality and Price they Give Bargains. TheyEoast their own CofEees every week, aim none but prime articlea are used. Tl-eirBa'ceryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. jACKSONFÏRECLAYCa Man-afacturcrs of Stone Sewer Pipe - IDIR-A-IUST TILEUl-our Drain Tile aro made of Fire Clay, are of unusual strength and IUjU might, which m( torially reduces the breakage and expenae or trThoPditchinB f or thls class of tiling is less espen Pive as they de not require to be laid belowlrost, but only (leep enough toescape the . plow. W hile t hls te more economical ït also aida in obtainingjabetter 'fnU" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale in smaU quantities, or car load lots, at the FB8D0N LBB1 TAE JAS. TOLBERT, Agent. VEGETABLE BALSA1W1C ?- ís a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, j Whooping-Cough, and all Lungg %, Diseases, when taken in beason. 1 People die of consumptioii 8 ES ly because oí neglect, when the I .iclyuseof this remed wouldB have cured them at once. Fifty-one years ot con-B stant use proves tfn. fact that no ■ cough remed ha& 6tood the test H like Douint' JEltXir. Prico 35c. 5uc. nl íl.uC peí bottlo. fur Sulr l'verjwUcre. ■ Dr.Baxter's Mandrakej Will curt Jaundice, Dispepsia, g Liver Complaints, Indigestión, fij and aü dUeabes arising from 9 iousness. Pnce 25 cts. perbottle. f] F01 Sale Everywhere. HES[U &■ JOIINSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl For Man and Beasl. The most perfect liniment everH Pcompounded. Pricc 15c. and 50c. H For S:iK' J5rrjrwhre. WmÊÈ Chicago & Western w KAILWAY Is tho OLDEST! BEST CONSTRTTCTEDI BSST EQUIPPED I and heneo the LEADIHG RAILWAT, cp Tnr. - ■ WEST AND NORTHWEST! It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all pointe in Kortheia Illiao'.s, ïowa, Sttota, Wyemhj, NltlMit, Caiifstnia, Oremn, ikona, Utah, Colorado, Idilio, Kja'.aaa, l'erida, and for OOTJNGIL BLUFFS, QM&K& DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOS, SIOUS CITY, Cedar Btplds, Ets Koinos, Cohsius, asi all Poinis in tha Torritorles, and th9 West. Also, for Müwauïeo, Orcea Ba?, 0:Skosh, SlietoygaB, Harqastto, "ond dn Lae, Waterto-ra. Hsuglitos, Neonin, Monashs, St. Paul, Mianeapolla, Bont, Volga, FaiBO, Bismucï, Winona, LaCrcsse, Owatonna, ani allpslatiin Minnesota, Dakota, VTiscossia aad tho Ncrthwest. At Council Bluffs the trains of the Cliicngo North-Western and tho U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive at and use the sanie Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, closeconnectionsaremadewithth" Lako Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Oh: .,. Ft Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Urand Trunk R'ys, and the Kankakeo and. Pan. Handle Routes. Close connections mado at Juncüon Pointe. Ir: is the only line runnig Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEKN CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ON AI.I. NIGHT TBAJKS. Insistupon Ticket Agents selling you ïicicts viatliisroad. Examinu your tieïets, and refuao to buy if they do not read ver the CtiCP.go S Norlh-Wostern Railway. lf youwishthe Brat TravenngAccomniodatloTis jan will buy your tickets by thË route, aoi w.Ul iakc none otlier. All ïicket Agents sell Tickets by this line. aiAltVJ.V III 11 ITT, Ssi V. f. ft Oon'l Haag'r, CMwgS


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