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childreu are punished for being uucoutu, willul aud iudilïerent to iuslructions or rewards, siuiply because they are out ol healtb' Au iuielligeut lady said üt a chilü ui thiskiud: "lulhers süuuld kuow lüal U Uiey would yive ihu lillle ones moderulo doses of Hop Biliera lor twu W three weeks, the cliüdien would be all a parent coulU desire." Surprise is one of the eleineuU of art. This is why aniau always laui?üs (?) when he sits dowu on a pin. The demand of the people for au easier method of preparing Kidncy-Wort has iuduced the proprietors, tbe wellkuown Wholesale druggists, Wells, KicUardson & Co., of Burungton, Vt., to prepare it for sale in liquid form as well as iu the dry forin. lt saves all the labor of prepariug, and beiug equally efficiënt is preterred by many. Kidney-VVort always and everywhere proves ilself a perfact remedy.- Buffalo News. The farmer who sent his soa to the city to beeonie a clerk, now wntes and asks the merchant ii luere is anything in the buy. "Yes," replied the merchant, "just lifter he has been to a saloon." Frbe of cost.- All persons wishiugto test the inerits of a gieat reniedy- one Ihat will positively cure consuuipliou, coughs, colds, asthina, bronchitis, or any affection of the throal and lungs- are requested to cali at Eberbach & Öon's drug store, and get a trial bottle of Dr. Kmg s New üiscovery for consumptiou. f ree of cost, whieh will show you whal a reguiar dollár-size bottle will do. He wouldu't marry lier because she bad false teeth. But.when liis wife kept him awake uigbts witü the toothachu and neuralgia, he wished he had. Mre. Annie A. Sinithton, of Auburu, N. y wi-ites: "I had doctored tor years and triéd various advertised remedies for my compiaint, which was general prosUation. I believe l suffered every ill Uat flesh is heir to. The least exertiou caused the greatest tatigue. i was unwtuicu "f dyspepsia and every rregularity. My blood seemed poisoued, pimples aud sores were all over uiy body, nothing I tned ever gave inore than mere temporary relief acd I feit myself growiDg worse and worse. Mr. Keyuolds, the druggist, advised me to use Brown's Iron Bitters. From the very start I began to improve; now 1 do not feel like the same woniaa. A cynic says women are so full of their own secret3, that it is impossible for them to keep others . A bachelor bequeathcd his property to thegirlswho hid refused him; 'ior to them I owe all my earlhly happiness. PILES! PILES! PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last.- No one Need Suffer. Asnre cure for the Blind, Bleedlng.Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. WilUaraan Indlan reinedy), called Dr. Wilham's ludían Oiniment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 and 30 years' standing. Noieneed suffer flve minutes after applying thiawonderfulBOOthing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and Jilectuaries do more harm than food WuÜani'sOditment absorta the tumors Sllays the intense itfriüng (partlcularly at nht .ftpp ireltmtr warm ïu ucu, ow !■- - i Kives Sant and oahüess relief, and is preparad ?nly for Piles, itching of the private pa.ts, and lÖrtS the Hon. J. M. Cpfflnberry of Cleveland saya about Dr. WÜUam's Indian Pile Omtment- I have used scores of pile cures, and it afL?ds me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Ir. William's Indian Püe Oint""lorsale bv aU druggists. or malled pn recelpt of price, J1.00. Jas.. Davis & Co., Wholesale Druegists, Detroit, Mich., Agents. For salo by H. J. Brown & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. CITY ITEMS. Amoug U tbe elegant diRplay of Hol aday goods which our merchants are showing we have seen none more atracttive than that of C. Bliss & Son.jewelers. They have fairly out done themselses this year, and it would be useless for us to ennuraerate the many beautiful goods they have in stock as it would occupy much space, but we will siraply say U you wish to purchase anything for the Holidavs go in and take a look at their I elegint stock. P. Lorillard&Co., of New York, have succeeded in e3tablihing their claim to the solé use of the celebrated "Tin 1 ag brand for tobáceo, Judge Wheeler of the United States court of the Southern District of New York naving rendered a decisión to that effect in the suit receutly brought by the iirm against M. J. JJohan and olhers for infringement. The ürm knew they were the rightful owners ot a good thing. and stubuoruly resisled all efforts to deprivu.them of H. Christmas Presunts iu Lamps, Crock ery and Glassware al öümson's. Everything in the Music Line at reduced prices for Lloliday Tradu. Pianos, Organs, Guitars- evcrything at bottom prices. Largo stock ot IMauos, New and Öecond haod, at great bargains. My store has been cnlarged and is flllcd wuh Musical Merchaudise of all kinds, oppoSitc the court house ideWiLsEy_ llave you ever called at Stimson's grocery ou the uorth side of the court house on Anu sireöl? If not give iiiru a cali, íor it is the place to buy goods. Au endless variety of easy chaira, fancv chairs, carnp chaira aud lancy stautls al the íurmtuie empoiium oí Johii lveck, No. 50 aud 58, tíoulh liain Street, Anu 1 Do nut forget to sec the large and well assorted stock of Patent Koekers, Camp Cuairis Kattau Koekers, etc., beíore you tiuy yuui' (Jhiistnms presenta. For sale at KucU & iiaüer's, Nu. 5á feouih Jlam bt., A_nn Ar'jor. . . . Byrou Gruon, liaviüg regained ms Ueallh, offors nis services as auclioneer. Kesidence corner of Fourtli anü Auu bts., Auu Arbor. . Bay yuuv Christmas Tresents at btimou's. The cbeiipcst place iu Anu ArJ. lialler & Sou, jcwelcis, have tutir tore tixcd up iu uploudid sUape auü tlicir tock embraces everylhing in ihe jtwelry mu. lieru you eau tinu Uolida gtHMU u abundaucu. run (Jall and seu the immtnbc stock ol uolidav wjods of all descriutions suiiabiu tor hohday preseuts at Jolm lvucii B, 68 auu 08 Soutü Maia Street. Lost.- Ou Saturday, ïiov. 19th, ÏSWI, i ruil leathcr purse couUining somc mou ey anJ rccc-ipls. Keturu lo üio Uegisier otticc anti ïcoeivu roward. That (iccuiated tabluwaic at C. blisb it tjou's auracis a good dual oí alteuuou. U is souietbiiig euliieiy ucw. Öürusoii, opposite tlie oourt liousu on Aun Strt'ct, lias the largert liue of Library Laiups ia llic city. Tlio natioiKil room saviug wardrobeand bedsled combincd at Jolrn Keck's. Musical insliumeuis of all kinds ren-1r.latthü Anu Albor Orí;aii Works. liiiiriug violiii bows a speciaky. D. l . AlmenUinger, proprietor. Auu Arbor, Particular ulteiuiou is called to the lm Qieusc stock of Germán lithograpli chroinos iusl i-eceived fiom üerinany, at Juüu Keek s niammoth furniture house, oü auu 58 Öoulh Main streut. To REKT.- A goocl bain cheap. lnquire of John Matthews. Important to traveleis: Special lnducements ure offered you by the Burlington Route, lt will pay you to read their advertisement to bc t'ouud elsewhcre in this issue An immense stock of furniture at Juo. Keck's mamuioth emporium. Cady's catarrh remedy, a sure cure for catarrU, is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. Students will fiud-it to their advantage to look through Kearncy's stock of lamps. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. 3L mm DI3C0VEREB OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VESETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive Cnra For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as lts name signifles, consista ot Vegetable Proporties that are harmless to the mpst delicate lnvalld. Upon one trial the mérito of thl Oompound wlll be recognlzed, as relief is lmmedlate and when lts uso is continued, In ninety-nine cases In a hun. dred, apermanentcureiseffected,asthousand will testity. On account of lts proven merlts, lt is tolay recommended and prescribed by the best physlclans in the country. It wlll cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrhcea, irregular and palnful Menstruation, all Ovarían Troubles, Inflammatlon and Ulceratlon, Floodings, all DIsplacements and the consequent splnalweakness, and is especially adapted to the Cnange of LJfo. It wilt dlssolve and expel tumors from the uterusin an early stage of development. The lendency to cancerous humor thora is checked very Bpeedily by lts us. In irvCt it has proved to be the (rreatest and best remcdy that haa ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, andgive ncw llfeand vigor. It removes faintness.flatulency, deBtroys al'.craving for stimulant, and relieves weokneM of the stomach It euros Bloatlng, Headaohea, Kervou Prostratlon, General Debility, Sloeplessness Depression and Indigestión. That fecllng of bearlng down, causing pain, weight a d backache, is always permanently cured bj ltause. ItwillataUtimes.andunderaU circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the femalesyBtem. ForKldneyComplaintsof eitlior sei tfcl compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn. Maal. Price 81.00. Six bottk tor 5.0O. Sent ty maU in th form of pilla, olso in the form ofLoienges, on recelpt of price, $1.', boi, for eithcr. Mrs. PINKHAM frcely answers uil lctt.ra of lnqiüiy. Send for pamphlet Addrcss :.: obove Slentiuit 1hi% paper. So fami!"!::.oi:witl.uut LVD1A E. PINKHAM' LlVEIi I'lL!.i. ThL-y cure Coiiïtipatlon, liilioiwnew lK)d Torpi :y or iüo I Jver. ty cents per box. Soldlbv C. E. Holmes Gook hotel blocki Opening and Closing of the MailsMailsleavlng Ann Arbor, East and West, will close as follows: GOINQ WSST. WavMail 6.30a. ro. rhrouih and Way Mail 10.50 a. m. Way Mail between Ann Arbor and Jackson u'mn'm' NightMail ""■ GOING BIST. Through and Way Mail'.VIght Une, . 6.00 a. m, ïhrouRh and Way Mail, Bunday and Monday, closes Saturday and Sundajr m Throíígh 'and Way Mail'. '. . iiioizèa.' 'm.', 4.50 p.' in.' CWING SOUTH. ToledoandWay 7.00 a. m. Eastern Mails distributed at 8 a. m. aud U m and 6"We's'teI?n Mails distributed at 8 a. in. and 6.20 p. m jackson Mail and Way Mail between Jackson aud Ann Arbor distributed at 11.18 a. m. Momoe and Adrián pouch. 1015 a. in. The Mail to Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Webster leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and baturdavsat9a. m.


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