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Battle Ckeek, Micli., Jan. 31, 1879. Gentlemen- Having been afflicted lor a number of years with indigestión and general debility. by Ihe advioe of my doctor I used Hcp Bitters, md must say tbey afforded me almost instant relief. I am glad to be able to testify in their bebalf THOS. G. KNOX. Man cannot bccome perfect in a huudred years; but he can become corrupt in ess tban a day. 'Tra all played out," is a common complaint. lf you feel so, get a package of Kidney-Wort and take it and you will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the healthy action of the kidneys, bowels and livcr, and tbus restores the natural lite and strengt!) to the weary body. It can now be had in either dry or liquid form, and in eitlier way is always prompt and efficiënt in action.- New Bedford Standard. A weak muid is like a microscope, wbich magnifies trifling tbinga, but cannot receive great ones. Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt lïbeum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Mams, uorns, ana all kinds o: skin Erup tions. Tliis salve is guaranteed to givc perfect satisfaction in every case or lbo money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor Mich. An ounce of kcep-your-mouth-shut is better tban a pouud 01 explanation after you have said it. Tbousands of ladieB to-day cherisb grateful remembrances of tbe help derived from the use of Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound. It positively oures all female coinplaints. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. The ordinary life of a locoraotiye is thirty years. Possibly it would live longer if it didn't smoke. Farmers and mechanics, - If you wish to avoid great danger and trouble, be.sides a no small bilí of expense, at this season of the year, you should take prompt steps to keep disease from your household. The system should be cleansed, blood purified, somach and bowels reeulated, and prevent and cure diseases arising from spring malaria. We know of nothing that wil] so perfectly and ly do tuis as Electric Bitters, aud at the triflihgcost of flfty cents a bottle. - Exch. - Sold by Ebeibach & Soc, Marriage is a safe way to gamble. If you win, you win a treuaure; and if you lose you ain't out anything. TniNKERS WILIi BEAD AND HEED THIB. - Whén our most experienced and practical physicians widely endorse and reconimend a medicine, knowing from the ingredients used it must have an excellent general effect on the human sysiem, and be a true strengt.hener of every organ of life, and recoguized as Nature's best assistant in curing dyspepsia, indigestión, general debility, nervous prostratiOQ, want of vitality convalescence, fevers. chronic chills and fever, dumb ague, female diseases, brolien-down constitutions, ill health, weaknesS; debility, imperfect action of the orgaus of life and health, etc, all of which muke life miserable; then indeed should tüe newspaper press of the country cali the atteiitiou of suffering humanity to so meritorious a compound. We refer to Brown's Iron Bitters, a remedy having the largest sale in the east of any medicine ever inveuted, simply because it has true ment and gives permanent relief. - Herald. ■ A girl ran away ftom home, and the father advertises her as "Laura, age 18, drcssed in a straw hat." What a flx she'il be in if that hat should blow off. Health, strength, and vigor given, and miraculous cureseffected.byusing Brown's Iron Bitters. lts saie is immense. SPECIAL SALE OF HOLIDAY GOODS ! FOR TWO WEEKS. I have in stock and shall offer for sale, a class of SEASONABLE GOODS wkich will attract attention both in variety and prices, and that CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD in thiscity. C. E. HOLMES, City Drug Store. No. lá East HuronSt., - - Ann Arbor. The IPurest and Host Medicine ever Made. Acolmbin&tion of Hope, Buchu, ManE draklenn.i Dandel ion, vrith all tne best and most c % ura tive properties of all other Bitters, H maketheBreatest BlOOd Purlfler, Llver I Be„ ui a tor, amiUfeand IkUtli itcstoriiig ■ Ageït ouMj ■■iiiiii '-a-nhNo disease okan posslbly long exist where Hop Bitters are usVed,so varied and perf uct are their operatious.H Th7 gire nswÜVoani vigor totïeiiB4InIrm. Toall whose e fcnployinents cause irregular!" tyofthebowelsorurinary organs, or vrho requirean AppetizerX.To'110 and mild Stlmulant, Hop Bitters are invajuable Without IntoxNo matter what your femelinga of symptoma are what the disease or ailwnent is use Hop Bitter. Don'twaituntilyouare slok but if you onlyfeelbad or miBerable,use them at once. It may save your lif e.It hasl8 a v e d hundreds. $500 wiH be pald for a calse they wil 1 not cure or help. Do not suffer rlet your frk-mls uSer.but use and urife themV t0 Hop B Bemember, Hop Bitters Is no vUe druggod drunken nostrum, but the Pureat n " Best I Medicine ever made ; the "UITAUDSW ÏBUÜD I and HOPI" and no person Or familyW 4A ahould be without them. laHBHaH B O I.C-is an absolute and Irresistible cure H forlrunkenne88, use of opium, tobáceo andllH narcotics. All sold by drugtrists. Send MZ. .M tor Circular. Hop Bitter Mfg. Co., J ■■■ j THE G RE AT CURE "" FOB BHEUMATISM I As it ia for all diseasee of the KIONEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It oleaneea the system of the acrid poison that oausea the dreadful Buflbnng wiüoh ' only the vio tiius of ühc uniatiaux can realiza. , ; THOUSANOS OF CASES of ths worat forma of thia tarriblo diaease , i hve been quiokly relie ved,' in a short time ' PERFECTLY CURED. ' Í hma had wonder ful auocess. and an immense j ale in every part of the Country. In hun' dreds of oases i t lias eured where all else had f failod. Itia mild, but efficiënt, CEItTAIN , IN 1T8ACT1ON, but harmloeaiu all casos. ' (VltcleaiiHe. Streiijfthi'tiM uiid f lvctjVow ' Life toall the Important organa of the body. ( The natural action of the Kidneys ia restored. ' The Li ver ia eleanaed of all diaeaae, and the i Bowela move freely and healthfully. In this i waythe worat diacaaca are eradioated firom ' the ya toni. ■' Añ it haa been proved by thousands that 1 U the most effectual remedy for cleansing the , Bystem of all morbid seoretiona. It ehouidbe ujd in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. S Always cures BILIOUSNESS, ' , TION, PILES and all FEMALE Diaoaaea. Is put up inlry Vegetable Form. in tin fans, one p&ckofe of whichmakes Cquarts medicine. Also Ín Llquld Form, ver y C'oucentratedfor ( ' the convenlence of those whocannotreadily pre parelt. Itactawithequal efficiency in eitherform. GET IT OF TOUR DRUQGIST. PIUCE, #1.00 , WELLS, ICICJIARDSON A Co.. Frop's, (WUUendthedrypoBt-naid.) Bl'RLIXOTOM, YT.


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Ann Arbor Democrat