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TRUTH ATTESTED. Some Important Statements of Well known PeopleWholly Verified. In order that the public may fully realize the genuineness of the statements, as well as the power and value of the article of which we speak we publish herewith the fac simile signatures of parties whose sincerity is beyond question. The truth of these testimoniáis is absolute, uor can the facts they announce be ignored. Ann Arbob, Mich., July38, 1881. EL H. Warner & Co., Sms:- I had been troubled with a kidney and liver difflculty f or several y aars, and a severe lameness in my hip, which I had given up all hopes of ever being cured of. I had doctored and tried several remedies without affording me much relief. I decided to give trial to a bottle of your Safe Kidney and Liver cure, I commenced using it according to directions. J have up to this time used flve bottles and those burning seusations of my kidneys have lef t me and also my lameness and I am enjoying better health than I have for several years, entirely through the goodness of your Safe Kidney and Liver cure, and I cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. (B. F. Granger. Ank Arbor, Mich, July.28, 1831. H. H. Warner & Co., Sirs:- For the past flfteen years I have been aftiicted with a terrible liver and kidney compiaint which at times has caused me the most intense suffering. I have tried different medicinen advertisea for the cure of kidney and liver and found no relief. I became discouraged and made up my mjjid that nothing would do me any good when one evening I was reading the Evening News of Detroit and came across your advertisement which spoke of the many cures that have been eff ected by the use of your Safe Kidney and Livar cure and decided to give it a trial. I have now used three bottles and its effect is perf ectly wonderf ui. Those severe pains that I had continually in the región of my kidneys have disappjared and also the soreness in that part of my body. I am satisfice! I shall effect a complete cure . I cheerf ully give this testimonial hoping it may be the means of ndueing others to try it. Asn Akbob Mich., July 27, 1881. II. H. Warneb & Co. :- I have used your Safe Kidney and Liver cure and it is the best thing in my estimation for kidney and liver difflculties that has ever been placed before the public. I recommend its use to those alflicted with diseases of the kidney and liver. Thousands of equally strong cndorsements- many of them in cases where hope was abandoned- have been voluntarily giveii, showing the remarkable power of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in ail diseases of the kidneys, liver or urinary organs. If any one who reads this has any physical trouble, remember the great danger of delay. Granes ai Provísions And a full line of Importcd Goods, Wines and Liquors, For Medicinal Purposes ! At No. 10 East Hurón street, opposite the court house. The only place in the city where you can purchase IP-o-ice Xjcl-uloxs, Wm. H. McINTYRE, Ann Arbor, Michigan. CHRISTMAS IISIÍS o We invite our Friends and Patrons to cali at our New Store and examine our large nd well Selected Stock Of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry Süver and Plated "VVare suitable for Holiflay fwÉ Wliich we offer at the very lowest prices. JT. Halier .Sc 8011, 46 gouth Main St Ann Arbor, Mich. REAL ESTÁTE EÏCHAKGE. MANLY & HAMILTON'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First floor, Opera Houae block, Aiin Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnniMied on short notice on any parcel of land in Washtenaw county, from French Claims of Ypsilanti, to the most complicated titles in the Village of Manchester. Money to Loan on Real Estáte secureties. For Sale I O I 2O Acres at $50 per acre in the township of Webster, good buildings. Terms to suit purehaser. New Store on west side of Main street, terms easy. Thomas Colliar Farm,being the west half of the west half of the northwesi. quar ter- forty acres -on section eight, Ann Ar bor. This farm is only three miles f rom the city, hasgDod title, lanj well watered, good orchard, fair buildings, ten acres good wheat I OO Acres within 1 1-2 miles of court house with flrst-class building, perlect title and very cheap. House and LotS 1,2. 3, block4southrange 2 west, situated on South side of Liberty St. House and four LotS, on corner of Forest avenue and Orleans street. E n t re B I OC k 2 N R 13 E, except 2 lots. dood building sites. Terms to suit purehaser. A GOOd Farm, 200 acres, well improved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $65 per acre. House and Lot on Catherine street for sale, or exchange for lot near the Methodist church. Terms easy. A House and doublé L Ot at Whitmore Lake, $700. House and Lot, on;ing:ills street, north of University, $3,000. House and Lot, on Lawrence street, $2,000. House and Lot, on north side of West Huron street; also 6 1-2 acres situated on south side of Jackson road, about one mile f rom court-house, $2,C0J for both pareéis. Terms to suit purchaser. One House and two acres of land sitúate in Ingalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Riley property, good barn and well. House and Lot, onEHzabethst.,$8,ooo. A House and 1-2 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, in the Fifth ward, good locality, $1,000. House and flve LotSonMiller avenue. Will be sold at a bargain. Good barn on the premises. 3O Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road. within 3-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exchange for city property. LotS 77. 78, 9O, and part of lot 89 and a large brick house with 12 rooms, R. S. Smith'a addition. A Fine Brick House, Barnes, Orchard, with nice well and spring, and six acres of land, on West Huron and Jewett streets, known as the Jewett property. Price $15.000, or two lots off said property on Huron St., price $700 each. MONEY TO LOAN In surns from $100 to $5,000, amount and terms to suit applicants. o ai s S H H o 3 h "ft H 1 o g fl w rh s +j 0 H U g CÖ = r Í H = (O S O KITS es tri - ■ CO


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat