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L. B. Kellogg & Co.

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HERE WE COME WITH 50,000 BOTTLES 11 ieuoir Én? mum! DR. KELLOGG'S LIVERINVIGORATOR Is a tonie, diuretio and alterative. It cures Hver cninplaints, scrofula. and purifies the blood ; givt'S ton; and strength In cases of debility, int:reaes the appetite and renovates the whole system. It is especially beneficial in ague, billious fever, sick or billious headache, dyspepsia, chronlc diHrrhuea, feraale debility, constipation ani all billious or scrofulous complaints. Price, Sl.dü per bottle. DB. KELLOGG' S Indian Lung Bemedy! It is a speedy and reliable cure for every dewription of lung disease. It never faJls to give relief to bronchitis, colds, coughg, a-stiima, lung lever, croup, sore throat, hoarseness, &c, &c, and in consumption, where acure is possible it may be relied upon, Itscertain reliabiïity in the cure of croup and pulmonary diseases, makes it a desi rabie Family Frienu. Price, 25 cents per bottle. DR. KELLOGG'S MAG IC RED DROPS! Is a curo for all manner of acute patns. Collu, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, pains in ehest. neuralgia of the etomach, palpitatioa of thu heart, &e, cured by one or two doses- one alwaya giving relief. When applied as a Hniment, cure rheumatism and all manner of nervous pain&. Itisjustwhat every family should keep in the house. Price, 25 cents per bottle. DB. KELLOGG'S CATHARTICPILLS! Are purely vegetable. They neither nauseatc the stomach, gripe or constípate the bowels; but leave the appetite good, digestión vigorous, and the bowels free and regular. They should bo employed in cases of biliiousness, feyer, aguct coustipation, indigestión, etc. DR. KELLOGG'S Champion Ointment! It cures salt-rheum, sores, cuts, bruises, and all kinds of skin diseases. For piles it is the Yery best in use. Price, 25 cents per box. SOLD BY DRUO-GISTS GENERALLY, AND H. J. BROWN & OO. DRT7GGISTS OP THTS CITY. Froprietors, -A.NTN" ARBOR, MICHIQISr.


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