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Jackson papers say that Gneral Manager Ledyard, ol the Mtchigan Central Kailroad, bas expressed his willingness to revise the Ireight tariff and removí any discrepancies affecting Jackson. The probability is that alter January lst special rates will bo given Jackson on outward bound frelght of home manufacture. The Grand Trunk Railway, which is sUll cuttiDE rates between Chicago and Boston, is doing a very large passenger business between those points. Geo. W. Hathaway, the engineer of the steam fire engine "City of Coldwater," who was arrested Dec. 8 for complicity with Hemngway who is accused of firing various places In thta nit.v. haa confessed the incendiarism and Implicatei three other parties, all of whom viere members of the fire department. He iays they not only fired Armory hall, but also Selye's hall, E. B. Clark'a oil warehouse and the old Bolster house. Hathaway says his pait of the business was to f urninh the box aud material for klndliDg the fires. He has been released on $1,000 bonds to await sentence. n; The last r il on the Detroit, Marquette & Macklnaw railroad wae laid Friday at abou noon, thus completlng the line f rom the straits of Mackleaw to Marauette. On Friday Harry Birch, a nine year old boy of Detroit, attempted to catch a ride on a Lake Shoie train near the Scott street crossing and was instantly killed, the whetls crushing his head and ahoulders in a frightrul manner. Froin al) accounts, another season will see the farming population of our country greatly lncreased. Tho crops raised here for the past few years have doue much to advertise and i gubsiantiate our claims of having the beat producing soil for rain and vegetables to be found in the union. Fire broke out in the cattlesheds outhefairground at A.drlan Saturday evecing, and many ol them were burned. Lossslight. In going to tho Cre Win. Blake, driver of the Babcoc, in making a turn tipped over and was thrown violenUy against a tree, sustaining internal injuries whlch are fatal. The amount rafted by the several boon coinpanies ia the Saglnaw district the past season toaflíoU0WB: Sawlogs. Feet. Tittabawassee Biver . 0 uUÜ 088 fi.ver 'sil,,.! BartK.ver oS'nnn Hile Biver SÍ?,T) Au res River I'ÍÍSSt Au Sable Biver 1?S'J1 Qrand total 868,6907 Besides these there carne by raU and tuiall Btreams a total of 16i,964,5'J0 feet. Ii Ís estimated there is held back In the streams and in the booms a total of 480,000,000 feet. The total quantity of log rafted and in sight at tht nl. nf nnarations this season is 1,451,667,617 feet, an increase over the same product at tho eloBe of 1880 of 361,104,000 feet. John Black, special agent of the Detroit mu tual beaefit assodatlon. dled at Manlstee Suuday morning of pneumonía. Snnday afternoon a 14 year-old boy. named Patterson, step-son of Mr. Sherman, manager of the boarding-house at Fire Lakes Lapeer Co was drowned whüe skating on the frail, newly formed ice at that place. Hancock has coinpleted a new reservoir capable of holding 450,000 gallons, substaatiaUy constructed ef Btone- The Hancock nflaa ia the name of a new military company at Hancock, Hogh Denidy, captain.- Teams cross Portage lake on the ice. Henry S. Smith, ex mayor of Grand Rapids, and Greenback candidate for Governer in 1878 died Sunday nlght, aged 61. His remalns were teken to OneidaCo. N. Y. for bnrial. Prentis & Nevins, planing mili factory lu Otoego, was burned down Sunday. Loss $15,00 to 20,000. Dr. Church ot Marshall, wis thrown from hls carrlage on Sunday, by which his collar bene was broken and other injuries were susUiaed. Johannes Benkes, a wealtby farmer of Johnstown, returning from Hastings Saturday eïening, was thrown from his wagon wliile Intoxieated.and killed, he wheels passing over and crushing in his ribs. James Savagi, of (iresnville, is bound over on a charge of rape. Horaoe Brewer, a wealthy and influential citizen of Tecumseh and proprletor of lts fouadry, died Saturday night. Theannnalcataloeneof Olivet college juBt Usned, shows a total attendance during the year of 229 studente, of whoin 102 are in the college, 87, in the preparatory coarse, 108 in the normal course, 63 in the art departinent and 61 in the conservatory of music. Of the 102 in the collepe propor, 86 are in the classical conrse, 22 in the ioientifio oourae and U in the ladles' cours. In the preparatory departinent, 61 are In the clerical eourse and 26 in the ladies' coarse. J. TT. Dlxon, who wai arrested and jailod tor the Bppoied murder of Phillips, the Iowa drover dlad In jall at Lexington, Thursday morning, from thr dose of laudanum he took the preïious eTening. In his delirium ha freuently aaid, 'Poor Phillips! he is dead," but laid nothiuu about committing the muider klmself. Ih array of cireumstantial eïidence againit him, howeTer, is Tery strong. He has ence been in States pnson tor forgery. Frank Wheeler, of Coldwater, shot and killed kli wife in a homse ot ill-fame, near Coldwater on Monday evening, and af ter doing this, pui an end to his own life with the same fatal weapon. Jealousy the supp'aed cau9.


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