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Real Estate Transfers

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The following are the transfer of rel estáte for the week eading Wednesday, December 14: WARRANTY DEKD8. liattie A. Lamb to J. J. Lindsley, 40 acres sec 2 Salem, $400. Henry R. Watson to Lorenzo Haight, lot in Saline, $000. Helen M. Hutchinson to AIodzo H. Goldsmith, lot in Ypsilauti, $1,031.25. McCouri. to F. Trainer 4 acres sec. 1. Northtiela, $167.60. Joseph Kitchen to Jno. F. Kelly, 100 acres sec. 10 Augusta, $2,400. Guttfried Jeddele to Jacob Behlinger, 80 acres sec 30 FreeJom, $4,800. C.H. Mauly to Joel W. Hamilton, property in Aun Arbor, $3,000. .1. W. Hamiliou to C. H. Manly, prop erty in Aun Arbor, $2,000. Edward Tredwell to Tamer S. Ellicott, lot in Ann Arbor, $500. Thos. J. Wood to Juo. Tate, 20 acre sec 30 Pittsliuld, $1,050. Elizabeth T. Öutherland to H. A. Beal, lot in Aun Arbor, $2,800. Deliliau Booth to Micliael Sehaoble, land ir. sec 'ii Lodi, $1,(550.