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Why America Was Not Colonized In Eleventh Century

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The state of Kurope at that time was not one which aflbrded surplus energy lor distan t enterprise. In theyear 1000, when white men lirst wintered in Massachusetts, the Uane Swegen Forkbeard was wresting the lordchip of Enland froni the ieeble grasp of .Etherland the Unready. Koliert tlie Debonair, uuvvailike sou of the graeions and valiaut Hugh Capet, King of the Frenoh in name, but in reality master of verv little territorv bevond the immediate neighborhood of Paris, was waging a doubtful struggle with unruly vassals, somc of whom quite surpa.ssed the orown in wealth and power. The youthi'ul ütto III., the "wonder of the world," had just made his weired visit to the toob of hia mighty predecessor at Aachen before starting on that last journey to Rome whioh in less than two years was to cost him his life. G-crber most erudite of popes - too learned not U have had dealingswith the devil - Gerber elected through Otto's influence to th headship of the cliurch, was but beginnin to raise the papauy out of the abyss o infamy into which the preceding age hai seeu it snik, and so to prepare the way fo the far-reaohing reforms of Hildebrauc In this year btephen, hrst (Jhnstian Kiu of the Hungarians, began to reign, anc the power oí' heretical Bulgaria, which hat threatened to overwhelm the Eastern Em pire, was broken by the attack of the Ma cedouian Basil. In this year Olaf Trygg vesson was overthrown, and the kingdom of Norway divided for a time betweei Swedens and Danes. In this year th Christians of Spain met def'eat at the hands of Almansur, and the Mohammedan dominion there then seemed destined to endure. From end to end Europe was a scène of diré confusión ; and though to us looking back upon it, the time seems no devoid ot promise, there was no eheerinj outlook then. Novvhere were the oulline. of kingdoms or the ownership of crowns defimtely settled. Private war was Jbotl universal and inoessant; even the Truca ot God had not yet been proolaimed. As for the comuion people. their aardships were wellnigh incredible. There was no commerce worthy of inention, and bu little tilling of the soilf except in gerfage and fauiinos were frequent and terrible, ab to-tlay in India, In the chronicles o the tune we find niany reporta of canibalism, and even of ghoulism, the horrid aceompaniinents ot' a season of starvation Annit all tliis auarehy and misery, at the close ol' the thousaudth year Bom the birth oí' Christ, the belief' was general throughont Europe that the day of judgment was at hand - that the world, grown uld in wickedness, was at length ripe foi' destruction. A period like this was not fitted lor colonial enlerprise, becaus all the vaal energy in Kurope was consuraed in efforta for the adjustment of Europeau alfairs. Before a people can föund colouies, it must have solved the problem of political government at home, at least so far as to secure stability of trade. it is the mercautile spirit which has supported modern colonization, aided by the spirit ol' romantic adventure and the spirit of intellectual curiosity. In ;the eleventh centnry there was no intellectual curiosity outside the monastery walls; nor had this feeling come anywhere eulusted in the service of oommerce. Iioniantic adventure, suoh as there was, eonsisted mostly in brutal buccaneei ing. There was no such thing as a commercial marine, aud on land the career of the trader was restraiued by the robber baron. In those days the fashiouable method of compoundiug vvith your creditors was, not to offer them thirty cents on a dollar, but to inveigle them into your castle and broil them over a slow fire. - John Fisk, in Harpers's Magazinu lor December. Uohealthy or iuactive kidneys causo gravel, Brigbt's disease, rheumalism, and a horde of olher seriousand fatal diseases, which can be prevented witU Hop Bitters, if taken in tiuio. " Lay off your overcoat or you won 't feel it when you go out," said the landlord of a western iuu to a guest wiio vas gittipg bv the lire. " That's what I'm af raid of," said the man. " The last time I was here I laid off my overcoat. I didn't feel it hen I went out, and liuven't feit it since." " It is cilring everybody," writis a druggist. " Kidney-Wori tg the most popular medicine we geil." It should bu by right, for no other medicine has such sijecification on the liver, bowels and kidneys. Il you have those symptonis which iudieate biliousness or üerunged kidneys do uot fail to procure and use it faithfully. In liquid or dry form it is sold by all druggiste. - Balt Lake City Tribune. There are 203 women in Bcston worth million dollars each. Iuipropcr medicines only aggravate human diseases. Uon't experiment with your healili. If you doii't just koow what ails yon, use Brown's Iron Bitters. It will sirengthen you andassist nature in removing every symptom of distress. Last Bumrner, as a boardiiig-school yoimg lady was gnawing green corn trom the eub, her teeth gol eutangled wilh a corn-silk. "O dear!" said she, itupai lienily, " 1 wish wbeu thcy g(-t the corn ; made they wou ld pull out the basllng tbreads!" Frke of Charge.- AU persona suflering irom Cougbs, Colds, Asthnia, Bronchllis. Loss of' Voice, or any affectiou of the 'i'hroat and JíUiirs, are requested to pall at Eberbacb it Co's. drug store aiul get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Diseovery for (Jousumption, tree of charge; wbiclï will cuiiviiice tliuin of its wonderful ineritg aud sbow what a regular dollarsi,e bottle will do. Cali early. A good motto for tbc ice man; ,Jusl ice to whuni just ice is due. A.N Old Womak'b Advicb. -Aunt Uachel, writiag to the Ciuciumiti Euquirer, says: " When you feel unwell aud inlok you must tiiko medicine, lor goodness sake 'gel the best.' If you need a rt-medy that will make you regular in your habils, give you a good natural nppelite, make your skin clear and smooili, and remore all spots and blemislies Ibat iudicate ill-bealtlj; if you w isb lo be tree from mental depression, fietfuhieos, peevisb ncss, wakefiilnesi and itlior disorders, use Brown'B Iron Bitters." '■' Anotbei' lie nailed," as tlie wag remarked when the merchant tackedupa sign, " al coat."


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