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PILLS! PILES I PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last.- No one Need Suffer. A snre cure for the Blind, Meeding. Itchingand Uleerated Piles has been discoveren by Dr Williams (an Indian reniedy). ealled ür. William's ludían Oiniment. A single box ha cured the worst ohronlc cases ot' 25 and 30 years1 standing. No one need suffer the minutes after applying tliis wDiidci'ful soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and KU'rí narirs 0 more harin than good. WlUiám's Oiutment absorba the tumors, allays the intense telling (particularly at night after Ketting warm in lied), acts as a poultlce; gives instant and nainlesti relief, aml la preparad onlyfpr Piles, Itchlng of tbe prívate parta, and nothing, Kead i bat the Hon. .1. M. Cofflnberry, of Cleveland, says aboutDr. Williaiu's ludían l'ile Ointniiint: I nave used scores of pile cures, and it affordsme ptoasure t" say that I have never found aoytliiug whlcb gave such immcdiate and permanent relief as l)r. WUliam's Indian l'ilc Ointment. For sale by all druggists. or mailed 00 receipt of ]rice, $1.00. Jas. E. Davls & üo.. Wholesale Druggists, Detroit, Mteh., Asenta. For sale by Jl. .1. Brown & Cío., Aun Arbor, Mich. CITY ITEMS. Fai:.mki;s' - Wc pay a bigher piice for Wlieai mid (jut.s iban iiny buyer iu the couuty. ('(iiiic mid try ns. A. LIE8EMËR .t SON. öttline, .Miuh., Jan. 1, 1883. For Kent. - A ncw house coutaining ton rooms. n Fourth slrect, in a dosim ble locttlity. A good cistorn and well ou Ihe preruises. Kor particulara inquire at The Dbmockat oílicu, rooms (i and 7, opera housc blouk, Anu Arbor. Byroii Green, hayiug regaiued bis hualüi, offers bis sorvices as auctioneer. Residence corntr of Fouilh and Aun Sts. , Anu Arbor. Important to travelurs: Special Inducemoits are oílerei you by tbc linilingtou Koute. It will pay you to ruad tlieir advertisemenl to bu found elsewbore in ibis issue Student s wili find it to their advantage to look tlirougli Kearney's slocl; of lampa. N. W. Ayer & Bon's American Newspaper Annual containa fuil statistici of all Newspapers in the L'nited States wd Canada, alao populatione from tüe census ot 1880. Sent postpaid tn receipt of price, $3. Address N. W. Ayer & Son, A.dvertising Agente, Times ' Building. PbiladelpUia. HOP BITTEBSI (A .Ilcdiuine, uot a Drink.) 00NTAIN9 HOPS, BÜCHÜ, MANDRAKE, UANBEUOX, And thü Pttrest êjtd Best I ■UK OF ALL OTHKB BiTTKÜb. THEY CUKE Alï Diseaseaof theStomach, Bowels, Blood, I Liver, Kldneys, and UrinaryOnfans, Nervüusucbs, SleepleBBnesaand especially r'emale ComplalnteSIOOO IN GOLD. M Wíll be pald for a case they wíll not cure oiB help, or íoranything Impure or iujuriou f ouad in tbem. Aek your drugglst for Hop Bitters and trr I tbtm before you sleep. Take uu uther. I D I. C. Is an absolute and Irreslstlblecure for I Drunkenness, une of opium, tobáceo and iiareottcs. BHBDB Sknd fob Circular. IÜHIHB All Above ïold by drupjfiiU. ■ HopBttter Mfg. Co., Rocheiter, N. Y., A Totoolo, Ooi. I j THE GREAT CURE POK J RHEUMATISM 1 Aa it is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LI VER AND BOWELS. i It oleansas the systcm of the acrid poison Ihat causea the dreadful aufferinff which ' only the victima of Kkeumatiani oan roaliaa. , ; THOUSANDS OF CASES I of the worst forma or thia terrible diaeaae I 1 havo been quickly relieved, in a short time Y j PERFECTLY CUREO. f 1 ha hud womlerful iUcceM, and an immense m J sale in every part of the Country. In ï dredBofcaaesithasouredwhereall eïse had ' failed. Itis mild, but efficiënt, CERTAIN . , IN1T8 ACTlON,butharmleB0inllcw. tpMtcleanscs, Btrenythens and rlve New JAi'c toall the important organs of the body. i The natural aotion of the Kidneys ia restored. ' The Li ver is cleansedof all diseaee, and the 1 Bowels move freely and healthfully. In thia i waythe worst cliseasea ore eradicated trom ' tlioBystera. , Aa it has been proved by thousands thafc f 1 ' ia the most effectual remedy foroleansing the ,' H eystem of all morbíd seoretions. 1 1 shouid be ( uaod in every houaehold as a o o n i hi ■ i r r i i ti r SfKINtt MbDICINE. Alwaya cures BUJ0USNE8S, TION", PILES and all FEMALE Diseaeca. , Is put up in Dry Vegetable Form. In tin cans, ' one package of which malees Squarts medicine. Also in LI quid Form, very Concentratedfor the convenience of thoae wüo cannot rwadiiy pre'i pare It. Itacts with equal efficiency in eitherorm. i i GET ITOFYOUK DRUGGIST. PIUCE, $1.00 i ' WELLS, KM'II AKDSON' & Co., Prop's, i (Wül send the dry poRt-paid.) IHRL1SGT0N, YT. i I I Ijl ""'til Octo(er Slat foiiowing.' ' V Vj ■1 .Vu)1iI1an Palncc Car aic run h Ll f I abia prioe of wrenty-An oents. 'efí A II States tree, address, LB ] Jj GEN. FASS'RAGT., C.B.&Q.R.R 15J pflH Chicago, III. ' Ljj


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Ann Arbor Democrat