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The Beethoven Gesangeverieu society elected the followingottieers last evening: President, Geo. Holler; vice president, T. F. Hutzel; secretary, Pred Belser; cashler, Alberl Maun; collector, G. Jo Isenhans; música] commiltre, A. Maan, Geo. llaller; director, l'rof. I?. Kempf. ! The society will give a grand concert the last of the moiith. The prayer, "Give me neitber poverty nor riclies," is interpreted in Chicago to : mean aboul a quarter of a million. Ayer & Sou' Manual gives just the inforuiation needed to make a judicious selection of papers for any newspaper advertisiug. It contains also niany very advantageous special offers. Sent on receipt of 10 ets. Address N. W Ayer it Sou, Advertising Airenis, Times Building Philadelphia. Patrick on the cebra - "Pliat kind of a baste is that - the mule wid his ribs on Ihe outside of his shkin entirely !" Cady's catarrh remedy, a snre cure for catarro, is lor sale at Holmes' drug .store, C'ook hotel block. Strayed or Stolen. From the undersigned. December 27, 1881, between 12 and 8 o'elockof that day, aeow. white and red speckled. Any nfonnatiou which will lead to the recoverv of the cow, should be communieated to WM. & J. WALSH. Walsh's Coniers, Northfleld. iro ëTsale i A stock of Drugs for sale. LIK 'A T1ON AD BUSINESS GOOD. Stock to the amount"of about $4,000. Can give GOOD IWASONS FOR SELLING. Terms easy. For further information, address H. E. H. BOWEH, Dimochat offlee, Aun Arbor, Mieh. F. WACNER & BRO., MANUFACTURERS OF FÏRST-CLASS WORK ONLY, CARRIAQES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, CÜTTERB, BOB-SLEIGHS, ETC'. {(u riii a ij of all Kind Uvne ' Uih Bet Monner. AA AVoi-U Warranted ! Particular atteiition given to Horsk Ssoeixb SHOP ON SECOND STREET, Between Washington and Liberty Streets. ANN ARBOH. - MICHIGAN. AM, WORK soi.i) cinoAi' kou cas ir. "report Ff the condition -O Of TH-0ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK At Ann Arbor Mich, at the close of business Monday, January 2, A. D. 1882. inade in accordance with Sections 18, 19 and 67 of the General Banking Law as amended in 1871. RESOURCES. IiOans and discounts $2?i9,8tW.6O Bonds and mortgages 145,846.21 U. S. 4 per cent bonds at par 11,100.00 Overdrafts 84.55 Revenue stamps ftíí.00 Furniture and flxtures 3 930 85 Bills in transit 8,715.00 Due from National and state banks 52,914.98 Silver coin and nickels 2,442 47 Legal tendera, bank notes and gold coin 31,573.00 Total... $ 54l,5tt8.66 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund 15,000.00 January dividend 3,202.00 Undivided proflts 5,587.89 Due depositors „..471,718.77 Total $ 544,568.66 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true. to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Subseribed and sworn to beïore me, this 3d day of January, 1882. ADAM D. SEÏLER, Notary Public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat