Real Estate Transfers
1 üe folio wlug are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday, Junuary 4ih: WARItANTT DEEDS. Henry D. Hose to John H. Mamby, 83 acres sec 7 and 8, $3,400 Cornelius II. Adciis to Wllliftm Stimpson, 20 acres sec 22, Saline, $075. Williain II. Easterly to Lauren Saniord, lot in Ypsilanli, f1,000. Caroline Kent to A. S. Perry, lot in Manchester Viilage, $810. E. C. and James Le Van to Francia and Phebe Parker, 147 acres sec 30, Northïield, $8,400. Emnia B. and Daniel McGonegal to John K. Bois, 40 acres sec 27, Pittsfield $950. John J. Kobison to ïiichard Wright, 5 acres sec 99 Sharon, SG$. Peler Gorman to James S. Gormnn, 40 acres, sec 20, Lyndon, $1,000. Peter Gorman to James S. Gorman, 40 acres, sec 20, Lyndon, $3,000. Eiiward Gorman to James S. Gorman, 200 acres, sec 36 and 27, Lyndon, $4,400. Joha 8. Harria to Julius P. Ferguson, lot 30, Grane & Bagley's addition, Ypsiianti, $1,500. Russeli C. Reeve to John Roast, 25 acres, Scio, $,100. Wm. F. Kuebler to Gottleb F. Banier, 2 acres, sec Sa, Lynden, $170. Daniel S. Crawford to Julia H. Packard and C. H. Finche, 40 acres in sec 27, Ann Arbor town, $2,500. Charles Corneil to George Swartz, 60 acres, sec 21, Lodi, $2,293.13.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Henry D. Rose
John H. Mamby
Cornelius H. Addis
William Stimpson
William H. Easterly
Lauren Sanford
Caroline Kent
A. S. Perry
E. C. Le Van
James Le Van
Francis Parker
Phebe Parker
Emma B. McGonegal
Daniel McGonegal
John K. Boise
John J. Robison
Richard Wright
Peter Gorman
James S. Gorman
Edward Gorman
John S. Harris
Julius F. Ferguson
Russell C. Reeves
John Roast
William F. Kuebler
Gottlieb F. Bahler
Daniel S. Crawford
Julia H. Packard
C. H. Finche
Charles Cornell
George Swartz