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Real Estate Transfers

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1 üe folio wlug are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday, Junuary 4ih: WARItANTT DEEDS. Henry D. Hose to John H. Mamby, 83 acres sec 7 and 8, $3,400 Cornelius II. Adciis to Wllliftm Stimpson, 20 acres sec 22, Saline, $075. Williain II. Easterly to Lauren Saniord, lot in Ypsilanli, f1,000. Caroline Kent to A. S. Perry, lot in Manchester Viilage, $810. E. C. and James Le Van to Francia and Phebe Parker, 147 acres sec 30, Northïield, $8,400. Emnia B. and Daniel McGonegal to John K. Bois, 40 acres sec 27, Pittsfield $950. John J. Kobison to ïiichard Wright, 5 acres sec 99 Sharon, SG$. Peler Gorman to James S. Gormnn, 40 acres, sec 20, Lyndon, $1,000. Peter Gorman to James S. Gorman, 40 acres, sec 20, Lyndon, $3,000. Eiiward Gorman to James S. Gorman, 200 acres, sec 36 and 27, Lyndon, $4,400. Joha 8. Harria to Julius P. Ferguson, lot 30, Grane & Bagley's addition, Ypsiianti, $1,500. Russeli C. Reeve to John Roast, 25 acres, Scio, $,100. Wm. F. Kuebler to Gottleb F. Banier, 2 acres, sec Sa, Lynden, $170. Daniel S. Crawford to Julia H. Packard and C. H. Finche, 40 acres in sec 27, Ann Arbor town, $2,500. Charles Corneil to George Swartz, 60 acres, sec 21, Lodi, $2,293.13.