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L. B. Kellogg & Co.

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HERE WE COME WITH 50,000 BOTTLES de. minnlusT ibbd DR. KBLLOaG'S UVERINVIGORATOR Is a tonta diuretic and alterativa It cures liveruomplaints, scrofula, and puriries the blood; .ivus tono and strength in cases of debility in' rtaes the appetite and renovales the whole Hvstcm. It is especlally beneiicial in aime billioua rever, slok oi btllious headache dyspepsia clircMiic diiirrhoea, female debility. conotipatiou Jl'ilail billious or scrofulous complaints. Price 11.00 per bottlo. ' DR. KELLOGG'S Indian hing Remedy! Itil a speedy and reliablo cure for everydêKeriptlon of lung disease. It never fails to eive reliei to bronchitis, colda, coughs, asthma, lung lever, croup, sore throat, hoarsi-ness, &c, &o , and in consumptlou, where acure is possible it may be relied ujion. Itscertain roliubiliiy in the euro of croup and puhnonary diseases, makes it a desirable Family Fricnd. Price, 25 cents per bottle. DR. KELLOGG'S MAG IC BED DROPS! Is a cure for all manner of acute pains. Colic cholera morbua, cholera iufantuni, palns in chenl. neuralgia of the ttomach, palpitation of the heart, &c, cured by one or two doses- one always gmng relief. When applitd as a linlment carel rheumatiMn and all manner of nervous pains. IC is just what every faroily should keep in the house. Trice, 25 cents per bottle. DR. KELLOaö'S CATHARTICPILLSl Are purely vegetable. They neither nauseate the stomath, gripe or constípate the bowcls; but Wave the appetite good, digestión vigorous, aml the bowols free and regular. They should be employed in cases of bililousness, fever aguc couitij)atiou, indigestión, etc. DR. KELLOGG'S Champion Ointment! lt cures salt-rheum, sores, cuts, bruises, and all nnds of skin diseasea. Por piles it is the very bestin use. Pri ce, 25 cents per box. SOLD BY aiSTSNERAI, Agl H. J. BHOWN & OO. Proprietors, .A.Nisr lR13or, michjgljst.


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