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irwln'B shade faotory, Oswego, N. ï. bas burned with a 1ob3 oí $15,000. ïlia boiler exliloded külini? one mau. A flre In Adains' grotery etorf, ialveton los., did f60,000 worth of damage. A fire in öpcgl!, Thomas & Co. furuituie ore on Washiagton St., Iudlanapoüii, did daraag aggregating H15,000. A '$100,000 firo oecarnd in Robisoti's jewelry faotory, Attleboro, Mass. There were 27 deatbs from small-pox ia Chicago ast week. Newburg's forgeries at Columbas are increasing in uuuiber. Tbose iliscnvered nw aggregnte otot 12,000. Balldlng operations in Obicago the past yar havee 11,600,600. The snipments of American beef to Kaglana during the last twelve montus have teilen oiï B reatly. Thls is said to resull Irom two causes: 8 rat, the high and unprofltable prloe of beef in this country; and, second, the large iuiportatlon of dressed Hungarian meats lnto Eng. land by a rallway refrigerator company recently organizad in England for that purpBe. High water haa swept away several buildlnB near Deporit, Pa. Kmma 1. Morrow has entered suit agalnst C. M. Davis, the actor, for }22,00O claim ior baokssilary fouryears. O. Engel, a prominent young lawyer of Milwaukae, haB absoonded, wlth peouiatlons traced, aggregatlnjj 10,000. Two days' advance sales íor tbe Patti season at Ohieago amount lo 19,000. Herman WelsiBjj, ex-Treasurer oí Lee eounty, la., has been indicted for the 6mbezïlemnt of 810,000 county íunde. 3oy. Murray haa gone to Salt Lake on a sammona froin the Congressional oommlttee for adtliement on leglslation for Dtah. There is a rumor in the Gulteau case that 11 Jurymen belleve Guiteau woonsible for bis rime and one belleves blm inBane. The public printing office, Washington, haa plenty of work at present ünder the law 980 copies of every bill must be prlnted. Bills thus f ar introduoed agrégate nearly 8,000,000 copies and several have not yet beentouched. Small-pox U spreadlng rapldly in the north west; 40 student at the Keokuk (Ia.) medical oollege are down with the disease. The dis eae was taken into tho institution front b Chicago "stiff." The seeretary of the IlllnoU state board of toealth reportB smaU pox in 87 town. Dr. S. B.Boynton of Cleteland, telegraphslo Washington in response to inquiry that he tnakes nu charge for attendiug tbe late President Garleld. Wben tendered a tnousand dollars by the late President for services d uring Mrs. Garfleld' Ulness he deoliaed it also. TUree freight trains were wrecked not far from Lancaster, Pa., on the SOtb, Iwo had coliided when the third came on. Al) in a masa íook flreand several ware killed. Deputy U. 8. Mareaal Earp was fatally shot, U i thought,íat. Tonibíton, Atizona. Gow boys had sent him aud othws threatenlng leltere warning officials to leavo the place. Durinu a festival gtveu by tbe Knights of Pythlas at Shanewille, Oblo, 011 New Year'.i Kve., the üoor Buddenly gave wny, pitdpitating the audienoe, which nuuibered peera! hondred, into the debrls and darkness below. By tremendouB eflort an openlne wan efleoted, aud the uninjureí were soon released. To add to the horror of the occaBion the building took fire, bat lt did not progress rapidly enough to jrTent all belnc wmoved. Remarkable n lt may seenl but two per8ons were killed whüe LCO were more or lesa seriouely iojured by the f fall or the flamee. The eixty-fiith general aseeinbly oL Ohio oonvenod at lOo'clock Jan. 8d. Tho eenate was called to order by Lieutent-GovernorHiefcenlooper. Senator Herr, ol Loraln, was elected President pro tem. In the homo O. J. Hodge of Cleveland, was elected Bpeaker, reoeiving 60 votea to 33 ror C. N. Vailandingham of Dayton. The business in both houaes was prellminaiy. The govemor's message was announced to be read at 2:80 p. m. Intense excitement was caused at Moline, 111., Sunday alght by tnree smau-pox paueui escaping from their rooms and running through tbe ttreets lialt dressed and crazy, Theywere recaptured with difficulty aftera number of persons had beon exposed. Davenport has quarantined in a measure aain6t Bock Island and the east. AU personB will be examinted by officerB before they are allowed to enter the cuy. J. D. Wolcott, a youüg uiaa whose pareot, reside at Borne, N. Y., and ar said to be very estimable poople, committed suicide at theGault m.inní. Tnn n a XI n hoil ir.npfhan mHifiarv house Uuicago J aa zo. ne naa mor iuu uiumai j ability, having held poBitions of trust iu California, Arizona aud New Mexico. George Herendorf, a parter ia the employ of oL Park, Bcott & Co., Chicayo, has been arrested, charged with havicg stolen 80 tonsof copper irom Ui ereployers, wliich ho eold to junk dealers at fiw or bíx cents a pound, while t-he mnrket price wan abr.ut SO cents. The firm'a loss ia about $18,000. PwsldentArlhur received New Yeart calis In tUo blue room, astisted by the wiv63 of Senators Logsn, Jonee, Canif ron, Mi'ler, FendletoB, Reiresentativo Robeson Bd ex-Secretary Biaine. The display of drf ssüj was very fine, and la this respect the reception eurpatecd ny for uiRny years past. Uradstreets reporta 171 failmvs in the United States and Canada during last week, an lacrease of 21 over thoae of tiie previous week. A maii car on the Cauada Southern luirned on Mondr.y evenlüg en route to Detroit, lt containei tke New Euglaud and Ëuropean mail lor all Michigan except the extremo northern peninsular and the poition ributaiy to the LakoShore& Michigan Seuthern road. The importan? ol Ibis loss can be scarcely overestimatdd. Jay üould assnmed the prepHenoy of tha Wabaeh road January 5. I). T. Fnmcis, one of the most expert telegraphers in thi3 country, was taken sick at bis iceirument in Chicago Wednpsday and dled of small pox wit lia foor d iyp. Wm. H. VauderbiH diner! his fnemis on Thnreday in oh8?rvaitoo of his 51st birthday. The three men who were nrreeted for the Ashland, Virginia, mulder, wborein thre vfo men were brutally outragod, killed, and the house fired, have eonfesaed the crime. Capt. W. Howgate, who is confiaed iu jail on a charge of embezzleinent of eonie $160,000 was roleased by Judge öox, to epend New Year'8 witli his iriends. This action was the subject of rauoh unfavorablo comment. On Monday as a train on the Boston & Maine railroad, near Cale's Corner, waa croïsinz an iron biidgs.the stiucturegaTe way, precipitutingfour passenger cars down an embanktnent. The cars caught fire and were entirely coneiiined, bul the passengers were all saved from the fire. Oae was killed and many ibjured by tho crash. At Indianapoli?, on tbe 2d. inst., a mulé team wasstnick by au engineou the Union railway track, and one passenger, a Sister of Charity, was instantly ltilled. Congrassmau Burrows, appoints Deniiis H. Qroesbeckof Kalamazoo as clerk of the committee on teiritorie, of which lie is chairman. The contest over the poBtmasterBhip al raw Paw is settled by coDgressmeu Burrows wbo tías recimmsnded I). L. O. Woodman for the Hjsition, whoee nam vrili beeentto thesenate thfs wlt. Gov. Muriay Is in WashinatOD, to glve hia tIowb aboutneoeB-aryiPgislation for the territory oí Utah. Judge Advoeate Swaioi lake the gioand that the oourt inartial which tiied "Whittaker was not legally constituted aud ihat its proceedings are tkerefore voirt. The Beats in PJymouth cbnrsh (Mr. Beechei'd) rented this year for a little more than $88,009.


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