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According to inteliiganc Irom st. reiere burg great indignation prevaUs tbere at the reprehcnsiblB coaduct of Uie Presideut of the Admmlstrati .in of Easiern Siberia, who reiased to telograph an Hiinouncement of the arrival of the survlvore of the Jeacnettfl becanse they were without fuuds. The firet newa of their escape was comseqnenUy (claye4 tn weeks. The Irish politicp.] prisoners wili be furt)ls!ied with one substantial uieal a ilay from the Sustcnation Fuud rato! by tiw patriota, whiiih now amounts to j69,000. The panic reported from Londoa, couequnt upon a Jew robbiaK people in a ehureb, bappeaed at Warsaw, Polish-Rnssia. A dispatch from Home announttes toe appointment oL the Very Rev. Nlcholas A. tiallagher, Vlcar General of Columbus, Oliio, to the BlBhoprio of Ualveston, Texas. Adrairal Jaures, the tfrench Amtessador al Madrid, bas resigned au account 'í faoilly bereavement. Reporta Irom 'Warsaw show tbal an enormou amount of property was destroyetl during the recent riots. Klng Kalakua will uncourage Portugese iniinlgratloa from the Azores to th Sandwich Islands, iu preferenee to Chinese or Bast IndU an Immigratlon. The Irieo home manufacturéis' awociation has resolved to confer with the indaetrial exhlbltion commlttee relative to a scheme for a great national exhibltlon o f home industrleeln lfttt. Advlcea trom Hamburg state that from thn first of January next all vesselB leavlcg or entering the rlver Elbe will be requlred to take a pilot. Twelve aerenue cuIUtb wíll bo statloncd betweenCuxhaven and Hamburg to enfotee thls orderagalnet foreign oaptalos. Businesi in the oíd world ia revivlnfr. Ibis ís partlcularly the cas8 In the lron and Bhlpbulldlng Industries and railway trafflc. On the Clyde alone the tonnage of ships built duriug theyear reacbes uearly 100,000 tons greater than in the moBt aetive preirious year. Great Britain has contribuaed L10,000 for the relief of the Vienna fire sutlerers. The khediye of Egypt has Rhown his kindly teelinK toward America by sendlng f400 toward the Garfield memorial hospital fuud, and a promiae of more to follow. Great Britain wantB France, Germany and the United States to join her in puniehins; and prerenting the kidnaping of nativee of the South Pacific islands. Rasslan authorities eteadily prepare for the coudign puniehment of all who hve eDgaged in plot againet the czar or his high officers. Ten thousand refnges from Tunii have arrived in Tripoli. At London a comraittee, coneisting of Sergeant Simon, Baron Nathaniel de Bothschild and Messrs. Cohen and Worth , is collectiog information fegarding the pertecution of Jews la Russia nnd Poland. A Montreal paper sayn the Komaa Oatholio aichbishop, bishop and clergy of tbia province havewithdrawn thclr opposition to the Deceased Wife's Sister Marriage bill of Girouard. It ill be introdaced in parliament in a new form, merely repealing !awH piohibiting euch alliances. __________


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Ann Arbor Democrat