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LEONARD HOUSE, 1" F. LEONARD, Proprietor, . Ann Arbor, Mfób. OSCAR O. SOIU, Presco faitii, AL80 PaPKP HANGING. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now tr.klng the Best Class of MiENiks In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Orountl Floor Gallery. COOORICH BLOCK, Kast SIrlfl of the NEW COURT HOUSE. HENRY MATTHEWSr Haslthe pleasure to lnform the pubiio that he i ready to receira them In hlsnewbriok MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. ;-.v... ything In bis Une wlil ba flrst-class, aiul At Reasonabie Ratee. Ha retama hls sincero thanks to all hla old custoincre tor their generous patronage, and cordi ally invitos them, and all new customers to nis new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing to aüarge his already grotving buaines3. FRED SOKG7 PAINTS, OILSJAIISIES BHUSHES, WIN'DOW OLASB, And all Painters' Supplles of the Bast QuaHtj SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington let. ANN ARBOR. - JIICJIIQAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington st.,. Hava on hand a complete stook of everytliiaginthe Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coftees, miel Sxxfg ,r ín larga amounts, and at 3?:e?qOs And can sell a'c Low Figures. The lar;:? invoíce of Teas they Buy and Sell, i good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. TheyRoast theírown Coffees every week, and nono but prime articles ara used. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread, Cake?' and Crackers. Cali and see them. JACKSONTÏRECLAYCÜ. Manufacturera oL Stone Sewer Pipe - ANDJDJEULJlIT TILEAll our Drain Tile are made of Flre Clay. art of unuaual strength and liglit weioM, which mft terially reduces the breakage and expense of tiansportation. The ditotung for thljclas oí tiling la lessexper, sive, as they do not requlre to be lald belowfrost. butonly deepenough to escape the plow. Whilethisls more economieal lt also aids in obtainingiabetter '-f all" or grade to the draiu. A full assortment of allelzes, for sale te rana!' quantities, or car load lots, at the F&BDOH LÜIBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, Agent, EBERBACH&SON, Dealere in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes - and - EngiL Tooth Brushes; We call special fttteBtion toourBtockot Chemicpj, Glass-ware, Apparatus, ANI Pure Chemicals of our cwn Importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list prleea. Are cordlally invited to examine our stock as to quality and prices. EBERBACHNt SON. ii . "j Xn Ci t ■■_ Chicago & "Mvñk-W ra:; .-'-.vv' Ia tha OLDEST! B] EQÜIPP3 WEST AND '.NORTHWEST : Tt Is tha short i&d best route bclween Ciúsgo and a]l pointa i-a HNthan filias!, Jen, Sikota, wywsi:.;, ïisiris' i f pi, Ore, Ariïona, fftiü, Ooïsrtii, Itóo, : 2ï3?ada, L2;'. tor COUNGIL BLUFFS, OMAHü. DSNVBB, LEADV1LLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, 3IOUX TT, CdsrSapldi, Dm Ifoinej, Cabalan, ai !1 ïdsit I "srritsrias, aa tb9 West. Also, fsr Uilwiaïce, Orsss BiOsUemOi, Statoreu. Uuoiette, ioni du lao, WttorlK. i Hoartw, ITteuï, Meauhi, Bi Eisl, MlEneapsüa, Bnreg Volg. Fsrgo, Blsaa::i, Wiacaa, LiCrosse, Owatonta. asi „il la ïiiaasaoti, Etkota, Wisccnsla and tao HatiCcSt, At Oouücil Bluffi the trains of the Chicago Western and the ü. P. E'ys depart from, errive at and use the same Joint Union JDepot. At Chicago, closeconneitionaarojnade with tl - Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltiruore &Ohi . Ft Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago .' !.: rand TrunkR'ys, and the Kankakee and. p&v, Ilandle Routes. Close connecüons made at Junotion Pointe. .'; is the only line runnig Pullman Hotel Dining Caí BBTWEEN ÖHICAGO AMD COUNCfIL BLÜ?F3. Pl.'LlrABlEEPElïa OS ALL NMHT TRAINS. insistupon Ticket Agente sclling you Tlcbefe rii-. thisroad. Examine your tlcieta.and tefliiw ti bu y i f they do not read. ver the CJiioago. ■ orl ii-Vv'estern Railway. If you wishthe Traveling Accommodatio1;: -ou will buy your tickets by this route, awi . 2so none other. All Ticket Agente sell Ticket by thi ïiap 5ÏAKVIX UCORITT, ' SU 7. P.AStaitaíí'iíau,.


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Ann Arbor Democrat