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The Postoffice

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Wlicn the questlou of removiDg the posioflice froui its present locatioo some montba uo was flrsl agitated,THE DemoCBAT called aitontioii tu tbe facl tlml tbe lieat place iil the city for n postoffice building was on the corner of .Main uiid Aiid streela directly opposite Ibe Dufïy block. Now that tbe whole matter bas been re opened by tbc goverument, we ugain cail tbe attention of the officials who will soon decide the controversy by locatiOK it sito, thal a aumber of citizens sijuid ready to contribute a sufflclent 8um toerect a large and commodious building on the corner above referred W. As llu-re is no probability of iJic poulofüce being retained where t non is or tluit i build? ing wlll be erected by Messrs. Bootb & James for that purpose, wo uudersland a large aumber of business men who are opposed to liaving :be office removed to the Hamilton block, ne in favor of lbo new project, and thore is no doubt the quettion will be flnally settled thi week. It is well known thut to lócate the postoffice on the corner of Main and Ann streets, it will better Sccommodate Ihe citizeus of the third, fourth, and fifth wards, and a portion of tbe iecond - wiiich includcs more than one-half of the population of the city. In fact this corner is tbc proper place for a postofiiee as the building can be arranged witb entrances on three ïides, if necessary, Ihus affording ampie room for egres and ingres .to cit'zeus and students. Tbus, will all rushes in the future be avoided, and there would be no jamming, as will always be the case in tucked up quarters. To move the office oppositc Baxter't baru as wa contempltucd, would be out of the way as everyoufi knows. üppositc the Duffy block would be central localion and one that would snit the convtnience of a maJority of the citizciw. The lime has anived wben tbc roost gigantic monopoly vi Ibis continent lias grown so all-powerful hs to absolulely control the only rapid news-transmittiiij; system known. The Western Uiiiou telegraph company practically owns congress, and all efforts leuding to a modifl catión or restrietion of its frauchises will be quietly squelched in tbe future as tbey Imve been in the paft. The business trausactcd by tljis company is gigantic iu proportions. Il is the repository of the most mpo'rtiuit Secreta of the government and of individuals, and charges high for the trust il has rarely abused. Erery day business more and moie calis for the establishment of a line of goveininental postal telegraphy for the transmission -of messages at a inerelj nominal taiiff. There is plenty of work for a line of that kind without materially interfering with the business now tiansacted by the Western Union company. There are thousands of comruuuicalions sent by mail which would be sent by wire if tbe telegraph rates were lower. Tben the question may be asked, will it not pay the Western Union to lower its rates for the purpose of catchiug this increase of business? No, because tbe company's lines are now taxed to their utmost to meet the demands made upon them at the present rates of lariff. The company is continually putting up new linesrbut it caunot keep up with tbe business which flows to it, and lo expect a reductiou of the tariff under these circumstauces is ridiculous. No other company can build a ÜDe and inaintain it three months before the Western Union steps in with its millions of capilal and absorbs it, and it is now a notorious fact tbat every telegraph company which has been starled of late years was organized for the puipose of selling out to the Western Union at au immense proflt - in othei words, for tbe purpose of black-inailing the Western Union. With these well kuown facts starring us in the face, there is no hope of this monopoly being broken by private enterprise and tbe only relief must come from tbe government. ♦■( They have a pleasanj way of trying uurder cases "out west" which is refreshing to read about. In cases of ac quittal the piisoner "sets it up" to the jury and the latter always feel jolly wben they bring in a verdict of not guilty, for they know that an oyster upper, a champagne b'ow-out or a serenade awaits them, depending on the tinaucial condition or credit of tbe respondent. It is not stated whetlier this expectation enters into the deliberatious of tbe jurj when they are making up their verdict, but in some cases it probably does. Not long ugo a western woman wbo bad been acuitted of murder, immediately treated the jury to an oysler supper. Slill later atBooneville, Ind. , a man uamed Schoentield, acquilted of a similar charge, treated his enthusiastic jury to u floe serenade. But it is in New York and Michigan tliat romen ropay the acquittal of murderera with kisses. In New York, wlien Jïacfarland was found innocent of murder in shootina; Ricbardson, ladies distributed Iheir Ups among the jury, and also kissed the pr8oner; while in Detroit " Mother " Curtiss imprinted several caresses on the lipa of membersof the jury who scquftted her. -- +m . Thk case of Pita John Poner li to be reopened, mainly through the instrunicn tality of Gen. Grant, who has at last recognized the great iujustice done thiB gallaut offlcer by the court martial of l&GS and is seekiug to right a wrong largtly of his owu inaking. This chaugu of sentiment does Grant more honor tban it does Poner to have him espouse his cause. Gen. Graut lias writleu a mauly letter, af ter a esreful peiusal of the records, and sHys: " The readiug of the whole of thi record lias Ihoioughly con vinced me Ihat for these 19 years I have heen doing a gfilrant and efficiënt soldier a grest injustice. I f'.'i-l it iticumbent iipoo me now lo do whiitevcr lies in niy power to remove from lüm and lïoin his familv the stain upoii his good name." Granlgoeson tosayhow liis prejudicesand the influence of olhers have prevented him from tofore rtcwing the facta with candor hik! uoprejudioe. This letter, which is In tho nature of aii appeal to Ilie president, iuu beea seut to Mr. Arthar with other important document, and the frieuds of the itallant Porter may mow reasouably expect to have justice done him at lust. His condomnation vu au ou trage, prona pted ly spite, envy and malice. - . PeBKAPS some (if oor liberally educated coQtemporsriei will teil Thk itud its farmer and workinginen reader wlmt benefit the laborera of tho liiited S'.aies receive from the high tariff, wfien the pauper labor of Kurope ud the Chinese labor of Asia are pcrmiUed to come here freo and compete with tbem t wages on what n clean-bodled, decent American labor could not exist? Then will these same intelligent coctemporaries teil us by what right the manufacturera who cmploy this cheap foreign labor have to say to the wronged American laboier who ischeated out of his indepondence and out of his skill and its value, you must buy of us the artieles you ueed for yourstlf and your family, aud pay much more than you would have to pay the English or French or Germán manufacturer for the same thiug, although this protected article i.s malle by cheap foreign labor, to your tost and detriment? Might does Dot makc right, and the fact that congress lias the power to pass such unjust laws does not justify congress for doinsr io. Voters of Washtenaw county, look to the munner of men you scnii to Washington uexl fall. ■■ - ♦- Wk caunol help admiring a man who uever gets discouraged, even under the very worst couditions iu life, and tlierefore we admire " Brick " Pomeroy on account, of his pluck. lic has more clear grit lo eveiy cubic inch of flesh than any man we know of. We caunot help thinking, however, that there must be something lackiug in his composition for he never enjoys success long, but is soon again engaged iu a scrainble for fortune. His career has been oue of ups and downs more literally than any other quasi-public man iu this country. He made a fortune after the war, his Democrat sales amounting to 200,000. Losine everything he went lo New York, made a greal fortune, lost'it, aud emigiated to Denver with $3 iu his pocket. Fuere he got back iu miniug what he had lost in all other euterprises, and en.joying $10,000 n 4ag income published a line paper, Now he is poor agaiu, and has to " shin round" lively to make a living. Tuk 'ocal interest in the Guiteau trial has largcly subsided smee tho beginning of the famous Kvenini; Xews libel snit at Detroit. The whole state is watchiug the outcomeof this tria!, and the rmpathy of all law-abiding citizeus is with the Xew. .May ït triumph in its war oa wouien ilayers is the eiTunt wish of The Demochat. If for ruising the hue and cry which might lead lo the detection aud punuhmeut of mintieren the News is l ba mulcted in damage. the good people of Michigan, whose lives it is really flfhliog for. should see that it loses nothing. If a rerdict be obtaincd against the ïew (which il hardly possible) Thk Dbmo cbat will start a subscription to pay the same, aud to found a .fiind for the proscution o! the uiurderers of Marth Whitla. Onb of the most active agencies for sowing the seed of small-pox ia the mail. The germs of the disease are carried in letters, papers, etc. Butbesides this agency there is aoothcr commonly overlooked, to-wit, our paper currencj'. The dirty and ragged bank bill in your pocket, reader, may have come from the pocket of a small-pox patieut. It may have journeyed through many hands before il reached yours. but it coutains the germs of the disease, perhaps, which uuder the right condilious may cause it to break out. Then we will wonder how it started. Notwithstauding this fact we will still continue to receive paper currency for Demockat subscriptions, a dollar and a half a year, in advance, please. When the problem of liow to store electricity is solved science will have outdone herself. And yet, we think, this problem must be solved before the use of the electric light can come into as general use as gas or other illuminations. As it is the generator must be kept goiug or out goes the light. The matter of the storage of enerjry has been solved, but this must not be confounded with the storage of electricity. When the latter is obtained we can ruu our railroad trains by electricity, and the problem of iiehtenint! travel will thus also have been solved. If his holiness, the Pope, is going to leave his ancient seat and scek new quarters elsevrhere, for certain mysterious reasons, The Democrat cordially extends liis (Jatholic majesty an invitation to locate in Ann Arbor, than which no flner place of residence can be found for his holiness in the world. The removal of the vatican to our city would be ereeted by our literati and reliftionists with professional pleasure, and we will do our best to make it pleasant for Leo VIII.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat