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The Muükegon boom couipany, during tne seaion ot Ib81, rafted 632,656,155 f eet of loge; now ia store in tioouiB. 7,268,090 ; beached, 20,281,775; total, 560,096,120. In Marquette on Cbristmas eveniug a man named Malus was aosaUed by roushsand beaten so brutally that he died the tollowiDg Thursday. Hnr HoLkle's saw ed Bhiugle miU at Howard City was rmrned Wedutsday morning Loss $12,000, Insurance $6,000. Forty hands oUiof euiplojment. Dunng last yar Bay City bui 1 517 buUdins-s at a coat of $872,600 and 18,781 feet of sewers costine f26,135, aud 25 miles of sidewalk, oosting $38,60U. Samuel Blckley, aged 109, died in Flint Wednesday. He was a native of England, tmt came to tnis country in 1836, and bas been one of Genessee ceunty's recognized pioueers. On Monday tbe Rev. John Hiacock of Joneaville, agea 78, while leading a cow, tied the rope around his waist. Tne co w rau uud dragged hiin over the frozen ground, killing Mm. A DBSPEBATB KNCOÜNTBB. Olark and (iraham, the sentenced murdeiera Acdrew Miller, of Norris, while on their ; áy to Jaekuon, made an unsucceasful attempt ' to escape from the sheriff. It seems that a loaded revolver had been given each ot the prisoners in tho court room by some sympa thiziQtE friend,to serve in the hour of emergency The men bad been placed iu a smoking car at the depot, handcurfod anti cuained togelher. As tlo train approached G:dde? btation, uetween Ypsihmt and Ana Arbor, Clark approached Sherifl Blakely, and with tho words, "Woa FraHk,'; drew a revolver npon him from the left shoulder of his coat, Graham drew a i evolver at tht same moment, Blakeiy grappled with Clari instanüy, seizing one hand, and his assoc'iate Meyers, cauüht Ihe other. In the struggU Clark's pistol was ditcharged, bul the bal: sped throujfh the car window. Noble and tilt assistaut, seized Graham at the same time, anti the latter fired his uistol, th hall entering tht inside of Nobl's ulster aud of Lie under coat, taking an upward diiection striking soine pictures in his pocket, and then feil. spent, upon the floor. Two other prieouers Blay and Catton, rushed alBO upon the scène of conflict, and strove f or the possesion oí the weapons. ifter a stubborn, etruggle, however, Clark was overpowered, aud tue contest with Graharn was ended withlessdifflculty. Bat for the courage and prompt action of Blakely and his subordinates, a fearf al tragedy would have been enacted. The car was well filled with passengere, whoin tbe fight were driveu to other quarters. Clark, the moying spirit In the affair, apologized to Blakely, saying he dld not inte ad to kill bim, bat to compel him to give hitn his liberty. The men were safely lodged withln the walls of the penitentiary. Judge Christiancy desires tbat certain new interrogatories be sent to his nous in this state tbat theii ftuswers may be made part of the testimony in the divorce case. Counsol for the wlfe objects and the matter is not yet decided, Thirty farmers near Portland, Ionia couaty, have agreed to tako up ail stock found runniug at large In their towuship contrary to law. This course, if persiste! in, will lead to the aboltiou of f enees, whicli coat au enormous amnunt for construction and repairs. Nine cars were ditcbed near Hudsoa oix the nlght of tae 4tb owiug to failure of the brake to work. Jacksoa has paid $14,000 in türee days for dre-sed hogs; 1,000 oarcasses; 200,000 pounds. M. Coy, icn dealer, of Charlotte, buüded a dam across a small stream, atid the water overflowed his neighbor's wheat field. Thn neighbor brings suit and the end is not yet. Mts. Lou Wilbur, daughter ef Hon. Jas MUlard, Three Rivers, was manie í this week to Dr. I, Simpson, of Niles. Vernle, the son of Prof. E. V. W. Brokaw of St. Clair, was badly wounded on the 2d, by receiving a charge of shot in his legs. He was hunttng rabbits, and was accidentally shot by a companion. Frauklin Well of Constantine, K. G. üaird of Lansing, and Sec. of State Jenney go to Washington, to represent the state board of agricultura at the coming meeting called by Commissioner Loring of the department of agrionlture. Congressman Burrows will press a bilí in congreps for the issue of honorable discharges to Buch soldiere in the Federal armies as burriedhome af ter theficalsurrender of the Con fedérate troopg, forgetting the formal ity of obtaining discharges in their zeal to rejoin, Ihelr families and frlends. ( Dr. Adams, assistant superintendent of the ' Kalanwzoo asylum waB stabbed on the 6th by n patiënt at the institution. The instrument used was a knife recently lost by an attundant. Mr. Burrows will Introduce in congress a bilí providing for the honorable dwcharge of all soldiere in the Jate war, and who hastened lioine on the final surrender of the rebel forcea without waiting for the forinality of a discharge. Judg Wylie consents to send a coininission to Lansing to take the deposition of Judge Christlancy's sons, Víctor and George. THE KALAMAZOO TBAGEDY. Dr. Adams, assistant medical superintendent of the Kalamazoo Insane Asylutn, was paesing along one of the halls of that institution, in the discharge of his dutles, when one of the patiënte aeked him if lio had sent his letters. The doctor said he had not but probably should daring the day. At this the patiënt, who had moved near the doctor, exclaimed, "Yon didn't ehf" and then struck him twice in euccession in the abdomen with a knife which he held llke a dagger, in his right hand, the blade of the weapon being cencealed by lus sleeve. One blow cut the doctor's coat and vest, without doing injury, but the other made a wound probably 2% inches deep and as much perpendicularlj, the kuire entering the abdomeu ahout three luches below the umin breast bone, and cuttlng upwards to the bottoin oi the bone. Atter the doctor had received hls injury, Mr. (ïoodenough, the atteudaul present, seized the assailaat trom óehind. Ihe patiënt was still making the most violent effort to use the kniie, aud made a dangerous pass at Qoodenough, cuttiug a long rent in bis pants and underclottiiug ou the rigut oL tae lelt pants pocket, but oiitujiijg bis person. Another atteudani Wm. L. Hiil, who wasat vvork in aroom a few feet away, Cume uy lhu, juat au the patiënt was tryiug to stab behind him, and received the f uu torce of the kuif e ia the lef t tnigb, making a paintul but not dangerous liesh wound the depth of the biade. He caught the patient's arm and brought it over and back, when the knife üew out.of his hand. Another attendant came up and assiated, and the violent man was secured. Dr. Adams has been in Kalamazoo some üve years, was a single man 38 yearo old, was a gradúate of Ainberst college, and his 1 iss causes the deepent sorrow ttiroughout the institulion. Winans, the maniac, is said to be f rom Jackson, sent therein 187'J, aud au incurable. James F. Clarke, leader of the 22nd United States infautiy, stationed at Fort Wayne, Detroit, has lost his eyesight. He has been 32 years in the service. Gen. Logan has introduced a bilí in the United States eenate jr:inting him a special pension. Noyes A. Darllng, a senior dental student who haB Berved as secretary and trea&urer o[ tLe University, a papt publiihed iu the interest of the professional schools, died on the 9th at Auu Arbor, af ter a week's illness. The body of Henry Slater, Muskegon, the atterney who dieapyeared bo mysteiiously about three weeks ago, wcs touud in a mareh at the head of Lake iiuekegou. He had probably fallen m while drunk. The buining of tbe house aud millinery store of Mra. Seesions, in Brcoklyn, Jackson county, last week, wan said to be the on)y fire in that place in 30 years.


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