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In reply to strlctures by Mr. Orth, the speaker, pending the motion to adjourn tbe House uutil Monday, caid, the cbair did not understand thatit Is necessary for him to vindícate himBelf t)y sayinR anything In reply. It must not, however, be lnferred because the chair daee not undertake to challenge the statements charging him Vith In juBtioe, that the chair acquiesces In the views taken by the gentlemen trom Indiana (Orth.) A number oi executlve communicationB carne before ttia Senate, and numerous petitions for the regulation of inter-state commerce and tor iucwase ot pay in the saving service, which were appropriately referred. Mr. Pluinb oflered a bilí to provide for the sale of a part of Fort Hayes Military reservation in Kansas. Jan. 6.- President Davis called Senator Garland to the chair. Mr. Hoar asked that thO resoluüon lie over oue day under the rules. So ordered. Mr. Hale'e reaolution for a special committee ou thf mode oí electing a President and Více President and of counting and certifying tlie vote was disposed of by a reíerence to the committee on privileges and elecüons. After the morning business Mr. Sherman moved t take up his bilí for the issue of three per cent. urn bonds whicti he would briog up again on Monday. A short executive session was held When the doors reopened, ndjourned until Monday. Jan. 9.- Mr. Lord presented a potltiou iigned by 80 citizens, mostly eDgaged in lake commerce, praying for addilional provisions in aid of men connected wilh lite boat servio,?. Mr. Burrows offered a bilí to fix the term of oüice of collectors of internal revenue at four voars. also araendinor the rulos no as to provide that peaBion billa be reportad in groups of not lessthan ten. By Mr. McCoid for theappoiutinent of a 8pe cial committce nn Buppiessioa of the crime of polygainy. By Mr. Thomas proposlng a conBtitutioDal ameudment relative to polyamy. It declares tbat bigamy or polygauiy shall not be aliowed withiu tlie states and territories of the United States, prohtbititin? tho performance of any uiamage or no-called marriage cereniony during the existenoe of a legal prior marriuge, declares the violation of any of the foregoing to he felony, and disQualifies any person so violating froni voting for or holding Rny office or poBitiou of honor or trust in the United Staten. Tho uiorninghouriu the seuate was exteuded to dispose of Mr. Hoar's pending resolution for a p.elect committee on tne rights of women, to whoin are to be referred all petitions and resolulions relation to woman suffrage. The resolution was aloyted 85 to 28. Mr. Shermau called up and spoke at length on his 3 per cent. rsfunding bil!. Mr. Bayard spoke against 11, The house reeolution of thanksto the khcuive of Egypt for Cleopatra's needie, was L)assed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat