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Guiteau's Trial

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On tueaday, Jan, 3, the cross-examination of Dr. May was continued by Scoville. Witneas stated that, from personal examination of the prisoner he found no evidence of insanity, and that, in his mind, there was no doubt ,that Guiteau was sane at the time he shot President Garfleld, and saüe now. Dr. Bowker, of Kansas City, was then called in sur-rebuttal. líe said that at the time Guiteau was divorced from his former wife. Mrs. Dunmore was so much in doubt as to his sanity that ahe thought ahe ought to remain with him. Clark Mills, sculptor, was called f or the purpose of identif ying the piaster cast of Guiteau's head. At the flrst question. "Did you make a cast of the prisoner's head?" Davidge objected to any answering of the question of insanity such as would be involved by the identifying of the cast by the witness. The question of insanity had been gone over direct and in rebuttal. The prosecution had already admitted the aenuineness of the cast, and that was all that could be asked by the defense. After f urther argumenta the Court ruled against Scoville, and the witness was withdrawn. The prisoner undertook to read a let ter, as he claimed, from an old friend of President Garfield's in Ohio, showiug that public opinión was making in his favor. Judge Cox ordered bim to be silent. Guiteau- "It shows the State of public opinión outside this court room." Judge Cox - "Be silent. Public opinión has nothing to do with this case." Guiteau- "When I speak, I spaak to 50,000,000 people, not to Ihis little crowd in this court room." Marshal Henry (rising and rnoving towards the doek)- "Keep quiet, sir." Guiteau- "I've got through, sir. The prosecution announced the conclusión of the evidence for the. governmenl, and the defence is preparing a motion for leave to take new evidence. A new order went into efftet on the 2d inst. that the prisoner be put upon ordinary prison f are and be deprived of the newspapers. He is greatly disgusted at this, and declares that !ie will appeal to the American people on the score of patriotism to restore these privileges. He is beginning to quarrel with his guards, whom he treats as inferior miuions of the law, and beneath the notice of a high-toned christian gentleman like himself. Nothing definite can be learned as to the termination oí the trial. Mr. Scoville's new witnesses will probably occupy 'Ma week. Col. Corkhill is busy looking up law points so as to be prepared for the question öf jurisdiction, or anything that may be sprung upon the court by the defense. John W. Guiteau is tirmly of tlie opinión that his brother will be convicted. He said to a reporter this morning : "Matters are approaching the flnal stage now. We have not time to open his mail to gratify hia curiosity and egotism. It ia now a question of life or death, and it is time he realized that fact, THIETT-EIÖHTII DAY. Wedaesday Mr. Scoville read an affidanit to the effect that he had heard of more witnesses than could testify to Guiteau's insanity. Mr. Reed, associate counsel, admitted that it was within the discretion of the court to adniit or exclude iurtiier witnesses, but argued the admission, as a matter of fairness. Mr. Davidge said there was no good reason f or reopening the case to prove insanity. It had been prolonged to weariness, and to reopen would be a scandal. Mr. Scoville urged the difficality of getting witnesses, and said Guiteau should not be denied a fair trial. Mr. Corkhill said that never before had such latitude been given a prisoner. The court rendered a long decisión to the effect that while he appreciated the difficulties the defense had labored under, he did uot see any necessity for allowing any testimony in the line indicated. ïhe evidence proposed was vague and of uncertain character, and did not strike the court as admissable. Mr. Scoville called Dr. Beard, of New York, to testify as to the condition of the prisoner'a mind at the time of the shooting. Col. Corkhill protested. The court allowed the witness to answer certain questions, but when Mr. Scoville asked him if the person described in the bypothetical question of the prosecution might not be sane, Mr. Davidge objected, counsel got into a wrangle, and Guiteau got noisy. When the guard attempted to quiet him he said: "Yon can't keep me quiet. You are in great haste to close it now, but I want a fair show. I don't care a anap for the past testimouy, but I want a square rebutting testimony admitted." James Brooka, chief of the secret service of the treasury department.was then placed on the stand, and detailed several conversations he had with Guiteau soon atter the shooting. Once when the witness told Guiteau ot' Garfleld's precarious condition Guiteau said: "Poor fellow, I wish I had given him a third bullet and put him out of his misery." This made Guiteau restless, and af ter several altercations with his guards he cried out: "You sit down and mind your own business. You are nobody and I apeak to flfty millions oi' people." Mr. Scoville wished to place in evidence a photograph of Guiteau to show his condition prior to the assassination, but the prosecution objected. All the testimony was pronounced in, and the court adjourned until Saturday to allow the defense time to present their propositions. Counsel tor the piosecution thmk Guiteau's ease will go to the jury about Wednesday next. The prisoner expresse3 himself confident that no harm will come to his life. Counsel for the defense are engaged in preparing their propositions of law. Mrs. Scoville is giving Eer husband and Mr. Reed no end of trouble by attempting to interfere and dictate the line of the defense each day. She has become convinced at last that the life of her miserable brother is In danger, and that he will be found guilty by the jury and end his life on the scaffold, and she now throws all the blame upon her husbaud, asserting that he has mismanaged the case and enabled the prosecution to weavfi a web around Guiteau from which he cannot escape. She is in a terrible condition, and the prediction is made that the trial will yet drive her insane. Every effort has been made to induce her to return to Chicago, but she will not leave. A Washington dispatch Jan. 6, says: The question of jurisdiction raised by Scoville and Reed In their prayers prepared today, has taken the counsel for the prosecution somewhat by surprise. District Attorney Ccrkhill and Judge Davidge have been closeted together all day preparing their reply. A man out west ws offered a platft of macaroni, but derlined it, declaring that they "couldn't play off any biled pipe-stems on him."


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