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COOK HOUSE, (,-' H. HUDSON, Proprietor, [l. Newly Funiished. Ann Arbor. H. R. H1LL ATTORNEY AT LAW. oftice No. 3, Opera House Block. Ann Arbor. Michigan. ST. JAMES HOTEL, FORMERLYGREGORY HOUSE, Everything new. M'M. H. Lewjs, Prop. W. E. DEPEW, OF TÜRNBULL & DEPEW attorney at law, Room 3 Opera House Block, Ann Arbor, Mich. . W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' ClothJig store. Ann Arbor, Mich. WÏLLIAM CASPARY, 1AKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, T 82 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerehantTailor. shopover Wm. Allaby's boot and shoe store, AH work guara nteed or no -harge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Nos. 2 and 8 Hill's Opera Hoiiso, Anti Arbor, Miclï. O. C. JENKINS, SURGEON BENTIST. Rooms No. 19: South Main Street, opposite the Flret National Bank (Vnn Arboi-, Mioh. THOS. DALE, u.e Professional Dyer and aothes Cleaner.third door south of the Opera House. Samples of work can beseen at the shop. Satisfaetion guaran teed. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUM-TS and Oravestones, manuf actured f rom 'i ánnessee and Italian Marble and Scotch and American Granite Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Arbor., -Mich. LOUIS ROLAND, DEALER IN TOBACCO. CIGARS. CIGARETTES, and Sniokers Articles of all kmds. Also manuf acturer of Cigars at No . 1 East Hurón street. lst door east of the Express office, .Ana Arbor, Mieh. stocl entirely new. PATRICK McKERNAN, TTORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Raal A. Estáte agent, Money to Loan and Kecords earehed Oonveyancing and alllegal documenta -wn on reasonable terms. Offloe in the oourthou.'' Asm Arbor' Mich jXCOB HALLER & SON, D...'lD t WATCHES, CLOCKS, BpeetaEfLEp,nf Ni Ware. Gold Pens and Fine cles, Mat .gi attention given to, repairiüg Watelies and "L, Vn_ Arhor Ï6 South Main Arbor' __ WÍLLIAM' HERZ, TJ-OUSE, SIGN, Ornamental XiSpr rlter. Gilding, Calcimimng, C,. naaper Hanging All work done m the. ?-Weí warrantedtosrivesatisfaotwn. fe'P-n-. W6SI Wasaington street, Ann Arbor, MiclW" S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stoue & Parsons, O-CEAKSSA E. C. FRANKLÏN, M. D. Drof of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHIC DEJr PARTMENT, University of Jnehigan Reiidence and offlee41 Liberty street. M J1' wUlattendeurgical cases here, or by consult üon in different part of the state SP CURVA1URES AND DhFOHMl una CUBED by nis improved metnod. Mrs. E. F. Todd Would cali the attention of her old Patrons to thefactthat, having removed her Dressmaking Rooms over A.Wilsey's Music Store, ehe i prepared todo all kinds of Dress and Cloak making in aU the latest Btyles. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. Chiidren'sclothes a specialty. _ "WILSEY'S MUSICTÖRE. IIANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC Instruc 1 tion Book, Violto, Guitars, Flutee, &a., cheap at WUmt'b Music Rooms, eas t delJibUc Souare Atin Arbor, Michigan . The largest and S2st Stook of Musical GoodB ejer brough ,, mto Washtenaw County. Violin and Guitar fetrlngs a "T-iaitv N B -It will be to your interest to oall before purchastag anythinR n the "" line. J. R. SAGE'S MUSIC STORE is the chcapest place to buv Ranos, Estey Organs, VioW femtars. Banios, Tamburines, Drums Fifes,. Flageolets, Zithers. Accordeons, Plano Stools, lohn Boxes, Instruction Books for all kinds LtastramentB, Sheet Mnsic(new), 8trings,oest quahty, a}11MouthOrgans, Bridges.BowB Keys and ■Boi.ra. Everythiuginthemusic line f-om a Cluckenng Piano to a Jew's Harp can be found at J. K. SAGE'S Music Store, No. 4 Washington St.. Ann Arbor. ON YOUR PROPERTY --i 3KJ XJ ■■-- C. H. MILLEN, ■íiygUBANCE AGH3WTT, lo 4. South Main Street, ; &BÓk ■ MICHIGAN. vhR oldeetagency in the city. Established a , .SSuSní ago. Repregenting the fot.osaea UberaUy adiustert anfi promptly paid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, te, etc., OVER $250,000 ASSETS. MsmeSö men, Guardians, Trustees, Lêwlies and atílefpersonswillnndthisBank a SAFE ANO CONVENIENT Place at whicüto make Deposits and do business . Interest is Allowed on Af! Savings Deposits Of 1 00 and upward, according to the rules of the bank, and interest compounded semi-annu allyMoney to Loan in Sums of $25 to jMMO. Söeured by Unlncumbered Real Estáte and othe good necurities. 0IHBUTORS- Carlstlan Maok, W. W. Wine W. D. Harrlman, Wllllam Denble, R. A, Bes Daniel niscock aod W. B. Bmith. OFFICBB8- Christian Maok, PreBidont; Vr W Wines, vice-Presldent ; Chas. E. HlBoook


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