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Death Of Clarkson N. Potter

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(Jlarkson JNott Potter, whodied in New York Mouday, was a poliücian of the better sort and distinctively a gentleman by birth, education and habit. He was a gramlson of the Rev. Dr. Eliphalet Nott, who at Albuny in 1804 preaclied a memorable sermón against dueliug, as occasion of the death of Alexander Hamilton, and became president of Union college in the same year, which position he held till near the time of his dealh in 18ÖG, and a son of the Rev. Alonzo Potter, who was at different times professor of mathematica and natural philosophy and of moral philosophy, in the same insütution, of which he was also vice-president, and who ltttter in life became Episcopal bishop of Pennsylvauia Young Potter, born at Sche.uectady in 1825 while his father and grandfather were both conneeted with the college, graduated there in 1849 after his falher had returned froin a brief pastorate in Boston and taken h;s second professorship aad the vice presidency. In 1843 he graduateJ as a civil engineer at the Rensselaer polytechnic institute, and bésame a surveyor in Wísconsin, whereiie siudied law. In 1847 he took up the practice of his profession in New York city, where as a lawyer he became, and has always continued to be, very successful. In 1868 he was elected to the 41st congress as successor to William H. Robertson, the present collector of New York, fvom the old lüth district, and in 1870 and 1872 he was re elected to the 42d and 43d congresses respective'. With the democratie wave that swept over New York in 1876 he was agaiu carried into congress where he became widely knowu as man oí lüe ramous "Potter invesligating committee," whicb uadertook lo show how Tildeu bad been cheated out of the preudency, and wliich becanie unwittiugly tlio inct'Dtive to the publication of tbe damagiDg cipher dispatches relat ing to the election returns of Florida, wbich turned the tideof itivestigation inadirection very different trom what bad been at first intended. Whon the presidential campaign of 1880 wis coming on, and it became evident tbat New York and Iudiaua were likely to determiue tbe resuli of the election, there was a strong movement for putting up Mr. Ilendricks for the first place on the ticket and Mr. Potter for the second - a scheiue whicb was reversed by tbe selectiou of Gen. Hancock and Mr. Euglish. Mr. Potter's last appearance as a political candidate was in July last wben nossibly in the hope that bis personal popa ularity and the confldence that all parties feit in bis integrity migbt, in the mixed conditiou of affairs, bring biin enough republican votes to secure an electiou, be was substituted for Mr. Jacobs by the democrats iu the New York legislatura as a candidate for the United States senatorship made vacant by the resiimatiou o Mr. Coukling.-