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Additional local on second page. There is a hen on. Theo. Tilton, February 13. Chelsea has a dramatic club. Taxes must be paid this week. Henry Depew has a broken nose. Monday night was the coldest y et. The female minst reis ai e coming. A telegraph liuehas been run to South Lyoii. Chronicle editora will be elecled Saturday. Little Muck has discontinued liis Chelsea store. Col. lngersoll would draw i large house in this city. Prof. M. L. D'Oogc preached in Jack son Sunday. The Germán cornet band gave a concert last evening. Mrs. J. H. Davis is ill with inilaiuina' tion of the lungs. Prof. Steere lectures in South Lyon tomorrow evening. Jno. B. Gough lectured to a full house Tuesday evening. The Congregatioüul society of Chelsea is free froin debt. Frank Haugsterfer has a large gaug at work cutting ice. Wm. Potter wül leave for Florence Kansas, next week. Thos. Wilkinsouif Chelsea, is going to become a farmer. Judge Grant is giving excellent satisfacción on the bench. R. A. Beal and Hou. x.. J. Sawyer have been to Washington. Mrs. L. D. Wheeler wül move onto her farm near Saline. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will lecture Sunday on "Dean Stanley." The Chelsea bank is to be moved into Thos. Wilkinson's store. Miss Allie Goodrich, of Detroit is in the city on a brief visit. The I. O. G. T. of Chelsea will elect offleers to morrow evening. Prof. Wilson addressed the Saline reform club Suuday evening. B. F. Watts has beun elecled grand royal arch captain F. & A. M. Two tramps bef ore justice Winegar Tuesday were given the run. Prof. Hennequin will lecture to morrow evenir on '-The Siege of Paris. The funeral of the late Seth T. Utls was largely atteuded yesterday. President Angelí will meet with a hearty reception on his return home. There is no foundation for the rumor that there is small-pox in the city. Rev. E. A. Gay of Chelsea sports a $40 silver watch a gift trom his friends. Ypsilantians rejoice at the larece quantities of wood being brought to the city. Geo. Renwick of Detroit, spent the flrst of the week with J. F. Lawrence. Business ou the Toledo road has war ranted the purchase of two new engines. Last night J. B. Gough lectured in Detroit for the benefit of the orphan asylum. Jno. J. Walker the great dog fancier, sold the past year $500 worth.of cauines. This city and Detroit will be put in tele phonic connection within three mouths. The town treasurer of Ann Arbor paid $800 into treasurer Seyler's hands Tuesday. Messrs. Taylor and Wagner made a handsome thing from J. B. Gough's lecture. Mme. Rentz's celebrated female rninstrels next Tuesday evening at the opera house. Geo. E. LaMotte has opened a restaurant and bakery in the opera house block. Charley Fall took a " tumble " on the stone walk in front of the St. James yesterday. Dr. Archie McLean of Leadvilie, has been visiting bis relations and friends in this city. Several citizens of South Lyon presented conductor Carland with a gold wuiclj and chain. Rev. Thos. Holmes of Chtlsea was given a donation Tuesday by Congregational friends. A temperance meeting will be held next Sunday at the residence of J. H. Hicks in Lodi. John 13. (íough and wifc stoppcd at the Cook house. They left ye.steiday morning for Detroit. Selecta E. daughter of E. 13. and Caroline J. Close, died Friday in Northfleld, aiied 1(J years. E. II. Marsb, II. G. Voss, C. L. Pike, and W. W. Sutton, were admitted to the bar the 21st uit. The A. M. E. church is out of debt. The money to pay the tuortgnge was raised last week. . Next Sunday afternoou Prof. Martín L. D'Ooge wiil dehver a discourse in universtity hall. The residence of Mis. Parsons in Ypsilanti was partially destroyed by flre Monday inorning. O. A. Vaughn was the first township treasurer to make a settlement with county treasurer Seyler. Z. Sweet has caused the arrest of Henry Wells for the alleged offente of stealing a pair of hames. The funeral of Miss Huttie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Avery, of Mt. Cleuieuts was held yesterday. When Mrs. M. II. Colviu of 65 Broad1 way heard of the death of her father Jno. Kiiig. she suddenly expired. At the annual meeting of the Congrcgational society, T. J. Keech and E. Joues were elected trustees. Hr. Ëdward Moloney and Miss Miunie Kinne of this city, were married at the Catholic church, on Tuesday. At the annual meeting of the CongreKiUional church society T. J. Keech and ülisha Jones were elected trustees. Af. C. Shewcrafi of this city, leaves this inonung lor a trip to Colorado, in seureh of heallii. We hope he wilJ find it. Deputy Belser forwarded $1,082.71 to Poutiac asyluni yeslerday, it being the ainouut for the (juarter due Dec. 31. Judge Haniman, D. C. Fall and P. W. Carpenter attended a session of the grand ludge F. & A. M. iu Detroit this week. The county pomological society will meet Feb. 4th. The subject to be discussed is "The Best Way of Packing Fruits." Mr. Harry Chamberlain, who is with J. Keek, starts for a three weeks visit to his former home, Meadville, Pa., next !Moiiday. Business at the St. James is increasing. Scarcely a night passes that the propiïelor is aot compelled to put up several cola. Charles li. Wilmot feil doru front of Hall's bakery yesterdav and was severely injuied. He proposes lo briug suit agaiust the city. Even ex-constable Schall has become disgusted with his brother Huhu, and has given him to understand thal ao Uulcb need apply. A subscriber 'rites to know if the constables are ia the partnership business in running tramps in. No, every olricer i for himself. Frank ürtmanu advertised a carriage i horse for sale in 'Í he Democrat u week i ago and a rettdy luis received somt 50 phcations. Mr. Frauk E. Randall, of Detroit, and Mis. Lottie W. Randall, of Chicago, were married by the Kev Dr. Brown, in Chicago, Nov. 20. Hon. Geo. Woodford, one of Illiaois' gifted 01 atora will address the reform club Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in ILe Unitarian church. Jno. Kiug aged 82 years died Salurday of hiflammation of the lungs. He was bom in Salem, Mass., and came to this place six years ago. A Germán in the employ of E. Luick, was taken from G. Lutz's residence a few nights ago by constable Huhn, without the least shadow of right. The executive committee of the agricultural and horticultural society met Friday and appointed commiltees on the revisión of the premium list. Mr. John B. Gott entertained in royal slyle the Detroit Commandery of Knight Templars last Thursday eveuing, at her residence on West Huron street. The Imperial social club will hold a social Ibis evening, at the residence of Mrs. Cleveland on North Uuiversity avenue. Every meinber is invited to attund. The total earnings of the Michigan Central railroad at this place last year was $119,059.26. This is the largest amount of business ever done at this station in a single year. The case of the re-appeal of Mary E. rialey from an order of the probate court admitting the will of the late Joseph Rawson, was before the circuit court all day yesterday. For the year ending January 1, T. J. Keech has received 2G9 car loads of luinber, and he has received bilis for $1,500,000 feet tvhich will be shipped between now and March 1. The list of business men published in The Demockat last week as being opposed to removing the postoffice to the Hamilton block were called upon per3onally by our reporter. The Demockat was in error in making the statement that the ladies'homeopathic aid association paid the expense of keeping Geo. LeVan in the hospital. Mr. Jas. LeVan foots the bilí. By request, Rev. Mr. Sunderland will repeat next Sunday evening his recent lecture on "The Legend of the Miraculsus Birth of Jesus." Subject of morning sermón, "President Garfield." Chief of pólice Clarken informed a Democbat reporter yesterday that he should mount his deputies on bicycles to keep pace with the constables, who seem to have a peculiar faculty of running down tramps. A medical student purchased a cigar at Miller's restaurant on Washington street Saturday, and handed the proprietor;$5. Imagine Mr. Miller's surprise when the student called on him, saying that he had received $1 to much in change. The Register was in favor of locating the postoffice on the corner of Main and Ann streels until it discovered tbat Mr. Beal would like to see it tuere, wheu it advocated some other place. Anything Mr. Beal favors the Register opposes. Monday Mrs. Francis M. Scoville, sister of Chas. J. Guiteau, the assassin, wrote the Ann Arbor Savings bank tas follows: "If enclosed check to Chas. 'j. Guiteau for $2,257.91 is good please certify. In any case return to me as per envelope. " Enterprise: The following officers were elected by River Raisin lodge, No. 27, I. O. O. F., for the ensuing term: N. G., Dr. A. Conklin; V. G., Jno. Kensler; re' eording secretary, Lloyd Conklln; per manent secretary, G. W. Doty; freasurer W. Kimble. We expected to !ay before our reader this week the prosecuting attorney's re port of tlie amount of criminal busines in the county the past year. We askec hiui for a copy of the paper but he hai seut it to Lansiug, and expected bis clerk had kept the memorándum. Personal recolleutions of the Seige o] Paris, is the title of a lecture to be delivered by Prof. Hennequin, in the north wing of the umversity, to.morrow eveuing. As this is for the benefit of the li brary of the Chiïstiau association, ant the price is only twenty-fi ve cents, a large audience should be present. As Mr. Hangsterfer began repainng bis hall last week, without giving company A notice, they were obliged to move their arms, etc, and put them wherever they could flnd room until their new armory, in the Hamilton block, is flnlshed. The company are in hopes to beable to occupy their new armoiy next week. President Öchumacher of the reform club, has appoiuted the following mittees tor ibe next six montüs: Exeeutive committee, Isaac Dunn, Wm. Campion, John öperry, Rev. Crosier and Michael Doualiue. Fiuance committee. C. II. Worden, Thos. Kearns aud B. F. Watts. Music committee, Prof. J. R. Sage, A. H. Roys and S. öpeechly. The Beethoven Gebangverien will give their second grand concert, at the opera house, Friday evening, February 3d. They will be assis'.ed by Miss Winchell of this city, Miss Pauline Loew of Weimar, Germany, the liarmonic Quartette club and Phiharmonic string quartette club of Detroit, and others. Their concert last year was a grand success, ani this one wül be still better. W. H. Puilport, some years ago a resident of Superior township, a short time ago returned froni Colorado, and report had it that Le had "struck it rich." He left after a short time, and since then detectives have been looking forhim, under the charge they make against him.of realizing $1G,OOO or so, by means of forged paper in Denver. A reward of $4,000 is offered for his arrest and convictiou. Saline Observer: Freight agent Hall h3 kindly given us the following figures, showing the amount of freight received and forwarded from this station during the past three months, or siuce this road has been in the hands of ihe Lake Shore: Amount of freight forwarded, 3,307,975 pounds, or nearly 1,654 tons which would make about 150 ordinary carloads. Amount of freight received l,ñl8,504 pounds, or about 75 carloads. The amount of freight chaiged on the above, earned by this road, was nearly 4,000. The Philadelphia Times says: " With each returning auturnn come the Kentz Minstrels, yet never before have they offereti so niuch to amuse and entertain as their present excellent company arïords. Certain it is that nothing seen here in recent years can be compared with the splendid entertainment given last nighl by this most excellent organization, and H was doubly appreciated by the large numbers of ladies present, inasuiuch as the major portion of the troupe is composed of iadies." Ypsilantian: The residence of Judson A. Wilson a few miles south, was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning last. Almost all the fumiture below was taken out, and sonie from above. The loss wfll prove a severe one to the owner, who, with Mrs. W. is east on a visit, the yaunger members of the family being at home. Mr. Wilson was insured in the Washtenaw mutual for $2,500 but we can not learn defiuitely the división, which is probablyj $1,000 on the house and $1,500 oo barn, stock, tools, etc. The loss Dannot f all short of $2,000 and may reach $2,500. Wm. Cross, a resident of Ypsilanti since 1823, died after a short illness Sunday evening, aged 77 years. He was one of the party that settled Ypsilanti in 1824, and was one of the few survivors who celebrated the semi-ceutennial in 1874. The western part of what is now the city was once his farm, and wheu the village was. being built up, a number of years ago, he sold the most of his farm in village lots. Mr. Cross had accumulated considerable property aud owned a fine residence and Slirroundings near the fair grouud. He leaves a family of grown children. Mr. Cross in religión was a Presbyteriau, haviug belonged to this church a number of yearï. The cause of liis deatU was general debility and heart disease. At the last meeting of the farmers' club, S. M. Merithew, S. W. Dorr, J. G. English, the committee which examined the farm of B. G. English of Manchester, made the following report as giveu in the Enterprise: B. G. Euglish lives in a frame house, neat, substantial and conimodious; the gravelly elevation on which it stands is always clean, never is ;iny mud there. His farm coutains 160 acres, 30 of it yet in timber. Baru No. 1 is 45x32 feet with basement for liorses and sheep, in which is a well of pure water. No. 2 is 40x30 with basement for eattle aud sheep. Both barns are painied and each bears a cúpula, showing the taste and mechanical skill of the Clark boys. There is also a low shed, 75 feet long. His stock consists of four horses, Eeven head of eattle, 180 sheep, 13 hogs, seveu of them pure Berkshire. Last year he raised 300 busheles of wheat, 350 of oals, 1,000 of corn, and 60 tons of hay. Michigan Farmer: In 1850 the state fair was held at Ann Arbor. The number of Durhams entered for premiums was 34, but sorae were trans ferred to the grade class, on account of not having well authenticated pedigrees. Among the exhibitors we find A. S. Brooks, of Novi ; E. Belknap.Henrietta, Jackson Co. ; W. E. Anderson, Ann Arbor; B. W. Palmer, Nornel; P. S. Finley, Ann Arbor; W. 11. Hanford, Plymouth; C. Redner, Ypsilanti; Wm. Fuller, Ypsilanti; Lymau Fuller,Milford; Wirt Dexter, Dexter; J. Corbitt, Ypsilanti; J. Preeman, Manchester; John Brewer, Superior and J. W . VanClever, Ypsilanti. In 1851 we find D. M. Uh], of Ypsilanti, exhibiting a white Durham buil one year old. At the suc. cessive fairs we find him not on]y a constant but a successful exhibitor. Not running afler fancy , Mr. Uhl bas followed the pole star of usefulness, both for milk and beef, and his efforts have been continually appreciated to the present day. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The Pebruary number is promptly before us, with its usual abundance of entertaining and instructive reading and fine embellishments. It opens with a most intere3ting article by Richard B. Kimball, don and ils Lord Mayors," with twelve illuatratlouB. "Tbe Alliambra," by N. Robinson; "Spiders' "Webs," by Arthur G. Butler; "The Great Tone-Poets," by Noel líuthven; "Fasuion iu Deforrnity," by l'rof. Flower, and "Tlie Manufacturo of Soap in Ancient and Modera Times," by Prof. Charles A. Joy, are replete with interest and iuformation, and are profusely illustrated. The miscellaneous aiticles, paragraphs, etc., embrace a large variety of subjects, amusing and interesting. Boch number coatains 128 pages quarto, and over 100 illustrations; the colored title-page of the present one is entitled "Love's Young Dream," frorn a picture by A. jourdan. A single copy is only 25 cents, or $3 a year, sent postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie, Publisher, 53, 55 & 57 Park Place, New York. The gentleman referred to in the followhig paragraph held the responsible positiou of city attorney some years ago: Jus tice Bdbcock is tearing his hair over an muicale case. Kugene Eurich is seekiug to replevin flora Charles Babbitt üousehold goods and effects to the ualue of $104, sold to the defendant by thojwife of A. U. Emrich, the plaintifi's uroiuer. iugeae claims to have purchased the property from A. C, aud Babbitt froin A. C.'s wife, and tbe question to be determirsed is whether the husbind or wifehad tbe better authority to sell. A. C. Emrich will be reuiembered as the Erie st saloonist prrested recenlly for assaulling his wife, and agaiD as the complainant agaiust J. E. Marshall, the medical student anested for exhibtïpg obscene drawiugs. McReynolds, the ex-Miohigan lawyer, appears for Babbitt. A recent legal work entitled "Modern Jury Trials," quotes two of McReynold's addressesto juries with addresses by Bob iDgersoll and the counsel in the BeecherTilton saté, as models of eloquence in that line. McReynolds is a very plainly ciad man of öö or Ihereabouts. J. Q. A. Sessiousassisted him to revise the ordinances, aud in his aidress to the court oniplimented Mr. Sessions very highly.


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Ann Arbor Democrat