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Seth T. Otis died at his resideace on West Huron street, Monday morning of heart disease. He was born at Watertown, Jefferson county, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1881; his parents were Captain Seth and Chloe (Taylor) Otis; the foriner a native oí Colchester, Conn., where he was born June 24, 1777, and the latter a native of Springfield, Mass., and born Dec. 18, 1781. They were married July 21, 1803, and soon afterward removed to the place above namfd, where the subject of this sketch was born. He was reared in his natire place and kept in school till 14 years of age, then enterei as clerk in a retail hardware store, and afterward received nojliterary education. At the age of 19 he entered the Wholesale hardware store of Erastus Corning & Co., of Albany, N. Y., with whom lie remained tbree years, and on account of ill-heulth resigned liis position and niade a year's visit to Europe, and a year later (1837) went to Chicago and opened a hardware store j ou Dearborn, belween Water and Lake slreets, where he remained seven years and did a prosperous business. Was also appointed the State's agent tor receiving and delivering supplies to the coutractors on the Illinois & Michigan canal. He was a director in the Chicago bianch of the Illinois state bank, was a vestryman in St. Jauies' Episcopal chuich, and was elected by the citizims of Chicago Major of the 7(ith regiment, at the first orgauization of the militia iu that district. Iu 1841 was the originator and founder of the "Youug Men's Aasociation of Chica, go," it being the first permanent library society forined ui that city started with 200 subscriben, anrl at the great fire in 1871 contaiued 1,669 mcnibers and nearly 20,000 volumes. Afier the fire the sociely was merced iLto the present free Public Library of Chicago. Mr. ütis took more priJe in the torganization of this society, than in any other single act of his somewhat eveutful career. When a resident of Chicago he chased for 800 the lot on the southwest coruer of State and Mouroe street8 (200 ieet ou Siate and 100 on Monroe) an.l opposite the present Palmer house, erected his dweiling house ihereou, and lived in it three years. Iu 1843 he sold it at a profit of $300, and so good was hu sale eousidered by Willaim B. Ogden, that he said, "If I could sell my property like that, I would leave Chicago to-inorrow." This lot alone is worth to day nearly half amillion uf dollars. In January, 1844, failing bealth and the then pooi prospecta for business in Chicago induced him to close up his business in that city, and having received tüe appoinlment of United States Consul to Basle, Swilzerland, went there witU his family, and remained two years. We had cot at that eariy day a minisier to that Republic, and Mr. Utis'i powen wepe Kmi-diplomatic; and so well were his duties perfonned that he returned to the Uniled slates with letters of high commemlatiou froni William R. Kiug, our Minister to France, and John C. Calhoun, secretary of stak'. A few years later he entered the employ of 11. B. Clufiiii & Co., of the city of New York, as manager of their law coflections. and remained with them 13 years. During this time he traveled in 28 different slates of the Union, and fjained a large and valuable experience. In 1769 he retired frorn active business with a sufticient i'ompeiency, and located in Ann Albor upon a sighily dozen acres of land just bevond the city liruits. He was tnarried St-pt. 18, 1S38. to Francia Louise Kellogg, daughter of the Ilon. Charles Kellogg, of Kelloggsrille, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Tbia tnarriage has resulted in Ihe birth of three song - Charles Laj', a successful hardware mercliant of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; Basel K., (bom in Svvilzerland) and for the last two years bookkeeper and assistant teller in the First Natiouai Bank of Peoria, Illinois; aud William A., a gradúate of Michigan university, and now completing his studies in architecture iu the school of line arts, at Paris, France. Mr Otis, was uot a íaember of any religious society, was terined 'iiberal" in his religious views, and altended the Unitarian church. Was formerly demo cratic in politics, but for many years acted with the republican party. Kahoka, Mo ., Fob. 7, 1880. I purchased flve bottles of your Hop Bitters of Bishop & Co., last fall, for iny daughter and ani well pleased wilh the Bitters. They did her more good than al! the medicine she has takeu for six years. WM. T. McCLURE. It's on record that Mrs. Christiancy has red hair. ïhis fact ought to opérate at least a little iu the old man's favor. In no way is the power of the press more surely showu than in the universal knowledge that has iu less than a year, beeu dilïused throughout üfty millions of people of the wondeiful curative properlies of that standard remedy, KidueyWort. From the Atlantic to the Pacific have the people showu their inuüigeace and their knowledge of what is in Ihe papers, by aiready inakiug Kidney-Wort their household remedy for all diseases of the kidueys, liver aud bowels. - Congregatiouaüsl. "Senator Conkling and lady" were registered at a New York hotel last week. The dispalch didu't give the lady's name. Women that have been prououuced incurable by the best physicians iu the country, have been completely cured of feuiale by the use of Lydia E. Piukuani's Vegetable Compouud. Send to Airs. Lydia K Pinkhaui, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. "Marriage," said an uuforlunate husband, "is the churchyard of love." " Aud you men," replied his wife, "are the grave diggers." Bücklin's Akkica Salve. - The best salve iu the worlu for Cuts, Bruists, Sores, Ulcers, Salí Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, (Jhapped Hands, C'hilblaius, Corns, aud all kinds of skiu Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction iu every case or the mouey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Sou, Anu Arbor, Micli. "There ia uu rest tor the wigged" ia what tlie bald-headed man said when he chased bis falae.bair up.the streut iu uKovember gale. Millions Given Away. - Millions of botties of Dr. King's New üiscovery tor cousumption, couglis, aud colas, have been given away as trial botties of tbe large size. Tbis enormous outlay would be disastrous to tbe proprietors, were it uut for the rare meriis possessed by this woudert'ul medicine. Cali at Eberbach & Sou's drug store, and get a trial botlle, tree, aud try for yourseli. Il never fails to cute. I remember a kiss she gave me Wliile leaning against the wall 8he glued her hps to mine aud suid, "Yum, yum," and that was all. RED LIPS AND UOSY C1IEEKS. Wbeeliug, W. Va., May 30, 1881. I am an old physician, and have many of my youthful prejudices. Learn iug of tbe gieat good done by a certain remedy in restoringjto robust health aformer patiënt of miuu wbo sufferod severely f rum several cbronic ailments resultlug trom weak pulmouary, digestive and uiinaryj organs, and wnom I was unable to benefit witli my most careful treatment, I determined to prescribe it. I have done so, and the results have invariably been most satisfactory. Under ita use the blood becomes richer, the digestive, unnary and pulmouary organs are made stroug and perform their natural functions readily aud without all decay seems to be immediately checked and the protjress of the disease arrested : the pulse becomes fuller and stronger, the lips red and the cheeks rosy, the tetuperature iucreased aud more uuiform, tbe action of the heart regular, aud the muscular strength grcatly invigorated. Iu justice to the inventora, 1 will say this remedy is Brown's Irou Bitters: it is a preparation of Iron a:id vegetable tonics; contains no alcohol, aud is the only preparatiou of Iron in a perfectly assimilable form aud that does not blaclien the teeth. 1 have liever known it to fail to give permanent strength to every part or the body or to in Jure the most delicate constitutiou. I have ktiown it to assist in curiug many chronic diseases when all other remedies had fui led.